Chereads / The Prismatic Eye / Chapter 5 - The Eye

Chapter 5 - The Eye

"That will be enough!"

As I heard Laloo snap, I also felt his hand grab my arm and he began to pull me out of the building. But he stopped for some reason and began looking at my face.

"Hmmmm, I will say barber, you did a fine job… oh, and here's the payment."

He left what seemed to be five of the copper things I saw earlier, as well as half a silver-looking one. I wonder if they are used to acquire something, or for a service perhaps… I can't even think right now, I have too many questions.

"Laloo why did we leave so suddenly?"

After we left the... I think he called him a barber, Laloo was dragging me down the street as far away as possible, judging from his yellow aura, which gave me a feeling of hope, however, something about the bright colour had me feeling a little nervous.

Taking a sharp turn into a passageway between two buildings Laloo crouches down, and pulls back the hair covering my right eye. Coming from Laloo now was a crushing seriousness, especially in what he was about to say.

"Auric… Listen to me, very, very, closely."

He then placed both his hands on my shoulder, and holy shit was his grip tremendous, it felt like my shoulders would break.

"You must never ever, and I mean ever, in your life, show that right eye to anyone… you hear me!"

Hearing such an aggressive and panicked tone coming from Laloo, I felt myself getting engulfed in an overwhelming abyss of terror, the feeling I felt back in Movia upon hearing the danger I would be in has come back, except… I can't bear it.

"Wh… why… tell me why?"

My whole body would not stop shaking, seeing Laloo this scared accompanied by the thick aura coming from him. I… could just barely manage to get those words out.

"I'm so FUC…"

From what I can tell it seems that Laloo is under a lot of stress, he can't seem to think about what to say or what to do next.

"Stupid… I didn't want to believe it, but since you mentioned seeing my aura back in Movia, I knew… SHIT!"

After saying that, Laloo started punching himself very violently in his head.

"STOP! STOP!… What are you doing!?"

I tried my best to stop him through the shaking of my nerves, in the process I got closer to his face… and… he was crying, not just tears but, it seemed he was really affected by what was happening, maybe it has something to do with his son. Now that I remember he mentioned his son was taken away, due to some sort of magic in his eye not being checked… is the thing in my right eye perhaps the thing responsible for the loss of his son.

"Laloo, does my eye have anything to do with your son being taken away?"

I waited for a response but it didn't seem to have gotten through as now he had his back against the wall, and his hands covering his eyes, he also seemed to be mumbling something.

"I'm sor… so sorry… Zoy-, Nim-. I thought I could protect someone this time."

Through the weeping and sobbing It sounded like names, they are most likely the names of his family, I won't question him on that though, and something about not being able to protect someone… he's probably referring to me. That's not true at all.


Grabbing his shirt collar as I yelled seemed to have grabbed his attention, as now he was looking at me, it seems if I don't yell he won't hear.


Shit, now I've started to cry… but looking at Laloo now, he seems to have come back to reality.

"You're right, sorry… I lost myself there. Please, can I ask you to listen to me once again, I'll tell you about your eye and why it's a danger to you."

"Of course, I'll listen, but I'm getting the feeling that you should make it quick"

"Ha ha, you're right, I can sense some strong people coming… you know if it weren't for your screaming we wouldn't be in a rush."

Why is he looking at me like it's my fault, and laughing as well, I had to do that because he wasn't listening… I will admit though, I probably could have lowered my tone a tiny bit.

"Just start talking."

If he can't summarize this in less than two minutes we'll be in trouble.

"Hmmmm, where to start… I know! well, What you possess is known as the 'Prismatic Eye'."

Prismatic Eye?

"However, all intelligent creatures have been convinced that… that it has the power to shake the entire world. in other words, it's incredibly dangerous."

Dangerous… how, what kind of power do I have that it could be considered a danger to the whole world.

"But, that's far from the truth. Since my son was kidnapped, I spent all my waking hours hunting down the bastards who were responsible, leading me to find the true reason it's classed as world ending."

So it's not dangerous, was that just made up for someone's benefit or something?

"What I discovered about the ability was its power. If no one alive possesses the ability, a random individual is born with it. That's the reason why every newborn is tested to see if they have the eye."

Ahh, that explains what he was talking about right after we left Movia.

"There exists a special type of magic with this ability, that is why it's possible to know if someone has it or not. And as I told you before, there is a three-minute time span after birth when the ability begins to manifest. After that, it doesn't properly awaken until the individual becomes fifteen years of age."

That explains why I only just now started to see the aura of living things, the last seven years I never once had this power, but why would it only awaken at the age of fifteen?

"You said awaken? Does that mean there are multiple stages to this Prismatic Eye power?"

I still can't understand why this would be considered highly dangerous if all it does is show a faint aura and a vague feeling of their emotional state.

"Hmmmmm, I wouldn't know…"

Even though he said he didn't know, I can tell from the look on his face that there might be a possibility.

"OI, have any of you sense users picked up anything!"

Who the hell was that, it sounded quite close though, and did they say sense users, does he mean people like Laloo. Oh, this could be bad, should we move somewhere safer.

"We're running out of time, I'm afraid I'll have to cut out the part on how I got this information to speed us up."

"How about we just leave this town, discuss it someplace else. I'm well aware now that I should keep my eye hidden.

it's best for us to leave, seeing the person who cut my hair might have seen my eye, and if he did, according to the reputation the power has he most likely already notified the guards about it. They're most likely searching for me right now.

"With the situation, Betwin is in right now I highly doubt we'll make it out of the town, the guards will be checking everyone as they can just look into everyone's eye to see whether or not they have it."

"And that's because of the rainbow colour isn't it."

Back during the haircut, when I saw my right eye in the reflection, it was the colour of a rainbow that was giving off a slight glow, not a noticeable glow but it looked more vibrant than a regular eye.

"That is correct… and sadly, there is nothing you can do to change that, in normal situations, the hair covering your right eye is fine, however, in situations like this they will do anything to obtain the power you have."

"You keep referring to them as 'They' who is 'They'?"

I feel like it would be important if I knew who the main force was behind the mission to obtain me… well my power, not me.

"Everyone, you should not reveal this to anyone. However, the group behind the lies and the driving force behind its research are known as Spectica. On the surface, they sell various magical tools that help people with physical problems, such as blindness, paralysis, and other forms of ways to improve someone's physical health. However under that surface is a secret power-hungry group that is operated under the owner's nose by her most trusted member, his goes by—

As Laloo was about to finish what he was saying he suddenly pushed me over and tossed what seem to be a cloak over me… where the hell did he even pull that from. Knowing he wouldn't do that without a reason I made the decision to not move or make any sound until Laloo himself took this off me.

"Do not move."

"Hahah! I thought that magic was familiar."

Who is that? I've never heard that voice before


"Ah ah ah, that's master to you"

Master? What does he mean by that, is that Laloo's teacher, or is he in trouble with someone?

"*sigh* you do know I'm not your student anymore, so I have no obligation to call you that… Thiza Fenrock."

Oh so it was someone that taught Laloo, and his name is Thiza Fenrock, that's kind of cool actually, but looks like he isn't to be trusted seeing Laloo decided it would have been better to hide me.

"Fineeee, but what's got you so anxious Laloo, you look panicked?"

How can he tell that he's panicked, I mean I can tell by using my eyes' ability but other than that he always looks calm and collected… wait, if he was Laloo's teacher then that means he knows Sense Type Magic, and not only that but, he's most likely better at using it than Laloo. But if that's the case, wouldn't he know I'm hiding under this.

"As observant as always aren't you, no person's eyes can fool you."


"No one out skills me when it comes to my eyes, however, I still believe you would have been able to surpass me if you didn't focus more on your hearing."

Eyes? Hearing? Ohhhhh! Laloo did tell me that he focused more into his hearing senses, does that mean that this Thiza guy is more tuned to his sense of sight, I wonder how that works, and what kind of power would it be.

"So what brings you down to a town like this?"

"Well I was going to check out Movia however, as soon as I arrived the whole town has been on high alert… do you know why?"

Is Laloo going to tell him?

"Hmmmm, I wouldn't know, I just assumed it would have something to do with the sudden appearance of the dungeon, seeing this town is the closest one to it."

He lied, hopefully, that doesn't cause trouble for him later on.

"If only those treacherous mountains weren't in the way, because then Clith Village would be the closest Settlement…*Sigh* instead we have to travel over two-hundred kilometers through the many valleys just to get there, thank god for Speed Enhancing am I right."

Did he just say two hundred kilometers! Laloo ran that distance in just over three hours… with me on his back as well, is that normal, it couldn't be. He just has to be an exception right… right!

"Heh, however, I wouldn't recommend running that in three hours with only one break in between."

"YOU RAN THAT! Are you insane, that could kill you!"

Ok, I guess my assumption was correct… thankfully. But if Laloo's teacher seems shocked he did that, he even said it could have even killed him, why didn't he tell me. That goddamn idiot.

"I didn't train my body for nothing you know."

"Wouldn't be surprised. Seeing you're gigantic, I suppose the consequences won't be as great for you."

So does your body also play a role in how well you can harness magic, maybe that was the reason why I suffered that extreme pain back when I tried to enhance my speed.


Another voice, who is it this time… I heard rushed footsteps heading towards us.

"Have you seen anyone with pure white hair?"

My heart dropped.

"Sorry I haven't, I just arrived here, may I ask why you're after someone?"

I've started sweating so much that I hope no one with a heightened sense of smell comes along next. Hopefully, these two can hurry up and leave… but I still wonder what the hair cutter actually said about me.

"According to a witness he said the most recent customer he gave a haircut to had that power in his eye."

"The Prismatic Eye?"

"Yes, if we manage to capture them, everyone can finally sleep without fear, it's been forty-five years since the last time it was seen, it won't be long until the royal knights of the kingdom make their way down here."

Sleep without fear, forty-five years, royal knights… what the hell is going on, how terrifying is this eye that so many people are scared of it. And royal knights, I remember reading that somewhere, I think they were soldiers who serve directly under the King of a Kingdom, and if we're in a kingdom were are we.

"Everyone in town is on the hunt since the bounty on the eye has risen tremendously over those last forty-five years, everyone wants those Ten Platinum coins for themselves, you can become royalty with that you know!"

"Hohoh, you hear that Laloo, I say we find this individual and claim that money for ourselves, five coins each, whadya say?"

Laloo would never turn me in for money would he, it seems like everyone else is eager to sell a person for money, but Laloo would have done it a lot sooner if it's that well known

"I'll pass, I don't need any more money, I also don't like the idea of hunting a living person."

At that moment it felt like a strong weight had just been lifted off my shoulders, knowing that even though so many others are after me I still have one person I can trust with my life.

"Nothing I can do about that then, that's just who you are… well I guess I'll get going then, and don't do anything stupid, I don't want a student dying on me."

With that conversation done, I heard two pairs of footsteps heading further away from where I was laying until Laloo came over and pulled the cloak off me.

"Sorry Auric, it looks like we were spotted, and soon I'll be a target as well."

"Why will you be a target?"

"Quite a few people have seen you and me together, once they ask more witnesses they'll most likely mention you were accompanied by me."

There was a period of silence after that statement, for some reason, this started feeling like a goodbye, Laloo's face looked quite sad, but he was determined, I could feel that much.

"Here put this on."

Laloo swung the cloak I was just hiding under around me and pulled the hood over my head.

"You're giving this to me?"

"Seeing they know what you look like this will help hide your identity, it's a gift from me to you, take good care of it."

There seemed to be quite a few silent pauses during each sentence like we both knew what was coming, however, none of us wanted to mention it, so I'll bring it up, we have to.

"What now Laloo?"

He looked me in the eyes, he knows what has to be done.

"First take these."

He hands me a smaller pouch similar to the one he pulled coins out of, and I decided to open it. Inside it looked to contain a lot of copper coins, some silver ones, and a few gold ones as well.

"This is too much… isn't this a lot?"

"That's considered loose change Auric don't worry."

Since I don't know much about the currency all I can do is take his word for it.

"Thank you."

I'm not ready for what's about to come next, the next step in what to do.

"If we end up getting separated, I need you to head to the southwest part of town."

Saying that Laloo points in the direction that we were heading initially, which happened to be in the direct opposite direction from where we entered.

"There you will find carriages, they're a type of vehicle used in transport, it's the safest and quickest option for traveling. However, it would be best if you waited until the news about your eye calmed down."

So traveling on foot isn't the only option people have.

"Then head for the Town of Voltin, once there look for a building that goes by the name Volden Markings and show the owner this, he's a good friend of mine."

Laloo pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me.

"This is Blank."

"Just hand that to the owner, he'll understand. Okay"

I guess I got no reason to object

"Alright, I understand."

It looks like we both had nothing else to say, however, we both stayed standing there in silence, Laloo seemed to be on high alert making sure no one surprises us, so to not bother him I stay as still and silent as a statue.

We didn't move from where we were for what seemed to be hours as it looked like the sun will be setting soon. But I didn't want to ask Laloo as I didn't want to interrupt him.

"Hmmmm, *sigh of relief* sorry about that, making you wait."

Why is he apologizing, I should be the one to do that seeing that I brought him into this mess, he's even being hunted now for my sake.

"However, the town has seemed to quiet down, perhaps they thought it was just someone who was mistaken, believing they saw you."

Yeah that could have been the case, but it has been way too quiet, why would they give up after having the Prismatic Eye show up after forty-five years, that just seems weird.

"Doesn't something feel off about this whole thing Laloo?"

He has to know something, plus he knows more about this world and its people and how they act.

"Of course, but we can't stay here forever, we need to leave this town as soon as possible. We have to go now whether you like it or not."

With that Laloo began to head out of the alleyway that we had spent the whole day in, getting closer to the exit I pull the cloak's hood over myself. I then notice Laloo had a second cloak that he puts on himself to hide his own identity.

Making our way out we continue in the direction of where Laloo said the carriages were.

After around forty-five minutes of walking, I never would have thought the town would be this big, it seems like it's never-ending, at this point the sky is a golden yellow with the sun just barely peeking over the horizon, I wonder if this transport would run at this time.

Throughout the walk, I stayed slightly behind as that's what he told me soon after we left, no idea why but perhaps it was a safer way for us to travel that way.

After Laloo had stepped around the next corner, I heard a familiar voice.

"Well well well, I was wondering when you would show up!"

It was that Thiza guy that Laloo was talking to earlier, what could he possibly want—

I noticed Laloo was signaling for me to not walk around that corner from the way he was shooing me away with his hands. I decided it would be safer if I weren't to be seen with him, so I walked about 4 buildings back the way we came to take a long way around, maybe he'll be able to talk his way out without him having to worry about me.


After I turned the corner I heard a loud explosion coming from where we just were. SHIT LALOO!

I quickly turn back around the corner and what I saw was… nothing, there was nothing, no person no smoke, nothing at all.

"Am I hearing things?"


What! Who said that, looking around no one was close enough for me to hear them that close, it sounded like it was in my ear. The only thing I thought it would be was the blue rose I had in my pocket, I quickly snatched it out from inside and looked at it once again. It was dying, and the rose was slowly losing its colour.


What it just spoke. Again it felt like it was in my ear, however, this time I noticed that the rose itself did a slight twitch the second I heard the word.

But it asked for magic, should I try giving Expel magic a shot even though Laloo never taught me how. Hmmmm, how should I go about this, however, I don't have one of those sticks that everyone seems to have, should I try just sending it through my pointer finger.

Okay, here we go. I stick out my pointer finger and aim it towards the center of the rose, I close my eyes and picture the magic in my body. however, this time it's exiting out the tip of my finger. after around five seconds I open my eyes… but nothings happening, I look around me and notice the people closest to me seemed to have fallen over, I wonder why.

"Sorry my rose, but you're going to have to wait a little longer."

It gave off a slight twitch, I put it back into my pocket and walk over to one of the people that had fallen over, it also seemed that what she was carrying had fallen out of her bag.

"Hey, are you alright Miss?"

I extend my hand to help her up. she grabs it while her other hand is holding her head.

"I seem to be, but what happened, one moment I was walking and the next I was on the ground."

Could this of been my fault in an attempt to use magic, I know that if I try using it internally it harms me… what if when I expel it the things around me suffer!

"From my perspective you just fell over, it looked to me like you fainted or something."

Upon saying that I noticed she began to pick her things up to put back in her bag, I noticed that she had an incredibly long stick, it wasn't a regular stick, it looked like it had carvings in it as well as being incredibly smooth. I pick it up to hand to her.

"Here you go—

However, as soon as I grabbed it she quickly snatched it out of my hands. Did I do something wrong?

"Well if you're fine I'll be on my way."

I turn back around to continue southwest


She called out to me

"Something wrong?"

"Are you an adventurer?"

Uh oh, how do I answer that, should I lie and say I am or should I tell the truth.

"Yes I am, I'm about to head to the next town closest to this one. Why?"

I wonder why she would ask that.

"Well… you seem to be alone, so if you're looking for companions I suggest going to Volcron City! It's located just over the various lakes past the Town of Voltin."

Why would she tell me this, it can't be because I helped her up, I hope she knows she had no need to pay me back. Still, I should thank her.

"Thank you for telling me that, it's a great help."

There was a brief period where neither of us spoke, maybe I should take my leave now.

"Well, I'll be on my way now, stay safe."

I wave to her as I turn around and start heading in the direction of the carriages again… I glance back behind me.

"Hah, she's gone… what now, I hope Laloo's doing alright."

Only a few minutes later I realized I had made it to these so-called carriages. However, Laloo was nowhere to be seen.

"Excuse me, sir, are you here to travel?"

Who's this… looking at the person standing in front of me they were wearing what seemed to be some type of formal clothing, and judging from the others around me he must be in charge of the carriages.

"Uh, yes. I was planning on heading to the Town of Voltin to surprise a friend."

I have no idea why that was the thing I came up with… hopefully it works in fooling him.

"Ah I see, that's why you're leaving this late. Well, how much of a hurry are you in?"

Okay, he seems to be believing my story so far, I should commit.

"I would prefer to get there faster but I don't need to."

"I see… well at this time we only have two options, you can take the standard carriage for three and a half coppers, or you can take the upgraded one for half a silver. The upgrade is faster and will be a more comfortable journey as well. Which would you like?"

I still have no concept of money at this point so I'm a bit lost at what I should do. The cloak is covering my clothes so I don't think I look poor. However, he might be suspicious of me as he can't identify me at all, I'm surprised I've even made it this far. But I think I'll take that chance and choose the upgrade.

"I'll pay the half silver for the upgrade thanks."

I pull out the pouch Laloo gave me and take out one of the half-silvers and hand it to him… after about ten seconds of him making sure it's real he signals for me to follow him.

He leads me to the front most carriage and pulls out something for me to step on as well as opening the door for me.

"Have a safe trip and enjoy your ride!"

"Thank you, I will!"

Sitting down in the carriage I look out the window which was facing back towards the town. I then notice something… while I was distracted by the man before, I never noticed the fifty or so people surrounding something. They were all seemed to be covered in metal, they also had their weapons drawn and pointed toward the center of the area they are surrounding.

I try to look closer however it was too far away to see what it is, soon the people in the center began moving out of the way of something, and as the gap became bigger I noticed what it was.

It was Laloo.