The day engagement was coming near Everyone was getting ready.The noble's boutique was overfilled with orders.Everyone was looking for once in a life time marriage.
"Your majesty!!The east is been attacked by monsters.We must do something. The eastern Knights are not holding very well."
The prime Minister, also the clan head of east said in a worrisome way" Your majesty,The prime Minister greet's you.The condition of eastern border is not at all okay. The legendary 3 headed monster Cerberus is attacking the border. If we don't do anything faster it will take no time in reaching to the capital "
"Go inform Prince ALBERT and DUKE CARLOSE !!! get them ready to go forward to east"
"your majesty,but the engagement " said the Minister.
"It shall be withheld till this disaster is in stable.And bring forth all clan head we shall conduct the meeting "
The news of Cerberus, reached the entire nation.Marania duchy was in tension as their engagement is withheld.Rosalind was sad about the departure of prince Albert to east and prayed to goddess for his save returns.
The meeting of the heads begins.With uncertainty in eyes,The clan head of Beluza, Lord Lyoid said
"your majesty line between the monster realm is getting stronger.The casualties have reached upto a 50 soilders and more than 100 villages were attacked."
"don't worry, duke Carlose and his knight have reached near the eastern border and Crown prince on the Northeast border."
"your majesty, may I request a healer in this tough times, the casualties have far exceed our expectations."
"Lord Rositta, send Rosalind and your healers to east"
"yes your majesty."With worry on every eyes the lords could only hope.
Rosalind,with healers rode on horses and carriages.She was headed to the Eastern border where casualties were more.They brought food and necessities for the village and knights.Due to summer, there was severe shortage.With this attack,the villagers were in poor condition.and starvation has reached its peak.
They reached near the camping site of the soldier.The condition of the soilders were worse then Rosalind anticipated.They started setting up the camp for healing.It took a whole evening for them to heal most critical soilders.Everyone was tired.The Moon was shining in the night sky and the Monsters attack had lessen.Most the soilders were had returned to the dome.
"Lady Rosalind,duke Carlose,had invited for dinner." - my assistant healer Amy informed.
The dinner had taken place silently.Most of the people mourned for loss of their comrade.Rosalind read the letter send by the clan and replied.She also send letters to prince Albert asking about his whereabouts and his health.
After sending the letter Rosalind was sad and went to look at the lake to change her mood then she heard a moan filled with pain.Under the moonlight she saw Duke carlose writhing in pain and he was drenched in sweat and blood and was having a hard time breathing.
"Duke ,are you okay!!" Rosalind said in worry some voice.
He then lashed the sword at her.The sword came near her neck.His sword had made a line blood in her cheek.when he saw clearly that it was Rosalind he lowered his sword.He was grasping for air in pain.Rosalind didn't think twice and try to remove his shirt ,which was drenched in blood.
Rosalind saw dark marking in his abdomen which was causing him pain. She tried to touch the marking and heal him.The duke after sometime calm down .The she teared her tip of dress and bandages his wound .The duke fall down on Rosalind lap and was sleeping peacefully.