-[ Cybertron ]-
' It's been 700 years since I was birthed by the Allspark in cybertron, during these years I have made considerable progress in my plans and I suspect that the war would soon commence. I have gained a trusted ally and subordinate, he was brought for recycling to me after a failure in the gladiator pits and was a Comrade of Megatron. I am pretty sure you know where this is going hence I decided to well induct me into my secret group, didn't take long just about 50-80years.'
' Using the System and the G coins I had been gathering I decided to well upgrade his body and functions. It was quite expensive but hopefully worth it, I renamed him Shadowwave and then sent him back to the gladiator pits just to you know Gain megatron's trust.'
' The numbers of my Loyal, fanatic and most trustworthy followers have group to a considerable amount with it being at 1800 vehicons at my beck and call. The next phase of my plans have already begun, acquiring hatchlings. I could get them from the black market but it is expensive and I would need somewhere to store them and grow them.'
' I bought more designs to work on and with which includes weapons, for weaponary I bought the full design but for the others well half of their Blueprints. Can't afford to spend to much as who knows when I will need them. Shockwave and I have grown well closer over the years as he occasionally comes and asks for resources for his projects though recently it would seem that he is eating up his resources too quickly.'
' As for Arachnid, well am going to meet her right now. She was out doing who knows what but now she's back.'
-[ Cybertron ]-
(3rd Person)
In a dimly lit room we see a cybertronian fairly larger than his peers walking silently, his destination unknown for now. As he moves we begin to see the room become brighter and brighter and there in front of him was another cybertronian, sitting, working thinking and researching. It was a female, kinda rare considering 1 out of 13 cybertronians are females with the remaining twelve being males. She seemed so into her work that she didn't notice anyone creeping on her silently, as we approach we hear her muttering to herself so fast that the human ear can't fathom or make sense of what she was saying, her desk filled with a diversity of things unrecognizable to us but some share certain features that may help us guess or make an idea of what it was.
A head with it's facial features in agony, a pad or disk with information on it. Nearly transparent but with a light-ish green color, the letters are of unknown origin. Knives, webs and maps lay of the table as this cybertronian kept doing her deeds and moving things here and there.
" Arachnid, dear." I said to her whilst my arms moved quickly as I lay my fingers upright facing downwards on her shoulders.
She jumped or at least tried to as she was startled, it took a few seconds before she was able to take notice or recognize my voice before she relax her joints, just by the side of my face I could see her spider like extra limbs relaxing too.
I moved my hands, massaging her shoulders as I glanced as the table she was working on, it was a mess.
" Enigma..." She said softly as she relaxed her shoulders, her arms slowing removing themselves from the table as she closed her eyes briefly.
" How is your hunt going...my love". I said to her whispering it in her ears softly and slowly, choosing my words carefully.
" I...I'm nearly done. I have tracked Geardive to a sort of Black Market, highly guarded....and expensive. But don't worry I'll find a way in, just like you said there's huge potential in me and soon everyone who choose to treat me like am expendable will feel my fury." She said slowly at first before she then began to raise her voice as anger slipped in before she then cooled down.
" Hmm...what do you need." I asked her as my Hands were now moving across her neck toward her head now.
" Oh...it's.....it's okay. There's no need to worr-". she began speaking only for me to cut her off.
" Remember Arachnid, as you can trust me and as long as you need something you can ask. Even if I can't or won't give you, just ask cause you never know what I would say." I said to her as now my hands where on her head stroking it gently from the front to the back like she had hair. It was fun to me just doing this and also a reminder of my human self.
"...Highly purified Energon.." She said...a bit hesitant at first before giving in, she but her lower lip. Not all of it just a side of it as she finished her sentence.
I now understood why she was hesitant to ask such a question cause that is highly expensive and someone of my level could only dream of such a thing.
" How much." I asked her, my voice a bit lowered like I was scared to hear the price.
" Just a handful" she said.....JUST A HANDFUL. sigh, I probably wouldn't have given much thought to this and simply said I am sorry but no. However... now that my followers are working hard, I could now afford more than a handful hence the reason why am going to give her more than that.
I didn't really say anything to her in response but simply worked out without looking back, I went to my room and then summoned My inventory space before pulling out raw cubic energon, just as I was deciding on whether to give her or not.... I came to the realization that I was a fool cause such a prize would make her a walking target, heck who knows if she would make it out Alive hence I decided to give her a purified liquid form.
The purified liquid form would make her seems top brass rather than a target hence no one would bother her and the storage container I use is quite large...now if I could get some vehicons to accompany her then that should do it.