The Winged Pegasus is a high-level Magical Beast. Despite suffering severe damage, it refused to leave the battlefield. Its silver blood spewed forth from its large wounds like a fountain, and its spiral-shaped horn was once again gathering a crystal-like glow.
Meanwhile, the Golden Dragon finally coughed up the Copper Hammer that had been enveloped by its thick, golden blood through its violent coughing. The obscure and hard-to-understand Dragon Language chant began to resound once again.
In the eyes of the dragon and the horse, madness and humiliation had appeared. It was the Fire Crane that had pushed them to this point.
Even in its prime state, a single Fire Crane would find it difficult to deal with a Giant Dragon and a high-level Magical Beast, let alone now!
The Giant Dragon and the Pegasus prepared their own unique magics. This time, facing the combined magic attack of the two beasts, only the miraculous appearance of Daisy could potentially turn the tables.