After the teacher left, everyone started talking to their friends, some girls started fixing their makeup, some were dancing around the class laughing. All I did was watch the. After awhile, the ball rang and I saw him come into the class. The boy whose name I learnt was Nathan argent . All the girls looked at him expectantly as he passed hoping he would sit next to them. He looked around the class room and our eyes met, I immediately looked away. I watched him from the corner of my eyes and it looked like he was walking towards me.
"You are in my seat"
I looked up and I realized he was talking to me. I was flustered but tried to play it cool.
"There are not fixed placed in class" I said.
"The window seat is mine and that is the rule" he responded
I picked up my bag and was ready to find a new seat. Just as I was about leaving, he pulled out the chair next to him and told me to sit.
sorry about the this chapter being very short. Will try to make the next one longer .