Then right after saying Yuma will begin to look for a while for him to escape from the cell with the girl without using the front door as there are lots of dragons out there and he can't just take her away from here in front of them.So he will keep looking for an entire way to escape and after looking around for sometime in other words a few minutes he will find the a steel bar window and then he look outside outside of it and will realize that there isn't any dragons outside so he wil decide to melt it and escape by using this window and then after sometime he will say to the girl
"We will escape by using this window I will destroy steel bars and will carry yo outside of here but don't make even a little bit of a sound"Yuma Said to the girl with a serious expression on his face.
Then seeing his serious expression the girl just nodded his head.
Then Yuma begin to head torwards the metal bared window then he immediately activated Divine Flame creation to create flames bad use flame manipulation to control it so the the mana consumption is lower and so that it's the divine Flame creation is used at it's maximum potential.Then he begin to concentrate all the flames on the steel bar but after a moment he realized that these metal bars are stronger than the hardest metals in his previous life and then a line of words appear on his retina.
(This metal bars are also enchanted with mana which makes them strong but they are the weakest enchantments in the entire world. which's ranking is only a normal rank enchantment.)
Then Yuma couldn't help but sigh it seemed that the dragon's race was really advance in both technology and magic and at the same time it made him realized that how weak the current him.Even thought he wouldn't have that much of trouble melting the bars other than taking a a little bit more time than usual but what if it was epic or higher level enchantment than would he be trapped.
Then he just dismissed all this kinds of thoughs and focus on the task at hand and then he started to concentrate the flames at a single point for the next few minutes.Theb after 1 or 2 minutes it wasn't showing any signs of melting so he just so he created more Flames and concentrated on the metal bars to speed up the melting process and after like another 2 minutes after increasing the strength it had started to melt.Then after sometime the bars melted completely.
After it melt completely look around outside and after confriming that there wasn't any dragons they are he said to the girl.
"Now is the time to escape and don't make any nosie"Yuma said to the girl
Then the girl just nodded and then Yuma picked the girl and then he will begin to race through the corridors at full speed.
He will continue racing the corridors for the next minutes and he won't see nay dragons for the next few minutes but after sometime he will see a dragon and the dragon would also have noticed him.Then he will use the heavenly monarch aura to reduce it's strength and then he will use the Divine Flame creation to envole his legs with flames and then he will use flame manipulation to control the Flames on his legs.
The dragon who has saw him is frozen in fear due to e heavenly monarch aura and he will take the advantage of it to attack him.He will kick him on his face with all his might and then the dragon's face will envelope in flames for a while and then the flames will disspear after sometime and when he will see his face it will be filled with burns but the dragon won't feel any pain because he has been surpressed by the heavenly monarch aura but he will fell to the ground anyway even though he can't feel any pain and meanwhile Yuan will keep running.
Then a line of words will appear on his retina but Yuma wouldn't have the time to do read so he will just ignored.Then Yuma will keep running and as he is getting further away from here the heavenly monarch aura pressure will decrease and then after sometime the dragon will be completely free from the pressure and then he will feel the pain from the burns and will immediately started to scream in pain.
"ahahahahahh!!!"The dragon roared in the pain loudly
Then Yuma couldn't help but fell a little bad for the dragons but he immediately dismissed this thought and then he thought to himself.
"It's probably night so everyone must be in Thier dorm so I will also go there.As long as I get away from this place then I should be able to return safely"Yuma thought to himself with a serious look on his face
Then after walking for sometime Yuma will be able to find am exit out of this jail and then he will begin to head to his dorms,he will meet up some dragons on his way and some will be notice him,he will do the some with the weaker ones but he will run away form those who are stronger and those he can't defeat the dragons.Then after dealing with the dragons Yuma will keep running to where his dorm is but after a moment later he will realize something and will think to himself
"Wait I can't enter my dorm by the door because everyone will have go inside Thier dorm within 8:00 pm and it's almost 10:00 pm.I will have to find another way to enter the place.Wait there is a window in the dorms maybe I can enter by melting it by my flame magic"Yuma thought to himself.
While he checked the condition of the young girl on his back and then he realized that the girl was not conscious and then he tried calling the girl and then he realized that she had fallen asleep on his back and then he thought to himself with a gentle smile on his face.
"She must be tired after all that torture.She probably couldn't sleep without any worries in that cell and she must be constantly feeling pain as no one treated her wounds on her body in the cell.She does deserve a good night sleep"Yuma thought to himself with a smile on his face.
Then Yuma adjusted her on her back and then he begin to head torwards where the window of the dorm was located.Then after walking for sometime he arrived at his dorms and then he begin to look for a window where it would lead him to his dorms and he kept looking for it for the next 10 minutes and after sometime he see a dragon patrolling and judging by it aura Yuma couldn't defeat him in a direct fight and then he immediately hide behind the a wall and then he surpressed his aura so that he isn't notice by anyone.
Then the dragon stopped walking for sometime and then he begin to survey his sorrounding and then he also realsed his aura into the sorrounding and great amount of bloodlust could be feel coming form his body mad then he begin to head torwards where Yuma and seeing this Yuma's heart was skipped a beat as he knows his limit very well.He is now currently low on mana because he has fight some battle after breaking out of the cell with the girl and even if he was in his peak in wouldn't be able to defeat specially not with the girl.
Just as he was thinking that he is doomed a voice resounded from the back of the dragon and it's voice was anxious and at the same time it cold.The voice reach the ears of both the dragon who is approaching Yuma and Yuma.
"Senior we have an emergency and the warden has told all the high ranking officer of the prsion to go to the meeting room.He is saying he has an emergency mission for all of those who are officers and above.As for the details he will tell us the details in front of all of them"A dragon said to the the one who is approaching Yuma.
Then the dragon stopped approaching Yuma and then he begin to head torwards the dragon will who just has arrived and then he said in a cold voice and authoritve voice.
"If it's the warden commend to gather all the officers and above members of the prsion in a single point then it must be really important.I will go"The dragon Said to the other in a cold voice and then the other dragon just nodded his head in approval
Then he retract his aura and when he did Yuma could catch a breath and then the dragon left the spot where Yuma is and seeing this Yuma sighed and then he thought to himself.
"Why is the warden gathering al of the high ranking officer of the prison together could it be realated to me and the prsion break that I did.However if it's they won't be able figure out my true identity as I was a royal dragon in disguise at that moment"Yuma thought to himself with a serious expression on his face.
Then he come out and then he begin to climb up to the window of the prsion by using pimp there