Chapter 5 - chapter 4

iris arrived home but before she could enter she heard some noise for inside the sitting room when she entered the house but to meet a disgusting thing her sister having s*x in the sitting room like seriously can't she do this disgusting thing in her room she is so shameless .

arianna can't you do this in your room what of mum and dad they agreed to this rubbish

yes they agreed so what is wrong in doing it this house but big enough for everyone

I should have known speaking to a kept woman is no difference as asking a whore to stop sleeping with man

iris watch your mouth Arianna said

iris final understand this man she having s*x with does not know that Arianna was a kept woman hmmmmmmm interesting than iris asked please Young Man what your name please arianna already Know where this is going

my name is Jeff he said

let go to my room and continue she is just a fucking bitch that have nothing to do than to destroy relationship that was her first mistake insulting me was her first mistake

Jeff do you Know her secret iris asked

Jeff replied no but I want to know

you are interested in knowing her secret I will happily tell you

Arianna immediately butted in don't listen to her shit let go to my room

why in a hurry iris smiled coldly and said she is a kept woman who womb have been destroyed and can't produce children and the last on the list she has HIV to being with I hoped you used condom because you can likely get HIV .

what!!! I never knew that she was a whore Jeff said, have a nice day Jeff and go for a check up

arianna was so angry that she picked up a bottle and throwed it to was iris it was so fast that she could not note is it in time and immediately the bottle hit her on her head she fainted .

Arianna you have killed your sister she is no longer breathing again you have killed her and so what her blood will stain the ground let carry her and dump it she is unless anyways

no let take her to the hospital no we are dumping her body carry her now let go and Jeff could only obey picked up her body and entered the car that was packed behind there house and put her in the boot wear there cloth and want to the near by forest and dump her body and immediately ran back when Arianna got home she cleaned everywhere and changed her clothes that same night Jeff want to another city why iris body have disappeared into to dark she was dead but was going to her real home town .