Chereads / Zombie Survival System / Chapter 50 - (2) Old Friend

Chapter 50 - (2) Old Friend

The two men continued their conversation along much more ordinary lines for a few more hours. Eventually, Jack excused himself for a few minutes, then returned with a manilla envelope. "You should take a look at this. It's from my company."

Inside the envelope was a document stamped "Terra Corporation," along with another stamp across the entire front reading "CONFIDENTIAL." After the Great Wave, Terra had risen to become the most powerful biotech corporation involved with Virus Z research. Along with their other biotech pursuits, this made them a company as rich and powerful as Microsoft and Google. 

Alexandre read the document carefully for five long minutes, then glanced at Jack and raised one eyebrow. "This all looks like the gibberish of a mad scientist to me."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Long story short, there's been a breakthrough in protein 31 in human DNA. This is what's responsible for immunity to Virus Z, the reason people like you can be turned into Hunters instead of Zombies."

Alexandre replied in a sarcastic tone, "I can see the headlines now, the benevolent Terra Corporation is going to create a vaccine that can save the world—even better, they can turn the infected back into humans and we can rebuild a world of love and peace. Does that sound right?"

Jack laughed. That's why he liked Alexandre, his frankness was always amusing. Jack replied, "I'm sure they'll spin the announcement to sound like they're saving the world, sure. I'm not stupid. I know things can never go back to the way they were. But come on, this means there's at least some hope for the future. If we can make everyone immune to Virus Z, there's actual hope of repopulating the Black Zones. People might really be able to return to their homelands one day."

Alexandre replied, "You really are naive if you think the virus itself is the biggest risk in the Black Zones. It's been… what, at least five years since the last disease outbreak, right? This really doesn't mean anything while Zombies still exist."

Jack shrugged. "Look, the fact that we've reached this point means that we're likely going to see a lot of interest in continuing the Genesis Project, no matter what the public thinks about it right now. The truth is that when everyone is able to become a Hunter, rather than only the 1% who win the genetic lottery, a lot of the reason for controversy goes away. But, for now, that's all just pure theory. The Genesis Project ended nine years ago but the scientific world is still barely scraping the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding Dr. Goldberg's research."

Alexandre replied, "I think the public underestimates the power of money… and maybe you do too. A large percentage of America's GDP comes from things which sprang from Virus Z. We use its research products in medicine, construction, arms manufacture… everything. The American economy survived the Great Wave because of Virus Z, and in no small part due to the raw genetic material brought back from the Dark Zones. If this research leads to a real vaccine, all the money in the world will end up revolving around it."

Jack said, "Maybe, but it's not like everyone who's immune to Virus Z has what it takes to become a Hunter. Everything you just experienced is proof of that. It's enough of a miracle that we've been able to engineer the Super Genomic Change variant."

Alexandre nodded. The SGC was what Hunter candidates were injected with, the modified Virus Z which temporarily reproduced some of the effects of the real virus while suppressing as many undesired effects as possible—permanent physical transformation, for one, as well as uncontrollable madness and drive to cannibalism. Alexandre, slightly tipsy, grinned at this final thought. "It's a pity they didn't keep the cannibalism, that'd sure be useful."

Jack laughed. "A few cannibals might be what New York needs to clean the city up." As always, NYC crime and safety was the easy butt of any joke.


The conversation meandered back and forth between serious and trivial topics until the sun rose. Alexandre looked at his watch. "Look, the next flight's available in two hours. I really need to get going. But I'll be back to visit as soon as I can, I promise."

Jack waved his hand. "Come on, you told me you have a week to get back to Hunter Island! Just stay a bit longer, get some rest, and go back tomorrow! Even if you say you'll be back soon, neither of us can be sure what the future will bring. Let's make the most of the time we have now."

Alexandre replied, "No. That's what everyone else will be doing, but I've got something delicate I need to handle on Hunter Island. I'd prefer there to be as few eyes on me as possible."

Jack gave a long sigh. "Fine. I'll call you a cab."


Jack and Alexandre silently descended the stairs to the ground floor, where the taxi was waiting. Alexandre shook Jack's hand and said, "Good luck overseas. I hope to see you safe and sound."

Jack laughed and replied, "Give me a tearful kiss goodbye, why don't you? I promise I'll be careful, and you'd better do the same." His expression became serious. "I think you're going to be facing more dangerous people than I will."

Jack loaded Alexandre's luggage, then watched as his friend climbed into the taxi and sped away.

Alexandre looked sadly back as he departed, knowing that, whatever the future brought them, there was nothing more they could do about it now. He could only hope that he and his friend would one day see each other again.