King POV
me: RUN !!! RUN!!!"😠 I said to my secretary we are running from the fans of mine
secretary: NO!!! NO!!! my legs are hurting so badly....I can't even walk you can go if you want!!! i-i c- can't...huh!! "😰 he stopped and sit there like a kid and started panting
me : no no my foot!!! max you better run faster or I'll kill you for this time I sware.... stop behaving like a kid.....and by the way if you did your job properly this will never ever happen to us you idiot" 🤬 i point my fingers at him 'i will teach him a good lesson after this.....just wait my friend ' I thought
secretary: uumm....s-s sorry for that !!! " 😓we here some voices behind us he stand up quickly and look here and there
secretary: let's go i can see there is a house maybe we can stay there for a while it's getting dark here so they can't find us !! "😱 he said in panicked
me: okay we will contact our team there let's go!!!"🤔 we start run into the old looking house
okay okay first i explain to you that why are we running like this and why we are in this position ' 😑first let me introduce myself 'so hmm (cough) My name is king i mean THE KING😘 note that okay.....well i am an actor as you see i have lots of fans and this is my idiot secretary max he was an idiot like always does mistakes but unfortunately He is my only friend, so I can't let him out of this job as much I want that 😒 well that's not the point so now let's see the flash back
flash back
'i am so fucking tired of this life'😩 we are doing some advertisement for new clothes shop in this small village and the director want me to change clothes again i already changed 10 time before and now again....i am so tired now 😫
me : director can we shoot tomorrow....i am not feeling well so- "🙄 i said and rub my forehead
director: ooh my god really do you want me to call the doctor???"😱 he was panicked because this is his first project and he doesn't want to mess up anything
me: no- " 😄 i was going to say but max came and said
max : sir let's go we have to meet mother tomorrow we should leave now"😐 he said 'ooh no i totally forgot about my mother she is coming tomorrow' i thought
me: ooh yeah i forgot about that..."🙄 i said and look at the director he was looking at me like i am gone cancel this advertisement😓 i sigh and say to him
me: don't warry about me i fine director we can shoot tomorrow i will be here at 11am okay "😄 i said he nodded and smile to me
director: ooh thank you sir. GUYS PACK UP!!! " 😅he said in mike to all i sigh and nodded to max and we move out of the shop and suddenly some fans and paparazzi came infront of us max and some of guards try to move them a side and we finally reach to our car 🥱
max: ooh- i will drive the car.....the. driver is on leave today "😲 max said i nodded to him and get into the backseat we are in the small town now and we will reach in 2 hours
max : king do you want something to eat or drink you haven't eaten anything since the morning"😧 Max asked me but I am okay because I love my work so much that I forget everything. 😌
me: no i am fine just keep driving "🙂 i said to him he nodded then start the car after some time we look out the car and see so many cars was following us 'i think my fans and paparazzi are still following us'😑 i thought
max: ooh noo what should we do now ???" 😱max ask in panicked
me: just keep driving I'll call some cops here to help us " 😒i said in confidence then i check my cellphone and see there's no network here
me : fuck!!! max hand me your phone"😠 i said him he pull out and throw to my side i look at his phone and it was dead
me : WOW! great your phone is switched off! you forgot to charge your phone like always "I shout at him 😤
max: WHAT!!! CHARGED IT BEFORE WE CAME HERE !!" 😱 he said in shock
me: ooh really " 😒I said while folding my arms
max: yes i sware!!!! and I remember very clearly that I charge my cellphone before we came here "😲 i sigh
me : and you checked the switch is on or not??"😏 i ask him
max : aah- that i forgot!!! sorry hehehehe" 😓he scratch his head like idiot suddenly our car's speed got slow
max: OOH NO I ALSO FORGOT TO CHECK THE FUEL !!!" 😱 he said in shock
me : GOOD JOB MAX " 🤬i shout i clap for him in anger
max: stop it king i said i am sorry !!"😬 he said i sigh and look everywhere i see a dark area🌆
me: just take that route maybe we can distract them for a while" 😠i said he nodded and drive as i said but some minutes later the car stop
max: OOH NOO!!" 😱he said and he try to start the car but it didn't work
me: let's just get out we need to run somewhere" 😠i said he nodded and we get out from the car
me: take what we need like charger and some food or something" 😒i said he look at me like i am ghost or what I ignored him he nodded his head and we pulled out some stuff put it in a bag and start to run... we can here some voices behind us
me: RUN!!! MAX!!!!"😡i shout and we start running
End flashback