Chereads / Reincarnated In Pokemon World(Paused) / Chapter 48 - First Encounter With Ultra Beasts

Chapter 48 - First Encounter With Ultra Beasts

"Darkrai, come out and use Dark Void and Dream Eater on Alakazam and frogadier use cut to destroy that cage and bring Nebby back" as I said this, in a blink of an eye, Darkrai made Alakazam unconscious and frogadier got Nebby and the Ultra Warmhole that Faba opened started to get closed.

After frogadier was safely bringing Nebby back, Nebby started to glow and when the lights dimed out, we saw Nebby in a changed form.

It looks like Nebby evolved but his current state was unclear as he seems to be asleep with a golden colour shell covering it, making a outline and Nebby is currently in a solid shape. Previously, when I touched Nebby, it was soft like I am touching a cloud but currently, it was as hard as a rock.

As we were surprised and occupied with the shock of Nebby's evolution, I heard a sound similar to when a glass break.

When I turned around to see, I saw that some transparent tentacles of a jellyfish like creature trying to expand that opened Ultra Warmhole.

Before we could do anything, I saw a transparent but white jellyfish like creature coming out from it. It should be a pokemon judging that it is a pokemon world by it just seems too ugly. Actually, jellyfish are more beautiful, forget about jellyfish anything is more beautiful than the thing infront of me as it also seems to be slimy and it is big about 6 feet tall.

It suddenly shot one of its tentacle towards Lillie but, "Darkrai use brick break and frogadier use cut on the tentacle" and the tentacle was easily cut down. It would have been easy if there was only one of them but suddenly more of these jellyfish like creature appeared. During this, I caught Nebby in a pokeball. I thaught that I can protect Nebby even without catching him/her but that was just me being ignorant and over confident. I won't make mistakes like these again.

They stormed at us as I took out Zoroark and Gladion battled with his Silvally, Umbreon and Blastoise. Others also took out their pokemon but other than Kiawe, no one else was able to do much damage.

Soon, a tentacle sot towards Mallow but I stood between them and told frogadier, Darkrai and Zoroark to destroy it. I told them not to hold back and attack them with full power with an intention to kill.

With that, a battle started and even Faba decided to join us un battling these Ultra Beasts. As the stormed at us, we also started killing them and their bodies started to pile us but soon a shiny Ultra Beast made appearance and got Lusamine and started retreating.

We tried to stop the shiny Ultra Beast to take Lusamine as she struggles but the other Ultra Beasts made themselves as shields and they soon disappeared with Lusamine as the Ultra Warmhole closed.

"Mooommmmm" Lillie screamed as the Ultra Warmhole closed as we could only look as she broke into tears. As I was near her all the time, protecting her, she hugged me while crying.

"Sid....*Sob* mom....*Sob*...Sid" Lillie stuttered while speaking as she couldn't speak completely while crying.

"Lillie, Lillie!" I spoke loudly while grabbing her shoulders, making her see directly in my eyes "I will bring her back. I promise" I said with determination

"But how will you do that?" Gladion asked

"I have an idea but we are not ready now. We will leave for the Altar Of The Sunne tomorrow. Until than, give your pokemon a rest as they may get engaged in a larger battle tomorrow" I said before picking Lillie in a princess carry and took her to Lusamine's room.

"Sid, what will you do?" Lillie asked as she calmed down a bit.

"I will ask help from Solgaleo" I told

"Will Solgaleo really help us? It is a legendary pokemon after all" Lillie asked again

"Ofcourse Solgaleo will. Don't you trust me?" I replied

"Mm. I trust you" Lillie spoke

"Ok, goodnight" I said before leaving her room.


After I left her room, I saw almost everyone waiting outside

"How is she now?" Gladion asked

"Not good. She was pretending to be strong when I was with her but I could see that she was really sad." I replied

"She need some time and I believe that Sid will really do something tomorrow" Serena said

"Mm, I also believe him" Lana spoke after nodding

"Me too" Mallow also joined

"We also" Both Kiawe and Sophocles spoke

"I also put my trust in you. So please, do something so I and Lillie could get our mom back" Gladion said

"Mm. Don't worry. I will" I replied while nodding

As we were about to leave, I heard sobbing sound from Lusamine's room in which Lillie was. Seeing her in this state breaks my heart but I promise her and myself that I will bring Lusamine back at any cost.

Just as we were leaving, "Hey, where are you going?" I asked, glaring at Faba

"Huh? What?" Faba asked, surprised

"Do you think that you can get away so easily after all this whole incident was caused by you?" I asked, glaring at Faba more intensely and with cold eyes

"I-It wan no-not m-m-me, It wa-was Lu-Lus-Lusamine" Faba replied stuttering

"Now you are trying to blame Lusamine because she is not even here" I spoke in a cold tone

"No..No it war he-her idea to res-resarch the Ul-Ultra Beasts" Faba replied, still stuttering

"I don't care whose idea it was, just remember that I am leaving you this time because you helped us in fighting the Ultra Beasts and you are also gonna help us in opening another Ultra Warmhole" as I spoke this, Faba released a sigh of relief but my next words brought him in cold sweat

"But remember that if I ever knew that this family is in any kind of trouble because you, I won't hesitate to kill you" I spoke