"Hmm, you're in Class A right? Well, that's to be expected. I heard you've passed all your challenges so far, so I guess that's a factor. Go ahead and show me the first three stances."
I quickly go through and show each stance and show myself attacking and defending properly from each.
"Good form. You show such good mastery in each basic stance, I wouldn't be surprised if you showed the same mastery in the intermediate stances."
Those I'm also not sure I know; how many are there at that level?" I ask.
"With dagger stances are defined by the positions of holding and maneuvering the weapon, so each race has their techniques submitted to the Crystal.
Therefore, it is extremely difficult to narrow down an exact number for any weapon stance, must less the dagger.
However, weapon masters like myself have determined roughly 15 stances for each weapon to teach beginners."
He readjusts the weapons in his hand.