Chereads / Reincarnated As a Celestial Human / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Looking for an escape road

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Looking for an escape road

Then Yuma will continue to wonder around the entire place to look for a place where the security is the weakest and whenever he sees a dragon he immediately hides so that they don't see him because he won't have a answer that why is he wondering around as he doesn't have a badge that allows them to pick up a required material as for the humans they won't say anything because it won't benefit and even if he is conspiring against the dragons it's could for all of them so the others will kept doing Thier work.

Then the dragon standing just ahead will leave and then Yuma will start to head forward and then he will keep walking for the next few minutes and look for a place and thankfully he didn't ran into a dragon but then he will see a dragon in front of him and he will feel a really strong aura coming from him.

"What's that aura I am really sweating after a feeling that aura."Yuma thought to himself while he look for place to hide.

Then he found a empty barrel so he hide inside the barrel without any hesitation.Then the dragon whose aura is really strong kept heading towards here but he stopped at a single point and it's exactly besides the barrel and Yuma was watching the dragon from the a hole in the barrel and seeing him stop here be immediately started to sweat and then he heard the voice of a dragon.

"Umm I thought I just felt the aura of a Human as I saw a human when I felt this aura and it felt like it's coming from him .What I am thinking how come humans have aura because if they have aura that would they can use magic but humans don't even any potential for magic I think I should get going to where I was going"The dragon laughed sliently.

Then he started to head forwards and everytime he took a step a unique aura was realsed form his body.

When Yuma saw this he heaved a sigh of relief and then confirm that there aren't any dragons nearby so he got out of the barrel and then he said to himself.

"You dragons are really arrogant because of this arrogance you will all surely be extinct and I know you knew I could be in the barrel but you didn't check because of your own arrogance and don't blame when I will become the reason for the ruin of the dragons"Yuma muttered in complete determination.

Then he started to search for a place where the security is the lowest and after looking for the next few minutes he found a place where there he didn't find a single guard around him he first thought that some guards will come here so he waited while hiding for the next hour and then after that he said to himself.

"There isn't a single guard station here and I guess this place will be the perfect place for me to escape with the others but before that I will take a few pieces of Small debris of the wall to see if I can melt the wall with my Flame magic if I can't then I will just have to get stronger or create a stronger spell"Yuma thought to himself.

With that in mind he went torwards the place near the wall to pick up some debris and then he picked some up and then he heard a huge roar behind and it was probably the roar of a dragon.

"What the hell are yo doing here bastard and they are no material need for you to create any weapon so tell me what are you doing here or elso the consequences won't be good for you human.If you can't give a staisfactory answer then you will surely die by hands"The dragon roar.

When Yuma saw that a dragon had saw him then he immediately realized that he will be in trouble if he doesn't do anything so he decided to use heavenly monarch aura but before that the dragon saw something and then he screamed.

"You don't have the badge that allows you human to go and gather materials so it means you must be trying to escape right.However you won't be able to escape as long as I am standing here and won't be call anyone because I am more than enough for"The dragon said a loud so loud it shook the entire prsion and other guards also hear him so they started to make Thier way here.

Then Yuma hurriedly activated the heavenly monarch aura to do something about him and then the dragon who was shouting at the top of his lungs felt the fear of death and then he froze and more importantly the dragon didn't know where the source of this pressure was coming from.

"Where is this pressure coming from I wonder ,is that human there responsible for this pressure no it can't be because human doesn't have the ability to use magic they are just a useless race that are good for nothing.However the question is about that right now the question is where is this pressure coming from."The dragon thought to himself while he started to slowly look around

Seeing that he could still move Yuma increased the pressure to the maximum without any hesitation and at that moment the dragon started to sweat in fear and then he couldn't even look around he was completely froze in fear.

"What's this pressure why can't I move and it also feels like I am going to lose consciousness who is this powerful guy and why is he after me"The dragon thought to himself in complete disbelief and fear.

Then Yuma realized that the dragon isn't moving so he started to move to get out of here as soon as possible because he knows that other dragons will soon come here and before the dragon can snap out of the pressure.Then he charged torwards the exit as soon as possible because he knows if he stayed here he will surely killed by the dragons that are coming here.

As he charged torwards the exit the dragon standing couldn't help but get angry and then he shouted.

"You ant you won't survive in this prsion for long because even if you have survived now the others dragon will surely kill you and moreover I know your face so it won't long before you get caught by us"The dragon cursed while he tried to overcome the pressure.

Then after sometime Yuma had completed disspear from sight with the debris of the wall on his hands.Right after Yuma escaped from Thier he immediately rushed torwards the place where he was working and when he came back he realized everything was fine and now one had found that he had sneak out.

"At least everything is ok here"Yuma sighed with a worried expression on his face

Then Yuma sneak back in and he gave his teammates debris and told them to hide them and he also told them he has maybe found possible escape road.

Meanwhile at the place where the security is the weakest

The dragon that Yuma had surpress with heavenly monarch aura how had overcome the pressure and many dragons were standing alongside him.

"What have happened to you solider and why were you screaming about punishing the Human it not like if you kill him anyone will say a thing"A dragon asked the dragon who Yuma had surpress with his heavenly monarch aura said.

Then the dragon bowed and said.

"My senior I had only shouted because I was angry at him and I would have killed him but all of a Sudden I felt the aura of a strong existence and the pressure of his aura was so great that I was frozen in complete fear and when the human left the pressure disspear after sometime so I requested to uto find him because I think he was thinking about escaping from here as he wasn't wearing the badge that allows slaves to roam around for a limited amount of time to bring resources for the creation of weapons"The dragon said in a humble manner.

The dragon whome Yuma escaped form was speaking with the warden dragon of this place.The warden dragon are the strongest dragon in a prsion but of course they are countless dragons stronger than them in the entire dragon race.The Warden dragon namr was Long Yun

"I think there is a high possibility that the pressure you felt was the pressure of the human you want to kill because the pressure had completely disappear after the human left isn't that right.I think in the human races progidies have started to take birth as the heavens have to start to pity them"The warden said with a bizzare sigh

When the dragon guards heard this they immediately throw this thought away and then a dragon said.

"Senior I think you are worrying for nothing at all I think we all can agree that humans are pathetic creatures who will never rise as they are phyisque is incredible weak and they don't even have potential to even use magic"The dragon who saw Yuma said with a smile.

Then the warden shook his head and said.

"Don't understand human you never what they might be hiding I hereby declare to bring that human to me at any cost whether dead or alive it doesn't matter but it would be nice if you can bring him alive because I have some questions to ask"The warden said