In a small cottage nestled in the woods of Mollywood, lives seventeen-year-old Stephen, a brilliant teenager with the extraordinary ability to manipulate the element of air. With striking purple eyes, long black hair, and a height of 69.1 inches, Stephen possesses a power that is considered the weakest among Awakenings.
As the world grapples with devastation, nature seeks retribution against mankind, animals, and the enigmatic Kisquits - alien beings with unique physical attributes and behaviors. These mammalian creatures, with two arms, four legs, and distinctive features such as multiple eyes and long ears, present a new challenge for Stephen in a world filled with uncertainty and danger.
As Stephen navigates this tumultuous world, he must confront his own abilities and navigate the complex dynamics of a society where superhumans and various beings coexist. Will Stephen find his place amidst the chaos and diverse beings that now populate the world? Only time will tell in this new world of uncertainty and superhuman capabilities.