"I thought so. So, the job is not as easy as you think"
"But what I don't understand in all this is how witches came to be all of this I know somewhere down the line in Egypt was where the magic started being practised and had the most users but most were just tricks"
He rolls his eyes upwards and looks at me like he's pleased with me
"I knew you were a genius kid. You're not too far off there, you see two of Beelzebub's comrades after the others had been banished to hell somehow didn't get banished along with them and went to Egypt when they had just started to develop. There in Egypt on a mountain, those two former angels founded sorcery for the humans to use and they taught it to the Egyptians the Egyptians built the first-ever sorcery college, tricking the Egyptians into thinking of them as gods and worshipping them, giving offerings and sacrifices in return. So, I'm sure you understand by now where a lot of myths originated from. It was fallen angels and their offsprings that ran about doing such deeds tricking weak-hearted and minded men into thinking they were gods"
"So that's where magic originated from and the tributes to the spirits they believe in… I have a question"
He squats on the ground
"Yes, what is it?"
"What about these beliefs that witches and wizards have that for their sacrifices and evil their dark lord will reward them by turning them into demons when they reach hell and giving them even more power"
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that, thanks for reminding me. The thing is other than angels and their monstrous offspring becoming demons another way to make a demon is to take the soul of a person who was notoriously evil on earth and add some impure power to its corrupt nature thereby transforming the once human soul into a demon. Although some are really only playing themselves and just end up suffering in hell for all their crimes on earth some do manage to be demonized but compared to the power they had as a human it means nothing"
"So, men can become demons guess that wasn't all anime and movies spouting nonsense. Can a man become an angel?"
He coughs and laughs dramatically while slapping his lap. He goes on to blow a raspberry and he laughs even harder some more… this goes on for a while before he stops
"Don't be ridiculous"
He yelled out teasing me as much as he could
"Why would anybody want to restrain themselves and make themselves weaker? Becoming an angel doesn't give you more power than a human it's a shackle but no you can't become an angel"
I asked because everything he had told me up till now had a reason so I expected a logical explanation but his reply was that
"Its never been done before"
"Are you telling me you don't even know?!"
"Maybe you can get turned into one if you ask the good shepherd but like I said its going to be more limiting than it will be empowering same thing for being demonized. You sell your birthright for a power that doesn't measure up to the potential you do have. Truth be told if I could become a human. I would in a heartbeat"
The seriousness, the depth of his voice, I knew he wasn't kidding but I couldn't understand why he would want to be human. Just what benefit is there to having a body like this? living on borrowed power like this? I wanted to know, and I wanted to ask more questions but I knew better than to into that rabbit hole
"We angels may have immense powers but these powers our of our own, humans have a direct connection to the source, your power comes straight from him"
The mood had gotten uncomfortable so I quickly looked for what else we could talk about so we could change the topic so I thought I'd ask more about the one who started this all
"Lucifer was the one who started the whole rebellion right? Doesn't that mean he was really strong?"
He suddenly bursts into laughter, it was at this point I understood that his mood could always change at the drop of a hat. I had succeeded in changing the topic and his mood but still, I couldn't help but feel annoyed that he was ridiculing me. Oh well, better this than him trying to kill me
"Lucifer was no more than an archangel he had no real strength the reason why it seemed that way we're because of his numbers, there were a lot of rebels that fought alongside him but those angels were mostly from the order of archangels. He was also a pretty big deal in heaven so in a sense he ranked the highest but he wasn't the strongest, It was mostly Lucifer's group that betrayed the rest of heaven. Although he was weak then, when he became impure he got a lot stronger than he was as an archangel and he kept on growing in power as he fed off the impurity of humanity so he's strong enough to rival the first-ranked angels of our order. Not only that but he has a lot of followers and self-proclaimed brides who worship and serve him with all their hearts, sacrificing everything to him, their children and souls, making pacts with him and continuing to make him grow in power"
"So, they got banished and sent to hell and that's when Lucifer became Satan"
"Yeah, that's pretty much how it goes. He's the only angel who fell that changed his name but there is a demon with a similar name. which reminds me of one other problem I need to discuss with you"
"Huh? What's that?"
"Earlier on you had just learned that angels aren't just one and we have an order so it kind of makes me wonder… What do you know about hell?"
"What do I know about hell? What kind of question is that?"
"Just answer it"
"Well I mean Satan's the boss, right? And he's got millions of demons under him"
Achryxous with his arms folded and his right hand under his chin nods his head with his eyes close just humming his approval of everything I say so I keep going
"Hell, a place made of fire that's meant to burn souls who've done wrong for all of eternity. So yeah that's what I know about hell"
He continues humming his approval and after he nods his head a bit he finally stops and says
"I see, so basically… You know nothing about hell"
What do you mean?! You do not know on hell whatsoever, it's all so simple-minded and stupid like something a kid thought up. If that was hell even the devil would suffer having to live there"
"Ooh come on, cut me some slack"
"First off let's correct that idea of what hell is. Yes, hell is a place of torture and long endless suffering but not all of hell is made of fire. You need to understand even though hell is chaotic there is still order. There are rulers and rulers under rulers and each of them with some sort of responsibility. You have the princes, the first four as the most important, then sub princes which are eight in total. The grand cross of the orders is what the order of hell is called and these are their princes and dignitaries"
"So even hell is organized… At this point, nothing surprises me"
"Listen because this is not only important but there are a lot. These are the list according to importance in the grand cross of the order"
"First off. The seven deadly princes of hell also known as the seven deadly sins
Lucifer sin of pride
Beelzebub sin of envy
Sathanas sin of wrath
Abaddon's sin of sloth
Mammon sin greed
Belphegor sin of gluttony
Asmodeus sin of lust"
A dramatic pause filled the air, I didn't say anything for a good five seconds but he stopped talking, so I made the mistake of asking him
"Is that it"
He said with a joyful expression on his face
"That was just a category of the most deadly based on their specific sin, now ill mention the nine orders than the order of the grand cross"