Chereads / My Godlike Faceslapping System! / Chapter 2 - A Regular Customer

Chapter 2 - A Regular Customer

After messing up his hair and walking through many bushes, Silas saw his destination. Since his clothes were ripped, he needed new ones to replace them. What better place than Pradi, one of the highest end fashion stores around, to restock?

He ruffled his short black hair one last time and stepped from the bushes, walking towards the store entrance. The bell gave off a soft chime as he walked in the large glass double doors. He'd been here a million times, spending money always brought him a brief respite from boredom. However, the looks he received this time were much more demeaning.

He slowly approached a register with a young man stationed behind it. He made sure to slump from his usual 6' 1" to look much more meager. Flickering his eyes between the ground and the young man, Silas asked, "Do you think you'd be able to help me pick out some new clothes?" and gritted between his teeth, "Sir?"

Giving him a quick once over, the young man quickly replied, "I'm sorry, but we only serve customers that can afford the best. There's a bargain bin store just down the street." A smile oozing with superiority showed on his face for just a brief moment before a cookie cutter customer service smile took its place again.

Outwardly, Silas showed a bit of melancholy, but inwardly, he was grinning like a fool. Phase one of his plan was complete, now he could only hope someone let him activate phase two. Just as he was about to reach the door, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and he turned to face the person who had stopped him.

"I'm sorry sir, I was just in the back, but I'd love to help you with your purchase if you need any assistance." A middle aged woman with a bright smile directly met his eyes.

Keeping up the act for a bit longer, Silas meekly said, "Could you take me to the men's suits? I seem to need new of everything."

The lady's laugh rang through the store. "Yes, you certainly do. Right this way."

Silas began perusing from the selection of pants, coats, and dress shirts. making sure to visibly look at each price tag. The young man, still behind the counter, was casting some not-too-subtle looks his way, obviously assuming he was looking for the cheapest options.

Being a long-time customer, Silas didn't need much guidance and had quickly picked out an ensemble. He brought it to the counter to check out. The young man glanced at the glanced at the bundle of clothes with a derisive look, but as soon as the lady, Silvia, began punching in his selections his eyes bulged. He glanced at the prices and then Silas, and he had to quickly turn his back to the interaction as several snorts escaped his body.

Silvia kept on calmly ringing up the items, and when she was done, she turned to Silas and said, "That will be $7,387.62 please."

Silas calmy pulled out his card and handed it to Silvia. "Of course, this should take care of it."

Silvia glanced at the card quickly before running it, and handing it back. "All seems to be in order. Thank you for your purchase and have a nice day Mr. Florentine. It must be a special day to be purchasing such a fine outfit."

"Oh, it's no special day." Silas responded, "I just know you guys earn a commission, so of course I bought the most expensive items to thank you for helping out when I'm in such a pinch" He gestured to his sand covered and disheveled hair.

Over the course of the conversation, the young man let out a noise that sounded eerily similar to choking and started using the kiosk as a crutch to hold himself up. Silas took note of this and turned to leave. As he walked out the door the system sent him a message

[Face slap detected]

[Current Mission Completed]

"I'll look at it later, for now I just know I've completed it. I need to get all this sand off me!" he thought. He walked down the street whistling a merry tune, with a certain prideful stride.


"How Silvia? How did you know he could pay?!" the young man exclaimed.

Silvia clicked her tongue at him and responded, "No matter how dirty they get, there's a certain walk that comes with wealth. He had it. As he walked towards the door, he didn't rush, but he wasn't walking hesitantly. He walked like he expected the world to come to him, and he'd be there when he'd be there. In a place like this, with oddball rich guys around every turn, you'd do well to learn how to spot them."

The young man groaned. Obviously he didn't get it. He was just sad he'd lost such a good commission.


After showering and redoing his hair, Silas sat at his desk excited to open his rewards from the system. Focusing on them, he saw it come into view once again.

[Face slap detected]

Rating: D

Rewards: 4 SCT

Comments: A tried and true method.

[Current Mission Completed]

Distributing Rewards: 100 SCT, System Shop, Status panel

Comments: The mission did get done.

Silas rubbed his hands together like a greedy little grub, excited to finally get into the true meat and potatoes of this system.

[Congratulations, Silas. You've completed your first mission. It will only get more difficult from here on out, so buckle up! Next is the fun part of the tutorial. By concentrating on them, you can open either the system shop or your status panel. Open them both to finish this section of the tutorial.]

"I guess I'll open the status panel first." Silas concentrated slightly and saw an illuminated display appear in the middle of his vision. "No, this definitely isn't right." he said, a panicked look on his face. "System, System you've definitely made a mistake!"