Kaberu hold sheratos left hand and
get out from the cottage, sheratous with
grateful tone:
thank you Mr kaberu without you I don't
know what to do in this situtaion.
kaberu with calm tone:
I have an experience in these situations
now let's keep going in our search
about the dullahan, i won't left your hand
miss sheratous.
sheratous smiles a cute smile and walk
with kaberu into the black forest.
in other side valisa stopped near to the
river because of kendras that she want
to have a shower, when kendras take the
shower she said with a calm tone:
can you tell me why you hate humans?
valisa with an angry tone:
because they are weak, not only for that
reason, also they are lust and hunger
if they feel that any creature threatens
their desires kill him, I'm so happy that
I'm not a human because if I'm human
I will suicide Without hesitation.
Kendras washes her hair locks and said:
I have no objection to what you said but
You can't blame them for what they
were created for, you must blame god.
valisa with an Objectionable tone:
I don't care about how god create them
my opinion about them will never
change even after many thousands
kebdras finished washing her whole
body then get out of the river and get
dressed her clothes and said with a
calm tone:
okey, why you hate water and washing
your body?
valisa with an annoying tone:
thats not of your business little dwarf.
kendras smiled a malicious smile and
I know the reason valisa because You
are allergic to water.
valisa with an annoying tone:
something like that little bitch, now
let's go.
valisa walked a few steps then smiled
an evil smile after she saw kaberu and
sheratous and said:
well, well, well, what we have here, a
pathitec human couple, so are you
choosing in the easy way or the hard
kaberu with a bold tone:
I will kill you in the hard way you
ugly freak.
To Be Continued...