Chereads / call me yours / Chapter 3 - The Crush

Chapter 3 - The Crush

Still all this mystery of Alfred kept me thinking "Elsa you have to concentrate if you want to get good grades" Mrs Andrew's voice boomed across the hall. I brought my mind back to class. After class Becky was waiting for me at the hall " Hey so how was your day?" I asked inquiring about her day. "Usual and quite boring I couldn't stand madam glory's lectures I spent the whole lesson dozing off" Okey madam we have to hurry before we miss lunch " I said with a bit of laughter in my voice. When suddenly Alfred passed by all dressed nicely. Was it really his birthday or was it something he did to impress the many girls at the hall I couldn't deny that for a moment a feeling was aroused in my heart

" He sat next to the annoying Emmy and Hillary" I found my self staring gracefully at him ignoring the fact that he was sitting with my greatest enemies I tried to look away everytime he looked at me to avoid any eye contact. Emmy noticed how the two of us stole glances from each other and wasn't really pleased. She walked towards  me and unexpectedly poured a cup of hot coffee on me. I immediately got up ready to put her in her place when a soft yet strong hand held mine. "Don't mind her she's a trouble maker,"said Alfred softly

I could feel his genuine smile and his hot breath almost next to my neck. Emmy walked away with a frown tagging Hillary along as was her nature. I could hardly keep my eyes off Alfred's his smile and his appearance was all any girl would want was I falling in love or was it just a random feeling for a friend. I quickly got out of his embrace this is when I noticed all eyes were on me. Whispers were heard and that reassured me that I would be the topic. Avoiding the rumors I walked out with my head low. This is when it dawned on me that I had dreams and couldn't be destracted at this point. My father had huge expectations for me maybe I really didn't want this pursuing law wasn't my thing I was into arts and my love for it grew each day.

Suddenly my phone rang so lost in thoughts the sound really startled me. " It's Abraham," I said delightfully. "Hey so how are you doing ," he said with energy. "I'm great   hope you stopped reading too much you should get involved with real people.

I suddenly thought of Becky today was her job interview and I promised to go for dinner with her." ooooh no Becky will be so mad if I don't show up

It was already seven jumping into the shower I freshened up and got into my best attire. Taxis at this part of town were really rare but today was quite my lucky day. A red taxi dropped just in front of me I got in not having even the time to notice the driver's looks. Finally I was dropped at the Japanese restaurant. Food there was beyond thoughts you could feel the flavors mixing in your mouth. Becky was seated there waiting anxiously I took my sit just where she had reserved. " Hey Elsa I kinda have an emergency Mr Howard needs me at the lab asap just enjoy the food," she said standing up to take her stuff.

Now I had to sit alone and enjoy the food all by myself when I had a voice behind me. "Shall I join you never had I been so delighted to hear those words. It was actually Alfred who drastically changed from my worst enemy to someone I grew to love above anything else.

Sure I said delightfully after ordering for our meals we started what we all called chit chat as time went by my heart felt at peace as if it had found an island and it was on holiday which was quite a nice feeling.

I wanted the moment to last when suddenly he caught my palm. Removing it in a hurry I had to stop the connection though I knew it was the dammest thing ever. I took my bag and left some few dollars on the table walking out of the the restaurant without even a goodbye Alfred followed by. So disappointed in myself I walked through the dark paths all miserable

I didn't understand why something I had no control of would crack me this way. How I yearned to look him in the eye and tell him what was ringing in mind but something always stopped me maybe fate didn't want this but once in my life I wanted to try.

Getting into the apartment I got into my pajamas and drifted to slumber. I didn't want to get late for music class. When it finally dawned I got into my usual attire walking to class still last night's thoughts ringing in my head.

Mr Andreas our music class teacher was kind of the enthusiastic type. Attending her class made me forget about all my problems and move on this was one thing I enjoyed a about music we just shared something common something that could not be described. After some enjoyable experience in music class we all proceeded for some snacks at the cafeteria. Was that Alfred? he has gotten such a sizzling look today and it couldn't be denied that he was the new hot cake of the campus every girl just couldn't get their eyes off of him. I walked into the hall acting as if I didn't notice he's new look walking silently I sat alone at one of the sits when Becky joined me.

The gloomy me just went away immediately after a lot of talking I decided to tell Becky about my feelings towards Alfred. " What are waiting for face him and tell him what you feel stop being such a coward. Me a coward? I protested but maybe I was and this would be resolved in one way facing my fears.