Chereads / The Scheming Exhibitions Of Black And White / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Night Encounter (1)

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Night Encounter (1)

I was fiddling with my closet, trying to find an outfit that suits me best.

There's a lot of noble-like clothes in the closet but I found an outstanding formal wear, a black trench coat. It was such a majestic attire, a gold stride in the collar area and the end of its arm sleeves.

I liked trench coats and capes so much that I admired a show of a phantom thief that I watch from a certain series.

I put it on, looked at the mirror and said, "Who is that handsome devil?". Saying such lines felt so satisfying.

I was having fun roleplaying, and then someone open the door, it was my mother. She looked at me dead in the eye, curious as to what I was doing.

She asks, "Are you in a getup or something?"

"NO! Uh~ this is.. cosplay! Just doing cosplay for myself!"

She was confused for a second and said, "Cosplay with your favorite attire? That coat was a keepsake for your father's legacy."

"Yeah, just fiddling and fooling around. I was also thinking about making changes with this attire."

"Just admit it, you adored it ever since your father gave it to you."

"Just buzz off and get out of my room!"

"Sure, sure, silly boy.."

As she said that, she walks out of my room with a wacky expression. I sighed out loud and said, "Jeez, she would always tease and fool with me at times like these."

Nevermind that, I got absorbed by fashion that I almost forgot what to do next. Let's check out some equipments I could bring.

I made it to the storage room which is in the back of the mansion, I could see rusty swords, armor, accessories, stuff that are antique, and much else you get the picture.

As I walk out scouring something that is not rusted out, I came across this ordinary cane with the handle shaped like a hook, and it's clearly made out of wood. At a glance, it looked like a plain wooden stick but apparently this cane was carved with strange circuit-like patterns on it.

"Hmm... I guess there's no harm taking a stick, at the very least it's not a sword.." I said out loud.

I gave another look at the room to see more and then found a black top hat. At a glance, it looks like it was nothing special, but looking at it again and.. there's still nothing special. It just look similar to the ones used in movies and shows.

This storage room was rummaged with items of good uses, I wonder why a normal magician's hat was laid on this special room.

I'd look like a magician with these stuff. Alright, I'll just take these two items, drinks and a few biscuits.

The time right now is 2:00PM, it is too obvious that I'd be pursued if I were to wear this getup. Let's wait until nighttime rolls around.


It was 11:30PM now on the clock and the moon is shining bright. All the household members should be asleep at this moment. Before we go scout, let's do a quick review on what I have.

First up is the gray buttoned-up undershirt with a white necktie, a black blazer as the exterior, a black leather pants wearing the gray belt on the waist, smooth stylish black shoes, and lastly is the black trench coat wearing as a silhouette. Under the trench coat tied in my back waist are two mini water bottles and packed biscuits, in my left waist holds the cane and lastly, on my head is a black top hat.

Sadly I don't have a monocle on but I can just wear that for later. Now let's look around this hometown of mine named 'Arceilles'.


It was in the middle of the night when I just walked past the forest this late of the hour.

When I finally see the town, I got fascinated.

The town was kind of impressive in a way, it has busy roads, good street lightings, lit up shops that are even open at this hour, and most of all, neatly dressed people wearing extravagant clothes. I'm like in the 'City of Romance' in here.

After a little sightseeing, I was now running in the roadways and alleyways that is not often used by the locals, obviously to avoid attracting attention.

Now remembering something, as impressive as I see this town is, I'm aware that there are dungeons hidden underneath this town, various presence could be felt within as well. Dangerous as they might be, I'd rather get in trouble than just ignore the mess so this might be my first plan to wreak havoc. Only problem is, I have no idea where the entrances are.

Next thing I knew, I came across this particular spot in the middle of an alleyway. There's no one around but I can sense presence somewhere, not sure where, yet I felt that it's calling for me.

I close my eyes, harnessing the presence that calls for my help. From what I adhere, it's from below.

I noticed a slightly open door that leads downstairs. I head down without hesitation. When I reached the ground, I see lots of cell rooms around, it's like a prison ward in here.

From what I observe, this place looks recently abandoned, but was left with disgusting commodities. It was horrid, sickening, and worse, rotten corpses.

Suddenly, I heard a faint voice from somewhere, it was that presence I felt from before above ground.

I run to the dying voice call in a rush to give aid. And I got to the person, still tied up in the chains with its arms hanging high in the wall, standing uptight. Long roughed up silver hair, the eyes shaded in the color of ruby, in a tattered clothes, it's a she.

Found a lying sword around, grabbed it and use it to break the chains to free her, she collapsed on the ground. I threw the sword away and wrapped her in my arms checking on her condition.

I spoke out loud, "Pulse, check! Breathing, check! Face.., conscious and open eyes, pale and cracked lips. Hold on, here's water." I pulled out a water bottle in my back waist, opened it and make her drink.

She opens up her lips and she slowly drinks the whole bottle up. I can tell she was weakened and frail, heck she even looks the same age as me. She stared at me for a moment, then mumbles, "Thank you."

Staying in this sickening place for too long gets me dizzy, so I urge to the girl, "Hold on, I'll get you out of this place."

I pick the girl up in a princess carry and rushed to the exit. When I assured her, she took a nap. Tired perhaps?

While running towards the exit, I heard clanking footsteps in the door. I met up with knights wearing full armor without helmets, surprised to see me. All of a sudden, they point their swords at me.

One of the knights spoke out.

"Hey scum, where the hell are you taking her now!" He was fierce with his words.

I replied with, "Where to? Obviously to the hospital!"

"Quit it scum! You're just gonna relocate her somewhere afar! No, no, not today! I'll kill you right here, right now!" One of them instantly replies.

"Hey wait! You're talking to the wrong guy!" I plead for a peace talk. "This place was abandoned and I came in just a while ago. Can we just settle this peacefully? I'm innocent!"

The knights looked at each other for a while then looked at me back saying, "If you plead your innocence then you do as we say, get that?"

"Of course!"

The knight commands, "First off, you drop the princess down slowly and step back away from her."

"Yes sir." I followed and put the girl down gently and backed away from her

When I set myself a good amount of distance away from them, the knights quickly gathered around the girl surrounding her as if they're hiding her from me.

Knights spoke up to each other while I stayed silent.

"How's her condition?"

"Unconscious. But nothing life threatening or anything."

She was unconscious? No wonder she tapped out, she had no energy to spare.

"I see. Then the three of you go to the manor, get her treated quick and report back to the major."


The three knights went straight to the exit in a pursuit along the unconscious girl away. The rest are still facing me with their pointed swords. The atmosphere got awkwardly silent and heavy.

I break the awkward silence.

"Uhh señor, are you gonna let me free now?"

The knight stayed silent for a moment and then replied, "No."