Chereads / The Forbidden Angel Lucifer Reincarnated / Chapter 3 - Spell bound with you

Chapter 3 - Spell bound with you

Lucifer; Mommy, please come over here.

Mom came rushing in like a speeding horse.

Mom; What is it.. what is wrong?

Lucifer;Mom look. There is blood dripping from my back.

Mom scrutinized his entire body but didn't find any blood on his body.

Mom; There's nothing on you son,

Lucifer points right at the mark at his spine.

Lucifer:Mom, what is that on my back?

Mom;oh, you mean the birthmark,It was there when I gave birth to you.

The blood was still dripping from his back but his mom couldn't see it for some reason.

Elician's eyes brightened hearing this from his mom,He could not believe his ears.

That nightmare he had just a moment ago seems to be true and all the things felt so real.

" Maybe it's just a nightmare" He thought.

Mom found Lucifer staring at his wrist from time to time as he sat on the floor.

" Is everything okay with you"

Lucifer wanted to tell her about the blood and the pain he was feeling but he didn't want His mom to freak out so he  simply stopped in his tracks.He didn't want her mother to believe the rumors the people  always say about him.

"Freak" They call him. Everytime he tries to play with the other kids.They would all scatter away the instant they see him coming towards them. They had always despise him for unknown reasons.He had always wanted to have friends but Everytime he tried, it ended up in smoke, until he decided to be all by himself alone without any human child.The last time he tried to fetch water a certain old lady coming from the roads. He remember how the lady had looked at him with disdain for just trying to help.

(Please don't make this confuse you. Elician is the same as Lucifer.)

Elician: Mom. 

Mom; Yes darling?

Elician ; I had a terrifying dream.

Mom: Oh really, what happened in the dream?

Elician sights as tears start raining down his cheeks for the first time in his life.

" I saw a large number of people with wings and they were shining like the sun in a place I have never seen before.The place was somehow weird looking and smelled very good.Then suddenly in the midst of the multitudes of the creatures there was a very strong looking man with a sword that was blazing like a cursed sword from the legends. Then he attacked the beautiful city together with his army and there was a great massacre at the place and I saw him stab the king with his blade and then I saw his body turn into Golden dust..."

Mom placed her warm hands on his shoulders"; It's just a dream my child, do not worry…. It wasn't there's nothing like angels my son,it's all a myth. Don't let that trouble you."

Sob .sob

Elician; okay mother' , I promise I will always be strong.

" That is why I love you too much."

Few minutes later, Elician was sent to buy vegetables from the market that was on top of the Montana mountain. She  only gave him three coins Lucifer happily grabbed it without saying a thing while he made it on his journey.

He wiped off the sweat that was raining down his throat as he walked between the crowd of buyers.

" Wow, that smells delicious"

Elician couldn't stop drooling about the fried chicken that the man was selling 5 meters away from him.

He had walked for hours yet he couldn't see anyone in the market selling corn or even flour.But after he finished resting his little legs pumped fast as he sauntered across the tall buildings searching for his items.He breathed gently the moment his gaze fell on the  bald shiny headed man four  mater away from him.

Sellers: Come for grains.come for grains,I have corn, wheat,millet and flour come on get more with just two coins.

Elician smiled hearing this and happily approached his chambers.

Elician;Can I get corn, wheat and flour???

He asked, absolutely forgetting about the fact that he was there to buy only corn.

Sellers: Oh come here my boy, did you say you want corn and wheat?'

Elician; Yes sir I want to buy flour as well.

It had been quite a long day ever since someone came to buy grains from him.

"How much do you have, kid?"

Elician:I have three coins.Hope I will get plenty.

He handed to him all the coins he had.

Seller; Excuse me!What is this?

Only three coins, what idiot  sent you here?


Elician ;my mom did.

Seller; Get out of here you ain't getting anything from my shop.

Elician; But you just collected my money,you have to give it back.

The man glared at him with disdain.

" You want your money back? I don't think so.

I have been here for a long time and I haven't gotten anything yet.Somebody needs to pay for my taxes 

I will use your three pennies to pay my tax.Now..If you would excuse me I have work to do.

Elician stood there motionless after hearing this.How could this man just collect his money and not give him his items.He grabbed the sack full of corn that was once part of the items on the table.

The moment his hand touched the tip of the handle he began sprinting towards the crowd.

But the man was far too fast for him.

Seller; Not so fast kid.You are not taking anything from my shop today.

Elician ;but you said I could buy more with less money.Why don't you want to keep your promise.

Man; Silly chicken, that was just an advertisement.

Elician looks straight up in the sky to meet the man's gaze, "Please don't do this 😥,my mom is waiting for the items if I don't retrieve the items we will not eat the entire week.please hear me out"

The man was already fed up with him.He pushed Elician away from his shop as he crushed against the dusty floor with a thud.

🔥🔥🔥Then suddenly Elician eyes started glowing with anger.

His stomach boiled from within.His heart raced faster like steps of a hyena spreading towards its prey  then he felt🌟 divine dark energy 🌟all around him as he was recovering from the ground.

He murmurs something strange whilst he walks towards the man like a freak.

Man ;Hey kiddo, why is your face doing that....I see in your eyes….

Suddenly a tremendous fear aura engulfed in the sky making everyone else's attention drawn to the store the boy was standing at.

But they didn't have eyes to see what was actually going on.

The man could no longer utter a word; his legs felt like noodles; he was trembling like a baby he couldn't stop staring at the glowing eyes Elician was emanating.

Elician glared at him with 😈divine authority😈 and might as he said:


✨✨✨✨";I want grains and you sir are giving me more than I can buy… and let this happen in way nobody would know I am not paying you if you refuse,then pray I will not rip out the sack around your balls."✨✨✨

The man cries out loud" There's nothing for you to see here, everyone. Mind your business."

The cloud all turned away to do their biddings.

The man, while shaking,gave  Lucifer a sack full of corn and wheat without taking a penny.

"Please I beg you don't hurt me" he added seeing such a fierce beast the innocent boy had changed to.

Elician was surprised the moment his eyes stopped glowing.He had blacked out again and this time he is carrying a bag full of grains he had not paid for.If it weren't for his extraordinary strength he would have dropped it half was long by now.

Luckily he was able to return to the house with the sack full of corn.

Elician;Mom.look I got plenty of food stuff I think it will support us the entire year."

His mom's eyes widened in shock after seeing him carry such a huge sack all by himself.

" What the hell …."She screamed out of surprise.

Mom; Where did you get those from.?

Elician dropped the 45 kilogram bag of grain without difficulty.

Elician;"From the market"

Mom leans in to check on the boy's vitals.Her eyes widen in shock the moment she feels his hot temperature.

Mom; Don't you know you will die,look at how hot you are right. 

Staring at the huge sack she finally asked the question that was bogging her mind.

"How did you get this.?🤬 Tell me what did you do."

Elician noticed the worry in her eyes.He had always hated that face. It always makes him feel vulnerable.

Elician had always wanted to lie but seeing his mom, staring deep in his eyes all the thought of doing that left him.

For more than two minutes he stood there without saying anything.

One thing about being a devil, he couldn't

lie to the one he loved.

Mom; Answer me Elician.

Elician:" Okay mom, I will tell you everything.When you told me to buy the corn,you only gave me 3 pennies and when I got there,the man took the pennies and without the I did what I had to do..

Mom's eyes lifted up, Perhaps what they say about her son may be true.

But Elician got smarter, until he finds out who he is, he is not going to tell anything about it to anyone that includes the mother.

Mom:So what did you do son?

Elician; I  started screaming and everyone came around then I told everyone about what he did. I even added some of the other things to make my story pleasant and they all believed me.The crowd took one of his sacks then gave it to me.

He breathed heavily,his mother is the hard to deal with kinda person.She instantly believed his narrative even though it was a half truth it was better than lying according to the boy.

Mom: (sighs) Son, what you did was not good, don't do that again.

Elician jumped in astonishment.

" What? You want people to cheat in me "

Mom;I didn't say that,I just don't want you doing bad things.

Elician noticed she was about to ramble her  preaching on him.He simply cut her off preventing further damages.

" Okay mom.ok . I swear on the death of my nemeses I won't do that again"

Mom; That's my boy.

Elician; But mom,why were you so eager to know I got the stuff.Do you trust me?

Mom;I trust you son.

Elician;Are you sure? Because I feel like you believe some of the rumors they say about me.

Mom; Come on son, You are not a freak.

Maybe someone might rumor that you hypnotized the guy at the market but the truth is that you don't even have powers to do such a thing.So sometimes people always get it wrong no matter what you do they might still leave the details out.

Elician:So you don't believe I am a freak?

Mom;No! You are just a normal person.

While Elician was sitting there he started thinking " Wow, did mom just say something's about hypnotize!! I thought it wasn't real. Maybe 🤔 I should try that sometimes….."

To be continued