Chereads / Reincarnated In Pokemon World(Paused) / Chapter 31 - Darkinium Z

Chapter 31 - Darkinium Z

After all the Alolan Rattata and Raticate were taken care of, the Totem Alolan Raticate was the only standing between me and the Darkinium Z.

"Darkrai, use Dark Void and Dream Eater to end this quickly" after I said this, Darkrai used the combo of dark void and dream eater and ended this battle in a single shot.

If they all wouldn't have attacked me together and I wouldn't have taken out all of my pokemon together, it would have taken a little more time, nothing more.

I approached the Darkinium Z and took it.

After I took the Darkinium Z and stored it in my bagpack, I returned my home.


"Sid, what took you so long?" Serena asked as soon as I entered inside.

"I was busy with something" I said as I entered inside and took a seat on the sofa.

"What were you busy with?" she asked me again

"Can you at least let me take a breath before asking questions" I shouted as I was a little irritated that my parents didn't tell me such important thing.

After I shouted at her, she didn't say anything but it seems that she is angry at me and trying not to cry because I shouted at her.

"Serena, sorry for shouting at you but many things are going inside my head which I couldn't tell anyone about.

About why I am late, here is the reason" I apologized before showing her the Darkinium Z to both Serena and Rita as she was also present there but didn't spoke anything.

"Is it....."

"Yeah, it's the Darkinium Z. I just gave a island trial" I spoke interesting Serena.

"Rita, can you check on my pokemon?" I spoke before getting up and taking a glass of water.

"It's my duty" Rita spoke before taking the pokeballs I gave her well, all of my pokeballs.


I took the dinner silently as Serena didn't speak today. It's rare as she is the one who always start a conversation on random things during dinner time.

"What happened? Are you angry at me?" I asked with a smile.

"No, I thaught that you are tired that's why I didn't say anything"

"I will always have time for you" as I said this, a blush appeard on Serena's face.

After that, Serena talked about training her pokemon and after she trained her pokemon as I advised, she started to see the improvement really fast.

'Thanks Friday'

[Welcome Sid ]

I thanked her as she was the one who came up with the training schedule for Serena's pokemon as well as mine. After starting the training suggested by friday, my pokemon are also improving on a visually fast pace.

After I took my dinner and talked with Serena for sometime, I got into my room to take sleep.


The next day,

Everything was going normal till I did my daily routine and reached the pokemon school with Serena but today, Lillie asked me to go with her for shopping after the school.

I agreed as I didn't have anything else to do as I decided to give a rest to my pokemon because Friday suggested it.

After school, I was going with Lillie till we reached the central park. There I saw a young boy with light blonde hair and green eyes. His hair is shaved on the sides with a ripped design carved into it, with long tousled bangs that cover his right eye. He wears a gray hooded shirt with a red slash resembling a scar on it, a black undershirt with ripped sleeves, ripped black pants and red shoes with gray soles and black laces. He also has a red rectangular bag around his waist.

I noticed him as he is Lillie's brother Gladion. He is battling against a Sailor and his Blastoise, where despite a type disadvantage, the midnight form Lycanroc is holding its own.

After seeing him, I moved towards him and

"You battle good" I spoke

"Thanks" Gladion said without moving towards me. He didn't saw me and Lillie

"I challenge you to a battle" as I challenged him, I saw Gladion's face changing expressions looking at Lillie.

"Frogadier, come out" I was trying to bring out frogadier but rockruff jumped out of her pokeball.

"Rockruff, do you wanna battle?" I asked

"Ruff, Ruff" she said while nodding her head.

"Brother" Lillie could only speak this as she seems surprised seeing her brother.

"Lillie, what are you doing here with him" Galdion spoke pointing towards me.

"Brother, when will you come home?" Lillie asked, avoiding or not listening to Gladion's question

"Who is he?" Gladion asked still pointing at me

"He is my friend from pokemon school" Lillie spoke

"Is he just your friend?" Gladion asked

"Yeah he is, at least for now" Lillie spoke the last part in a low voice with a blush but I am sure that we both heard her clearly.

I can see that he is a sis-con judging by the change in expression.

"That aside, when are you coming back home?" Lillie asked again

"I will come soon" Gladion said before turning towards the stairs and walking towards them

"Hey, about our battle" I said

"We will battle any other time" Gladion said as he continue to walk away

"Brother, if you lose against Sid, will you come home?" Lillie asked, trying her last card against Gladion

"I will think about it" I heard his last words as he vanished from our site

After that, Lillie invited me to her home. Soon, Hobbes came and try to take the shopping bags from me but I stopped him saying that he is older than me so I should respect him.

Soon, we arrived at her mansion. Although it big for many people but it's smaller than the mansion I am living in, not to even think about my home where I lived my whole childhood.

Lillie tells me that Gladion left home having wanted to train by himself and Hobbes says that Gladion wanted to improve on his battling skills. Lillie notes that Gladion has changed. Hobbes remembers when Gladion had brought an injured eevee home, he helped take it to Nurse Joy.