Chapter 5 - EP 4 -FINDING THE BEAST.

Everywhere was getting dark.

The owls hooted as they peered at the daring adventurers. Trees seemed to give queer expressions at them.

"Any one getting the feeling, That something seriously creepy is going on?" Obi muttered.

"You could say that again" Levi replied . He felt as if he was being watched.

And he didn't like it one bit!

"We are here ". Avyanna announced.They were standing right in front of a strange cave. Its inners was dark and had a strange aura surrounding it.

"He said the sound came from around here" Conrad gulped.

They proceeded into the cave.

"Time out!"

Eva looked at Obi. "What wrong?"

" Nah go on."

John sighed while Su ling rolled her eyes. He was fond of doing that.

Though it was a little funny, Eva seemed annoyed at the end of it.

"A strange sound is coming from inside the Cave."Eva began

Roll for perception.

They all took turns.




6" .

Obi rolled the highest therefore Conrad sensed some voices coming from inside.

"You feel drawn to to it... Like you have heard it some where somewhere. It's tempting so you leave your team mates to follow it. Its only a matter of time before your they realise your gone missing" Eva continued

"Hey where is Conrad? " Kyra asked. That question was left hanging in the open air.

Avyanna looked around . see couldn't catch even a glimpse of him .Right now , they were at a dead end , literally. There were two tunnels which could lead to two different unknown locations. Kyra was now worried there was no way Conrad could leave her on her own without any plausible reason.

"We are going to split up. I'll head to the right while you and Kyra head left. We'll meet back here."Levi decided.

They nodded and headed off in opposite directions.

Kyra and Avyanna began to walk briskly, leaving an awkward silence hanging in the air. She was busting studying her surroundings. There were more bones in this tunnel. It was his feasting ground.She bent down to analyze it and was satisfied with her conclusion

"How long have you known Levi?"Kyra opted as she asked the lady beside her.

Avyanna smiled .

"We met a year ago, I summoned him accidentally, So instead of getting a giant snake to defend me ,I got him.". She huffed. "It was trouble at first , every girl I know would be attracted to him so I laid off female friends. But later I got used to it."

Avyanna then winked. "But is a pretty sweet deal ,isn't it...How about you and Conrad? I bet there's a story there!"

Kyra just looked away. "We are just friends nothing more" She added.They came to a dead stop at a wall ."Dead end ".She said .Suddenly the girls heard a scream.

"Hey!" Obi said from across table."Why am I the one to scream! , Can't it be like a masculine bellow?"

Conrad had a ' masculine bellow'.

Obi nodded in satisfaction.

And the girls rushed towards the direction of the sound.They saw Conrad covered in goose bumps as Levi trotted up to them. Kyra held his shoulder and asked softly

"Are you okay?"

With a slightly shaking finger, He pointed to a direction behind them. A huge fierce breath came down upon their faces .

Well they had found it.