Chapter 10 - Ch.10 Rocket

After about half an hour of getting a blowjob from Nurse Joy, Ash blew his load down her throat and part way he pulled out and painted her face with his cum. As soon as he he was done with his art piece, Nurse Joy quickly ran to her room in the back to get cleaned up and change her uniform. Still sitting at the front desk, Ash issued himself a room all to himself, but just when he was about to get going. The video phone on the desk started ringing, and Ash knew who it was calling around this time. And sure enough, it was Professor Oak calling after seeing that Ash was indeed at the Viridian Pokécenter.

The conversation went almost like in canon except for Ash, showing proof of Ho-oh and that Gary owes Oak a million dollars cause he caught a Goldeen and a Feebas. And how he'll send them to him cause right now Pikachu was enough for him, but he will send some more friends soon. After hanging up while hearing what kind of pizza the professor ordered, I mean who in their right mind orders [Anchovy, spinach and pineapple pizza] Agh! no one thats who. Then right on que, Misty walks in through the doors and sees me and decides to strike up a conversation about some small stuff and more better as well as easier tricks and techniques to catch water pokèmon. Just as I was about to start about saying the famous lines of [It's..a..Secret] the alarms start going off and the fun was about to start.

Two pokèballs came crashing through the sky-light as soon as they hit the floor out pops the two iconic first gen pokèmon. Ekans, the bright purple poison rattlesnakes and Koffing, what is essentially a freakin gas bomb. Then que the damn smoke screen for dramatic entrance effect, oh man what a choking hazard, well I'd rather some girls choke on something else wink wink. The smoke fades a little and just like some annoying cousin you can't get rid of. The silhouettes of Jessie, James and Meowth come into view and before they could get the start of their, in my opinion crap mato, Ash brings out Alakazam and have him use Disable on all of Team Rocket and then use Hypnosis to put them to sleep.

While they were knocked out, Ash brought out some rope and asked Misty to help tie them up. As they were finishing up, Nurse Joy came rushing to them and asked if they were alright? After seeing the situation, I asked Nurse Joy to call Officer Jenny, but just as I finish telling her that, low and behold in comes the sexy uniformed cop. She asked for a sit-rep(situation report) and Misty and I told our versions of what happened, which was basically me just wrecking them with little to no effort and handed over Team Rocket to the officers and saluted them good night.

With all the craziness that happened within a span of a few minutes, Misty's brain needed to do a major reboot. First she came to the Pokémon Center after a day of unsuccessful fishing to which she saw a guy use a totally different method to easily catch water pokèmon. Then she ran into the same guy sitting at the front desk of the center, and as it so happens, they started a decent conversation to where she was about to ask for more different fishing tricks. Their conversation got interrupted by the criminal organization Team Rocket to which he just disposed of them really quickly. Man, she really needs to sleep and considering what she's gone through she really needs it, maybe even sneak in a drink or maybe find a private room and read one of her romantic books.

Ash seeing as Misty was lost in a daze walked towards her and invited her to his private room while using slight mind suggestions, making it seem like a perfectly sensible idea considering they somewhat know each other. Misty and Ash spent the night together, not in any sensual way mind you but that didn't mean he didn't have any alterior motivaties. Oh! he was going to plant so, so many suggestions while she was sleeping. One of the main suggestions being that [what ever you see Ash doing that would seem strange or unordinary is completely normal] this would save him from many unnecessary questions from his companion.

After they spent the night in the Center, they went to get some breakfast in the Center's cafeteria where Ash invited her to journey together, considering they're going in the same direction. Misty, not really minding it, decided to just go with the flow, and besides, she could also ask him about other easier fishing methods. After finishing their breakfast they exited the Center to where Misty had locked up her bike and to her shock and anger it was gone. Misty was about to rage out but before she could, Ash placed a hand on her shoulder calming her down before she asked what they were gonna do. Ash looked around seeing if there were any people near them and seeing that they were alone he brought out his custom made Spyder bike. He got on his bike and after he was comfortable he looked at Misty and gestured for her to hop on.

Misty readily agreed and very quickly hopped on behind Ash and wrapped her arms around his waist and firmly placed her just upon his back. He also placed Pikachu on the small space in front of him and told the both of them to hold on tight as he started the engine and revved the bike a bit with steady vrooms. With the bike warmed up, he shifted the bike into gear and they were zooming off towards the north exit of Viridian City. Their next destination was the Viridian Forest where Ash was planning to spend a lot of time there cause he was about to go on a catching spree.

[A.N. Tryin to stick with the one chapter a week thing and shout out to Anime_fan1234]

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