On Halloween night, when Dantalion and Draco entered the Refectory, they saw bats flying from the enchanted ceiling, and some flying over the dining tables, the pumpkin candles glowed and the food was served on golden plates, the themed feast that night looked quite great.
While everyone was eating and talking, Professor Quirrell suddenly rushed into the auditorium, his large headscarf was crooked, and his face was filled with horror "Troll.... Na... Na... dungeon... I think. .. I think you... should know" he fell to the ground and passed out.
Dantalion felt like applauding, really a great actor, the dining hall became a mess, the children got up and screamed in fright, only young Malfoy was still sitting there eating his food calmly, Headmaster Dumbledore boomed "Silencio", everyone was startled and they stopped at once, looking at the teachers' table. " Prefects take students to their common rooms"
The Slytherin prefect, Gemma Farley, stood up and the Slytherins lined up in an orderly line to head back to the dormitory, in the dungeon, Dantalion pulled Draco away silently, Draco without asking followed his twin, knowing his abilities a Troll was not anything.
The twins ran to the girls' bathroom on the second floor, at this point, the troll hadn't arrived, least of all Harry and Ron. Dantalion pushed the door slowly and entered the bathroom calling for Hermione, the girl was shocked to see Dantalion and Draco "Hermione, a troll has escaped, we have to get out of here quickly"
Hermione who seemed to be crying for a while, didn't react, Dantalion grabbed her hand and ran to the bathroom door, when they left, they saw the troll wandering in the corridor, Hermione got scared and let out a scream, drawing the troll's attention to the three.
Dantalion originally thought that in his real combat, he would have panic, fear or nervousness, but he didn't expect to be so calm, at this moment, he felt a warm current in his chest, as if in his heart, his fighting spirit soared. , his only focus was the troll, his insides burning with anticipation of a fight.
After reading so many books, learning magic for so long, Dantalion is excited to finally fight, with his wand raised, Dantalion cast a spell in the Troll's eyes, the monster lost his sight and was lost for a second, not giving up this opportunity. , points to the staff in the monster's hands and shouts "Expelliarmus" hitting the troll's wrist the staff dropped instantly.
Draco seizes the moment and shouts "Wingardium Leviosa" floating the staff higher and higher.
"The trall's magic resistance is high, but its head is sensitive, especially on the back of the neck, just hit it hard to stun it" said Dantalion to his brother.
Draco aimed at the back of the troll's neck and hit the monster's head, the troll trembled as if he was going to fall at any moment, but he didn't, covering his head with his hands. The large man looked cautiously at the giant staff still floating in the air.
Dantalion wasn't disappointed with a wave of his wand, the giant staff turned into a giant sword, Draco understanding what his brother wanted, canceled the levitation spell, the sword then quickly fell from the air, penetrating the troll's body and pinning him. on the ground, the monster convulsed a few times, letting out cries of sadness, and then died.
Hermione looked shocked, she froze, Dantalion noticing the girl's strangeness squeezed her hand and said "Mrs. Granger, are you a Gryffindor scared?"
Upon hearing the boy's words, Hermione returned to s, pulling her hand away and running lightly she said "I'm not scared! I was just thinking about the spells you used, that wasn't taught in class!" Dantalion rolled his eyes and didn't respond, Draco simply pretended the girl didn't exist.
Soon Professor MacGonagoll appeared, Professor Snape following, along with Quirrell "Mr. Malfoy, I think you need to give us an explanation" said the teacher angrily in a cold voice and pushing her glasses.
Snape bowed and approached the troll, lost in thought, Quirrell already screamed when he saw the troll, he fell to the ground and held his head shaking, at that moment a girl's low voice came "Professor, they were looking for me" Hermione looked at Dantalion and Draco and continued "I was looking for the troll, because I thought I could fight him alone, I read many books about them"
Dantalion sighed and cut her off, "Ms. Granger, thank you but you don't have to cover for us" turning to Professor continued "The truth is I heard some students saying that Miss Granger was in the girls' bathroom on the second floor, and was not in the mood to go to dinner, when Professor Quirrell said that the troll had escaped, it occurred to me that Miss Granger didn't know and could be in danger, so I called my brother and we came to get her, we were going to take her to the Gryffindor common room but we found the troll by coincidence"
At this point Snape finished checking the troll, straightened up and looked at the Malfoy twins "Did you use the Conjunctivitis curse, levitation and transfiguration spell? Such an advanced transfiguration… very ingenious," the comment caused Professor MacGonagoll to look closely at the troll's corpse.
"yes, professor" Draco replied "Dantalion and I trained a lot in the levitation spell, but Dantalion is the best with transfiguration, he's even part of the spell club and the professor's transfiguration club..."
The look of Mrs. Macgonagall softened a little and said "Mr Malfoy, excellent use of Transfiguration in combat, you seem to be a really talented wizard, but I still have to say, for a first year, facing a troll is very dangerous, I hope you will be more cautious in the future. '
"I see, thank you teacher" Dantalion was really surprised, from what he remembers from the book, when they learned that Ron defeated the troll, the teachers unanimously agreed that it was a matter of luck.
Hermione next door heard Dantalion being praised by the teachers and that the boy had joined yet another club, her competitive heart lit up, she would work harder, now she understands that aside from reading she needs practice.
The teacher, seeing that the young people listened to her, calmed down "However, although your behavior is reckless, it was to save a different housemate, defeated a troll with excellent spell execution, twenty points for Slytherin"
After experiencing this incident, the relationship between Harry, Ron and Hermione improved, the three became friends, Hermione understood that she shouldn't correct those who didn't ask for help, and as the two Gryffindors weren't good at doing their homework, Hermione helped them.
The only difference between the three was Dantalion! Harry and Ron still hated the Malfoy family and the other Slytherin students, Ron firmly believes that in the troll accident Hermione was used by Dantalion, to gain fame and make points for home, although Harry didn't think so, he still held his opinion about the Slytherin students.
While the calm and level-headed Hermione had some complicated emotions towards young Malfoy, there was no doubting how excellent at magic he was, he was also not as arrogant as his brother, he was more approachable, kind and polite, but he always she stood by Draco's side and opposed the Gryffindors, which left her confused about the boy. Dantalion on the other hand, didn't know any of this, and if he did he wouldn't care.