Nothing came as a result of my silent contemplation, but I wasn't disappointed.
In the first place, I never expected to receive answers just by thinking about the situation, but I couldn't stop nonetheless.
The more I thought about what was going on, the more questions I received rather than answers, and the more questions I asked, the less I realised I actually understood, leading me to simply think more about it, resulting in more questions, and so on.
By digging a little deeper each time, I felt that, eventually, I must be able to reach the most profound truth; it was rather ironic since, every time I dug deeper, I only realised that I was even further from figuring out the truth than I originally thought.
It was an endless loop of thinking, asking questions, and realising I knew even less.
Analysing it in this way, it felt like I was watching myself experience something similar to the Dunning-Kruger effect in real time.