Chereads / OmegaVerse ~BkDk fanfic~ |MHA| / Chapter 2 - Chapter 1/..?

Chapter 2 - Chapter 1/..?

POV: Izuku/Midoriya/Deku—

I hear my room door burst open. My eyes open the slightest bit, but immediately close after from being completely exhausted. Then I feel my blanket get torn off of me and it's freezing without it. "It's time to get up, Zuku! And start wearing some pants to bed, damn" My little sister Tsuki says. My eyes open once again and I can't help but feel annoyed at her. She gets off the bed and leaves my room leaving my door open, which she knows I hate so much. I get up and close the door and I get my uniform ready and I go take a shower.

After that, I dry myself then put on my uniform and exit my room remembering to grab my homework from my desk. I finished buttoning my jacket when I realized Atsuko wasn't here. "Did Tsuki teleport?" I ask my mother who's sitting on a stool near the counter as she's writing a letter. "Yes darling, as she always does." I chuckle as my mother seems quite annoyed. "What are you writing?" I ask as I walk over to her. "Oh just working on the bills and this document for work" she says while signing and barely looking away from her paper. "Don't worry Okassan," I say as I hug her trying to give her some comfort. "Just a few more months and I can try and get a job." "Izuku please you really don't need to do anything like that." My mother says in a protest. "You have other things to worry about like getting into UA and your school work right now, besides you already help me enough by cooking when I'm working late, cleaning around the house, and taking care of your sister." "At this point Tsuki takes care of herself and even though you say I am, I know I'm not doing enough, besides.." I say sighing looking down ever so slightly. "I don't think I really want to even try out for UA anymore.." My mother gasps and looks away from her paper, her eyes wide at my sudden comment. "Izuku sweetie, why would you give up on this? It's been your dream since you even knew what a hero was!" My mother says astoundedly, but not in a good way. "I-..I don't know, I just think it would be better for everyone if I just stopped believing these stupid fantasies." My mother stares at me in complete shock, I see tears welling up in her eyes that soon begin to stream down her face as she rushes to hug me. "Izuku…don't give up, this isn't some stupid fantasy" She breaks the hug and backs up. "This is your life, so go out there and live it." I smile at my mothers uplifting words then I look at my phone seeing it's 7:25. "Oh shoot! I gotta go!" I yell to my mother as I rush to the front door and grab my backpack and grab the doorknob before being stopped by my mother who grabs my arm. "Do I not get a kiss goodbye?" my mother asks teasingly as I chuckle. I give her a kiss on the cheek, then I open the door and rush out of the house. "Tsuki, do you think you could get me a lift?" I think to myself- well not really to myself as I know my sister can hear me using one of her quirks. "I'd love to, buuuut…" Tsuki begins as she's talking in my head. "You are going to UA, so you need as much training as possible." "Tsuki please!" I yell, still in conversation with her in my own head, "Now is really not the time to be giving me training advice or trying to get me to train at all! Mr. Namu told me if I'm late one more time I'll get detention!" After a brief pause from Tsukis' end, she finally speaks. "Fine, just this once and I mean that!" I stop running as she snaps her fingers and I get teleported to Tsuki's classroom as she's only one grade down from mine. I run up to my sister and hug her. "Thank you so much Tsuki, I really owe you!" I say as for whatever reason, I'm almost in tears. "Damn right you do, now get outta here before you're late and I have done this for nothing." I break the hug and begin rushing out of her classroom and up stairs to my own.

I see the other students had already made it to the class and to their seats. I see mr.Namu sitting at his desk as he then calls me over for a reason I'm unaware of. "Yes sensei?" I ask nervously as I look to the clock that hangs above the chalkboard seeing five minutes until class starts. "I told you what would happen if you were late again, didn't I?'' Mr.Namu says sternly and intimidatingly. "Y-yes sir you did?" I say questioningly as I continue looking back and forth from him and the clock that makes the constant clicking noise that begins to piss me off. "Look at me when I speak to you!'' Mr.Namu burst out as everyone's attention is directed to the front of the classroom. I back away feeling honestly scared for whatever he's about to say and or do. "S-sir why would you bring th-that up? I-I'm not late." I say trying to seem confident and not scared, but I know he can read me like an open book that I am horrified, he can see right through me. It's like he's staring into my soul and it's the most unpleasant feeling so I look away..which was my second mistake of that morning. Mr.Namu stands up and manages to grab my collar from over his desk. It causes me to gasp as I'm thrusted forward into the desk as my legs hit it. "Look at me when I speak and do not interrupt or back talk!" Mr.Namu yells while getting spit everywhere on my face. He then sighs and lets go of my collar as I back away. "We will be speaking after school about this Midoriya." He says sternly, but acting like nothing even happened. What is wrong with this teacher?! I ignore that as I sit down at my seat as I hear a few whispers and laughs about what just happened, then sensei silences the class and the lesson begins.

"Can I still be a hero without having a quirk?!" I yell at the one and only AllMight. I know this is a dream, but it's not a fake dream. This happened a week ago. Everything looks the same and I already know what's coming. I've been having this same dream since it happened and I can never control it. It's the same events continuously, never changing, just in a consistent loop and I tear up as I know the next words coming out of my own mouth. "I was born quirkless, and it's always been my dream to be a hero just like you." "No.." AllMight says annoyed, just like when it really happened and all of the recurring dreams I have every single goddamn night. I feel my eyes widen and tear up as usual and I look down. Why can I never wake up from this nightmare?

Suddenly I'm awoken by the sound of yelling and the feeling of being shaken roughly on my shoulder. It was the end of the day already and I was in my last class of the day, and I may have accidentally fallen asleep. I look up seeing my teacher, Mrs. Oji, standing above my desk looking concerned as she stared down at me. "Midoriya, are you alright?" She asked as I lifted my head up from the desk and looked around seeing all my classmates looking at me..except for Kacchan who is actually asleep as well. Kacchan, my childhood best friend who now he thinks of me as his worst enemy, and someone who is always, I quote, "Looking down on him." I look back at Mrs.Oji, "S-sorry..I didn't sleep very well last night." "You seemed to be having a nightmare, is everything alright?" she asks me, bending down to my level. "Of course! Everything's fine." I say quickly yet quietly not trying to attract any more attention than I already have. "Alright..well you were called to the office, bring all your belongings you're going home now." she says as she stands back up and dusts off her skirt and walks back to the front of the class and knocks on Kacchan's desk waking him up as he yells at her. I then stand up and gather all my things and head towards the door as I then go to the office seeing my sister already there and Okassan as well. "Okassan?" I ask as she's making conversation with the receptionist. "Ah Izuku dear, are you ready to go?" My mother asks as she turns around to look at me. "I'd probably be more ready if I knew where we were going and if I was aware you were even coming to pick us up in the first place." She chuckles at my comment, then she finishes signing me and Tsuki out as we then leave the school and get into the car.