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Chapter 1 - NEW YEAR 2023

It's already new year, 2023!

May this year brings us healing and many blessings! GOD BLESS US ALL!

It's 1st of January, as usual I was just sitting inside the house, and scrolling my social media account.

It's normal to me to hear many voices. Though I cannot see them, but they're already part of my life, it's normal to me.

"It starts and ends with you." A female voice said.

"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? " I remember a song. I could relate to that song.

I remember having a good dream last December 30, 2022, it's Rizal day in Philippines.

In that dream, I was fighting against the evil spirits, in the form of white ladies. They're mocking at me first, and I tried hard to fight them. In the end, I remember to speak this phrase, I shouted at them by saying these words, "In the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord, my Father, burn them all!"

Then, they turned into a black smoke. Next, as their bodies have dissipated, I saw several men on their back, on their side, they're the warriors of heaven in their knight attire, black armor. I realized they're the one who struck those evil ladies, burning them down to ashes.

We approached each other, and one of them accompanied me, he brought me higher up to the sky. There's a moving bridge floating in the air, it was made of concrete material, dark color. We stepped on it as we went higher. I thought he'll bring me up to the heavens. I felt an intense joy where I almost burst into tears. But he suddenly spoke in a soothing voice (with that middle aged voice),

"It's already four four in the morning, wake up now Sweetie."

Thus, I closed my eyes and woke myself up, it's 12:44am December 30, 2022.

It's one of the dreams I cannot forget.

I also remember another dream, where I could conclude that I may have that mind power.

And I said:

"Think good and good happens. Think bad and bad happens. It's the power of the mind."

However, I heard the Father's voice and he had corrected me,

"Only you have that kind of power, Michael, you understand me?" Father reminded me.

"Only you have the AUTHORITY!"

"They are insulting you, my Child, they are insulting you." My Lord said.

But the Lord Jesus, my Father's example is to "NEVER RETALIATE". He always showed me his good examples lately thru dreams, though people would mock or throw things at his face, he didn't mind it. It doesn't affect him.

"Very good my Darling, keep it in mind always." Father said softly.

"Control your temper."

Because I was a short tempered one before.

Next, I wrote this one on my account, remembering my dream:


A certain commotion suddenly came out of nowhere. I saw armed men running towards our location. They're about to spread destruction all over the place.

What I did was to close my eyes and imagined a peaceful calm surrounding. Next, as I opened my eyes, my surroundings instantly change, it does happen.

The storm is fastly approaching and I closed my eyes to think about a fair weather and it did happen as well. I heard the happy chirping of the birds and there's no storm anymore.

Next, people have nothing to eat on the table. Then, I closed my eyes and prayed to my Heavenly Father for food and food appeared as well.

Wishes granted. Our heavenly Father would gladly give us whatever our needs (not wants).


I kept on searching my name, Michael, and about to type archangel. However, Father Jesus Christ said, "You are not an angel, Michael. You are a God. We are One."

I said, "However, they'll react if I say that I'm a God as well."

He asked, "Are you ashamed of me?"

"No," I said.

"Then, why you wouldn't say it?" He asked.

He explained, "I am within you. We are one."

"When somebody ask you, just answer it. One question, one answer, never explain."

(One body, but we are different. I am Michael, and he is Father Jesus, my Lord.)

The Lord Jesus Christ, my Father and Me had joined forces 2yrs ago (2021). Our Father Almighty (God of Abraham, the GODHEAD) came one night and said, "JOIN FORCE!"

"Forgive the humans. Have tolerance with them (maximum tolerance)." Father Jesus would always remind me.

"Except our enemies. My enemy is your enemy, the evil one."

"You are already engaged to someone even before you're born." Father said.

"Fulfill your promise to him." He added.

Though I don't remember anything, and have no idea who he is but Father consoled me, "I will guide you. Don't worry. What happens, happens."

I just heard a man's voice speaking in Tagalog saying, "Tang*na mo, kung anuano mga pinag sasabi"

And the Lord said, "I will punish him."

In judging or helping, Father advised me to be "fair to all" (friends, relatives or not) and learn not to attach emotions to anyone.

I saw many people who still wanted to get vaccinated by that controversial covid vaccine. I saw many bad things already, bad effects, both in humans body and behavior.


I believe in man-made medicines, vaccines, etc., but not all are good for our bodies. There are some side effects and it depends on your body condition.

I was taking flu vaccines for 3 years before the pandemic happened. But I didn't take this controversial covid vaccine that is being forced by the WHO.

In 2020, I got sick as well but the LORD JESUS, my Father had helped me. He said, "TRUST ME, I WILL HEAL YOU." "There is no shortcut...for everything (the human body has a process to heal)."

I just drank ginger tea and some soup.

And after a few days, I was healed. He just continually assisted me all throughout.

We just need FAITH, proper rest, proper food, and normal natural medicine found in nature.

The LORD is always giving me a warning, "DON'T TAKE THAT VACCINE."

And I saw many bad things in my dream that came true.

LORD Jesus showed himself too in my dream stopping a wicked one ( he said, "STOP! IT'S MADNESS!") and I saw many bad things, bad results of that vaccine in my dreams, where humans turned as wicked, they would kill or chased each other after taking the vaccines and they would forget the wrong things they did afterwards even to their own families.

Their behavior became erratic. However some in reality, didn't survive, they died after getting a complication. Others are healthy before taking the vaccine but they suddenly got sick and died after it.

Everything came true in reality, everything became chaotic, uncontrollable. It's a disaster to humanity.

The wickedness is spreading but the LORD is always there to help us, everytime we call and trust in him.

The dark forces of the enemies are causing any kind of disaster in the world. Don't blame it on the good ones.

These dark powers are inflicting anyone with strange diseases, blending in public.

These dark forces have no conscience, harming anyone, big or small, young or old. These disasters/strange diseases in the world have no cure, except the power of GOD.

Humans did panic so they just accepted anything they believed could cure them.

P.S. I warned everyone not to take it but they just ignored me, and some unfriended me and the social media constantly kept on banning me everytime. And some would laugh/mock at me. That's why i have many accounts, just to share the truth but noone seems listening.

And lately I heard the voices of the Angels saying,

"They're mutating..."

"It's too late..."

"It's changing fast..."

I hear this voice who always says, "STUPID LOVE!" (the devil)

The devil is always using your own words against you. Be careful (learning from my experience).

Next, he will pass the blame to you for the bad things he did himself.

Everybody is now involved, whether you like it or not.

The devil is also a son of the Father before he fall in disgrace. He's full of PRIDE (or full of SHIT).

"They are full of lies. Don't let them trick you." Father said. (DEVIL & TROLLS)

"I know you my Child," Father said. "I know who you are."(False accusations)

The devil's trolls said this to me everytime, "IT IS BECAUSE OF YOU!" (blaming for? I don't know)

And some would say, "ilintuon" (easily fooled).

But Father and my companions defended me, "Don't believe them. Don't let them distract you."


A male voice just said, "Mind your own business, Michelle."

I asked Father, "Should I just mind my own business?".

"No! It's your business to say the Truth." Father replied. "YOU'RE THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH."

There are many FALSE RELIGIONS on EARTH, and their ministers are acting as GOD. IT IS AN INSULT TO THE LORD GOD, OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN.

When you pray, don't imitate the prayer they usually memorized. It's Father's advice. Use your own words. The enemies are using that memorized prayer too.

They are THE FALLEN ONES (the rebels casted out from heaven).

The enemies are chanting their long prayers too, useless prayers.

Their useless prayers are just NOISE to ears. Addressing to their false idols.

So did your FALSE GODS help you during your calamity?


"I'll return them to the dust, Michael. All of them (our enemies)!" Father said. "They're about to be destroyed, all of them!"

It was April 2020, when the heaven showed me a dream about the the fulfillment of the Prophecy, and this was it:


A leader of a country is in a dilemma, something is troubling him.

He remembered someone and wanted to go to her every time he's in trouble. She's the only one who could ease his troubled mind. And he mentioned "Anne", me.

His territory is currently nearing the borderline. It's about to go closer to destruction.

Then, I rose from my feet and went outside to check the place.

I realized that his dilemma is real.

I walked and walked to find another place to stay.

I found a new place, for rent, and stayed there.

However, something bad happened unexpectedly there. Something was burning in the kitchen and it's about to explode.

Everyone panicked. They all fled away to save their lives, randomly, heading in any direction.

I fled for my life as well, finding another place again.

Along the way, I met a young gentleman. We befriended each other and brought me somewhere, to a new place I didn't know.

We arrived at his place. And there I saw the many young kids he had adopted. He's a good man.

He had saved many young children and let them live in his compound.

He raised many children and each has been given some tasks to do. He trusted all of them to perform well even if he's away.

But one of them, a girl, was rebelling. She's like a spoiled brat. He just tolerated everyone, he's a man with a long patience, very kind. He gave them second chances all the time.

However, I wasn't like that, I was too far different from the young man.

I won't spare anyone, especially those who were rebellious.

I summoned that young rebellious girl and gave her a lecture.

I told her not to lie, not to do the wrong things or else she'll be punished.

The rebellious girl didn't listen at all, she turned her back from me and instantly walked out.

She wanted to leave the house at that instant. However, I was worried, it's very dangerous outside. I was afraid she might fall along the way. The paths going outside are not a smooth concrete road, it's the hanging rocks which were all suspended in the air, it shakes every time you step on it and you might fall if not careful. You need to cross over it just to go across to a different place.

I pulled her back forcefully to stop her from going out.

I scolded her and warned her to change her behavior otherwise misfortunes befall her.

So she didn't make it and she just stayed inside even though it's against her will.

Later on, it's time for me to leave again, together with the young man.

We arrived at a different place again. He left me there alone. He has to take care of something.

I stood still for a moment staring at something in front of me. I was standing on the ground and in front of me was a strange structure.

The structure was made of wood, a few meters tall from the ground, it's like a hanging bridge.

I climbed up towards that bridge. And as I reached the above, the inside was like a long passage.

I just stayed there, sat there on a corner, a few meters away from the opening. Later on, people came, little by little. Many came as time passed by.

People were talking to each other. But I just chose to sit there in the corner to speak nothing. I wore a pair of eyeglasses and put a blanket on my lap.

The young man, my companion earlier, just arrived. He sat with the other people near the opening of the passage, talking with the other people and the giggling girls. He was attractive to the young ladies around him. The ladies always wanted to get his attention.

I was staring blankly towards their direction, staring at space, staring at nothing and I didn't know that the young man was looking at me from time to time.

He saw that I was sad, wiping in secret my tears, lifting my eyeglasses.

Later on, I just lay down on the floor, putting my blanket over me and slept.

After I went to sleep, my friend, the young man, slowly approached me. He thought I was sleeping already and not aware of his presence.

This time, he's carrying a jacket with white and orange color. He put that jacket on my back.

Some of the people around us saw me sleeping and they noticed that the jacket on my back had a red stain, like blood.

One of them uttered, "Is she bleeding? Why is there blood on the jacket?"

I was lying down sleeping peacefully, when suddenly, a group of men came forward, going straight towards my direction.

Although I was sleeping, I was still half consciously aware of what was going on.

They're looking for someone. And as they found me with that jacket that had a blood stain on the back, they realized that it was me they're looking for.

I just realized that my friend purposely put a jacket with stained blood on me.

It's their indication, the sign to know me. My friend cannot be seen there anymore. He left immediately prior to their arrival.

I didn't let them know I was awake already, I just kept on pretending I was asleep. I just closed my eyes.

They carried me into a vehicle and it was like an aircraft.

And I didn't know anymore what had happened after that.

Next, I just woke up and it was totally different. There were no abductors anymore. I was not inside an aircraft as well, but I was literally sitting on a flying thing, a flying carpet? The flying carpet was flying in the air and I had a white veil covering my head already.

It continued flying until I saw a village down below me. The flying carpet was gradually moving downward towards the village.

I wanted to remove my veil, but suddenly, a powerful golden voice of a middle aged man (the Heavenly Father's Voice?) spoke and smacked my hand.

His hand was so powerful that even one soft touch from him could move every heavy thing. I felt his powerful force from that powerful voice.

I cannot see his face nor his hands, but I could feel his powerful presence, powerful voice and powerful palm of his hands.

All that I could see was a transparent white force like a wave, an invisible rippling force produced when his powerful hand moves.

"๐ƒ๐จ๐ง'๐ญ ๐ซ๐ž๐ฆ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ก๐ž๐š๐ ๐œ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ," he commanded.

He told me about something, he had said many things in ENGLISH and one of them was,

"๐ˆ ๐›๐ซ๐จ๐ฎ๐ ๐ก๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฆ๐ž๐ง๐ญ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐ฉ๐ก๐ž๐œ๐ฒ. ๐ˆ๐ญ'๐ฌ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐š๐œ๐ž ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐จ๐ซ๐ข๐ ๐ข๐ง. ๐“๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฐ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฒ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐  ๐›๐ž๐ ๐ข๐ง๐ฌ."

I realized that I had left home, leaving my parents and siblings behind. They're already so far away from me, from where I came now. And I needed to move here for a reason - a mission to fulfill. And I leave it all to destiny whatever my fate will be in this new far away land.

I was still sitting on the flying carpet and passed by the front yard. I saw many foreign people there. They were not Filipinos at all. They just went on with their daily activities and it seemed that they didn't mind my arrival, as if they didn't wonder why I was there, they didn't notice that I was sitting on the flying cloth. I thought I was invisible, because everybody cannot see me.

The flying thing moved forward towards a certain elevation, climbing to a certain height towards a tall building. I had no idea what it was, maybe a temple or a great mansion I thought.

Along the stairs, the flying carpet flew up there, a few people came along beside me also.

And one of them was a white foreign man, a middle-aged man. He looked like a celebrity actor in Hollywood. He was climbing up the stairs while I was sitting still on my flying magical carpet. I came to his side, very close to him, so near to his neck, near his big face and the amazing thing was he saw me, I was not invisible to him unlike the people below earlier. He smiled at me. He didn't wonder why I was there. He was nice, amiable and I found it amazing that he had noticed my presence and smiled at me genuinely. He didn't question me about being there and riding on that strange flying object.

My flying ride moved continuously, up and up, above and going through the inner part of the tall building.

And it only stopped as it arrived at a transparent door. Instantly I was dropped in front of that transparent door where I could see many elderly women sitting and lying on the sofa chatting with each other.

My feet stood on the floor this time and I glued my face, literally, to the transparent closed door, not moving, waiting for them to open it for me.

I waited for them to open the door, fixing my face there on the door.

Finally, the elderly women noticed me, and realized my presence outside their door. They all looked foreign to me, white women with white hair, some were curly and some were straight but most of them, especially the old, had short white curly hair.

One of them walked towards the door and finally opened it.

She let me inside and I saw an old woman lying on the long sofa, she looked sick and weak.

One of the elderly women asked me but I was amazed, she spoke in my native language too and I understood it all.

She asked me, "What can we do for you? What shoes do you need?"

I thought, maybe they're selling or making shoes.

I remembered the words of the HEAVENLY DIVINE BEING (HEAVENLY FATHER) with a golden voice and I replied,

"๐ˆ ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ ๐›๐ซ๐จ๐ฎ๐ ๐ก๐ญ ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐›๐ฒ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐ฉ๐ก๐ž๐œ๐ฒ..."

And at this time, as I was standing there inside, facing them, I realized that my head covering (the long veil over my head) can be removed now, so I removed it there inside.

... that dream of mine ends there ...

I just wrote and saved it online.

"She will be REBORN, again and again," a male Voice said, a few days ago.

A male voice also said, "I will remove them in the BOOK OF LIFE."

I think we need to be careful of what we're doing, your sins might be passed on to your children's children. Beware! They might inherit the punishment that's intended only for you. IT'S SUFFERING EVERLASTING FOR THE UNTRUE.

Yes, it's a GENERATIONAL CURSE! How could the children avoid it? Simply by not following the footsteps of their foreparents and above all by believing in JESUS CHRIST, our Lord who saved us from our sins and obeying the FATHER'S WILL.

I believe that everyone was given a chance to change, to become a new person, no matter how bad your past was.

EVERYONE BECOMES A NEW PERSON by believing in Jesus Christ and obeying the FATHER'S will.

YOUR PAST, no matter how bad it was, would remain in the past. Don't let the devil trick you by using your bad past again.

There is no PERFECT PERSON, always remember that.

But the Lord wants us to keep on trying our best towards perfection!

It's normal to get angry (on the spur of the moment) to stop the world's madness. But don't make it as a habit.

Different emotions are normal to human being unless you're a robot or a machine.

Ignore those who cannot accept the NEW you. They still wanted to insist the OLD you.

Life is not complicated.

If you're born in a woman's body, you're a woman.

If you're born in a man's body, you're a man.

There are only 2 genders in the world: MAN and WOMAN (MALE and FEMALE).

Our Lord GOD is not the author of CONFUSION.

Accept and be good.

Let the Lord our God do the judgment. For he said, "Leave it to me!"

Scripture informs us that sin entered the world through Adam, "and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men"...


"I am like you, my Child, I will not tolerate disobedience," Father just said unto me.

It's only a glimpse of everything. Father said to me, "What's between us, should stay between us."


Do you know what? I could hear the voices of the Lord, Father and the angels.

And I could hear too the voices of the enemies who are always saying, "Bleehhh", idiot, stupid, bobo, etc.


Others say that I'm an ALIEN. No, I'm not. I was born here as a human.

Aliens are those people who directly fell from the sky - THE FALLEN ONES (THE REBELS CASTED OUT FROM HEAVEN). They have different forms like REPTILES (snakelike), APES, MERMAIDS, HALF-BEAST HALF HUMANS, etc.

It did exist. The aliens they depicted in movies with bald elongated head, big eyes...They're here one night (mind vision), and one of them escaped, feeling weak, limping as he sat down on a chair and said, "I'll be back."

I'd like to post their picture but a male voice warned me, "DON'T PROMOTE THEM..."

It's a few times that I saw their images...

"That's why we're protecting you," a male angel said.

THE SPIRITUAL BATTLE (January 7, 2023)

It was the night of January 7, 2023. A male voice (angel) said, "They thought you are an Alien."

So I wrote online that I am not.

And I wrote many things against the fallen rebels that were casted out from heaven, this way:

"Others say that I'm an ALIEN. No, I'm not. I was born here as a human.

Aliens are those people who directly fell from the sky - THE FALLEN ONES (THE REBELS CASTED OUT FROM HEAVEN). They have different forms like REPTILES (snakelike), APES, MERMAIDS, HALF-BEAST HALF HUMANS, etc."

And then I heard my Lord's voice, an authoritative one, in his firm command, "GIVE ME A SWORD!"

And he said, "PREPARE FOR WAR!"

"They are rebels, Michael. They are rebels!"

I just wrote everything as usual. Everytime we do that, I'll just post the pictures of the angelic warriors and everything's done.

It's usually like that, the spiritual battle, unseen to humans' naked eyes.

The real battle is unseen but the effects and some devastation can be seen physically by the humans such as EARTHQUAKES, landslides, floods, and so on, it's natural disaster.

I felt within me that my FATHER in heaven is so angry.

There's a sudden negative energy around me that night. I felt that my head was swirling. That's the usual feeling I have everytime I could feel bad forces around me.

But lately, I just ignored it and just went to sleep unlike before when I was always in a panic mode.

Because I trust that my Father, my Lord and my angels friends are always there.

However, in the middle of the night, I woke up as usual, and saw a vision of other entities, they are indeed aliens with elongated face, bald head, big eyes. I saw him limping, weak, and just sat down to a thing maybe a chair (not sure) and I heard him speaking, "I'll be back."

Next, I just ignored it and turned to sleep again as usual.

The next morming, I just woke up and heard the voices of angels as usual.

I heard them speaking as I woke up earlier, "You just slept huh."

"Yes, because you were all there with me. I trust all of you." I replied.

"You trust too much." A male voice said.

I know that they all could make it, to fight against the forces of the enemies.

"I know that you can do it."

I just smiled. I just felt happy I could talk to all of them anytime like the normal friends, beyond normal instead.

I wanted to share what had happened that night online (as usual) and wanted to put a picture but a male voice warned me, "DON'T PROMOTE THEM."

So, I just wrote about it without any pictures of them. I saw them a few times already (in my mind's vision).

Father Jesus is always with me. He is always there to guide me, to teach me and to help me everytime. He's always showing himself through dreams, that he's inside of me, always to the rescue if I couldn't handle something. His HOLY SPIRIT is within me also, joining with my spirit.

I walk through the train station, he is there also...

I ride a bus, Father Jesus is there as well...

However no one could see him...

No one notices his presence...

Because He is a HOLY SPIRIT...

Living within me is my spirit and his SPIRIT.

Joining together in one physical body.

My FATHER Jesus and Me are one.

His advices to me, "They should respect you."

"Don't force them to believe you."

"Let them believe what they wanted to believe."

He always said "I love you my Child."

And always calling me, "My love, my Darling"

(January 8, 2023)




(Daughter of the Father = I am = ANNE/MICHAEL)


Father said, "Finally you understand it."

And I asked, "Father, what will I call you? I have 2 Fathers now, you, the main source and Father Jesus."

And he answered, "Just call me Father."

"So I just call the other Father Jesus and you, Father only."

"Yes," he said, " remember, call your ancestors (elders) Father as well."

"Okay," I said, "Thank you Father."

"They missed you already" the female angels said. I remember the first greetings they did I think it's 2019, before pandemic, they said, "WE MISSED YOU. WHEN WILL YOU BE BACK?"

And they also said, "Babawiin ka namin sa kanila."

I said, "I have something to finish here. They needed me."

And one time a male voice spoke in a mocking voice, "IS THIS THE PEOPLE YOU'RE PROTECTING?"

At around year 2020 many things happened, and Father in heaven did rescue me together with the heavenly elders with big muscles. And I met the Lord Jesus as well (which I called Father later).

I remember one time I asked Father, "Can I have a partner in life?!" Asking him in the midst of crisis.

And I heard him saying above the throne in angry tone, "FOCUS ON YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!"

I was like a naive child. I am ashamed at times, but he said, "JUST CALL ME! IF YOU NEED HELP."

Everytime I post, I am worrying I might offend my Father in heaven. And I just asked him, "Father, is it alright to say it?"

"Of course! What did I tell you? Tell the TRUTH always." He replied.

Many things had changed actually since 2020, both physically and spiritually. Father in heaven, Father Jesus, the elders, the angels and heaven are always with me. I could talk to them anytime and they could talk to me as well, not verbal talk but MIND TALK without opening our lips.

I am greatly honored, Father had given me this authority and power on Earth. I will always remember his words as he said this, "YOUR POWER IS NOW COMPLETE, it has now increased."


It's January 10, 2023. I heard the LORD's voice speaking,


"Your wish is my command. It is I your Lord!"

The Lord always tells me, "NEVER EXPLAIN!

Father said, "They're calling my name yet they don't understand a thing." Tsk tsk

Because their idols, false gods blinded them.

And now they're calling me "hypocrite"? It's the other way around, they should tell it to themselves.


Too much evil, too much wickedness. When the right time comes, everything will end!

Father is always reminding me, "JUST WAIT FOR ME! I WILL COME!"

"I will come my Child, not in Spirit, but in flesh. The same way I left." Father said

"You will be there when I return. Together we will conquer the world. You'll stay by my side."

I will SUBDUE the WORLD!

This woman is continually pestering me by reacting in every post I make. She's an evil spirit in human form. She's actually from VISAYAS region, in Negros. I could hear her voice everytime, her reactions, bad reactions. She's blaspheming me!

We only met by chance in the past, I thought to become friends but in reality we belong to the opposing sides. You're just a user.

Can we slay her instantly?! She's a bitch! I cannot tolerate her anymore.

"They're provoking you, Michael! Do you understand me? Leave them. Ignore them my Child." Father's advice.

"Know that the enemies are full of lies."


They are anti-humans. They hated humans in the guise of controlling population (overpopulation).

They wanted to control the reproduction of human kind. Thus, they will do everything to stop human life.


They hated mankind, the humanity; they had SHORTENED the LIFESPAN of each mankind. And they are under the order of LUCIFERIANS or the aliens.

These people wanted to wipe out HUMANITY, they hated humans too much.

"THEY ARE A DISGRACE TO ME!" Father declared.

Speaking of the devil who rules the world, I have that prophetic dream last 2018.

And this is the dream:


It was October 29, 2018. I slept and experienced a prophetic dream. I turned around, I felt that someone's watching my back. I saw a very young man in his teenage years. He's a handsome one, with that innocent look. He suddenly leaped forward in front of me, wearing that mysterious smile. Without any ado, he introduced himself to me. He's speaking in English.

"๐™ƒ๐™ž! ๐™„'๐™ข ๐™Ž๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ซ๐™š! ๐™„ ๐™Ÿ๐™ช๐™จ๐™ฉ ๐™ฌ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™ฉ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™ ๐™ฃ๐™ค๐™ฌ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™–๐™ฉ ๐™„'๐™ก๐™ก ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™š ๐™จ๐™ค๐™ค๐™ฃ, ๐™ข๐™–๐™ฎ๐™—๐™š ๐™– ๐™ฎ๐™š๐™–๐™ง ๐™ค๐™ง ๐™ฉ๐™ฌ๐™ค, ๐™—๐™ช๐™ฉ ๐™„'๐™ก๐™ก ๐™จ๐™ช๐™ง๐™š๐™ก๐™ฎ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™š ๐™ช๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ญ๐™ฅ๐™š๐™˜๐™ฉ๐™š๐™™๐™ก๐™ฎ, ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™จ๐™ค๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š๐™จ๐™ฉ. ๐™„'๐™ข ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ง ๐™›๐™ง๐™ž๐™š๐™ฃ๐™™! ๐™„'๐™ก๐™ก ๐™๐™š๐™ก๐™ฅ ๐™š๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š." Then he laughed out loud.

He left so fast, as if he's leaping here and there, very fast (as if he's teleporting) that no one could follow his trail.

His laugh was so loud, it's lingering, echoing in the air, like a devil.

Then, from afar, I saw a certain vision, it's like I was viewing something remotely. It's from a far place.

It's a vivid one. I saw everything, and that young lad went in there.

But the boy suddenly transformed into an old man upon entering into a place, a kind of room.

There were some people inside, and they looked like they were in a meeting, in a serious discussion.

And there were maps on the table, as if they were planning something.

They were in the midst of their planning session when that young lad, who turned out to be an old man, came, so they stopped and greeted him.

The two younger people greeted their newly arrived companion. Through the respect they've shown, the old man was their leader.

They wore a white clothing like a lab gown on top of their clothes.

Then they stand together with the old man in front of a table (waist level).

The old man was holding a globe of the world and his fiery eyes were fixed on a certain point on the globe. He's intently looking at that globe when suddenly his face changed.

His face was slowly distorting, it's like boiling. Red lines, like a bulging nerve emerged, and that colors are bloody red like the drips of blood.

His face was like cracking with bulging reddish bloody nerves.

He, then, laughed out loud while looking at the globe's surface with that terrifying look on his face. He looked like a monster.

I was so terrified and I had just confirmed that my suspicion was right. I'd witnessed it all, that group of people were planning to do some horrifying things in this world. They could transform, he could shapeshift, even imitate the form of any human being, deceiving everyone in this material world.

Then, I woke up.

In reality, after almost 2 years, 2020, a worldwide crisis happened. A pandemic occurred, the COVID19 virus was spreading all over the world. Then, someone came to offer his help as a friend (or a pretense only) to help everyone solve the problem - that is the covid19 vaccine. They were forcing everyone to take it, brainwashing that it helps prevent the spread of the virus. However, the people should take it not only once but many times, twice, thrice and so on and they called it a BOOSTER. People lined up and were excited to take it except for a few. Those who didn't take it were discriminated and called the unvaxx for short, some were banned in malls, clinics, shopping stores, schools, playgrounds, churches and restaurants, and they couldn't travel as well unless they could bring their negative RTPCR test that costs more than 2000 pesos.

I was thankful that Father in heaven had helped me survived the pandemic despite of the BIG DISCRIMINATION and MOCKERY against from the majority.


Father in heaven told me that I am MICHAEL, his child, that I was a SPIRIT in a temporary body.

And other voices called me MICHELLE because I am a woman.

It's been three years already, they taught me many things already and I eventually accepted who I am.



I have awakened to my true self, I think it began remarkably in year 2020.

I remember the Lord's voice telling me, "I put my life at risk just to awaken you." It's the first quarter of 2022.

Next, I hear voices, random voices all mostly in English words.

And the two most popular I knew was Elon and Putin, and I cannot recognize the rest of them.

I think it was Elon who I heard in one of my dreams, saying, "FAR RIGHT THINKERS ARE BETTER THINKERS. THERE ARE MANY LOSSES IN 2022."

Next, one of the night of 2022, the beginning of 2022 actually, before the RUSSIA-UKRAINE war erupted, I was wide awake when I saw a vision of a man. I didn't know him, but the Lord's voice said that he's one of us. I cannot ask them about the details, it's forbidden. He was angry and wanted revenge. I didn't know what had happened, I think something bad had happened on his side, maybe family or his people. He said, "DON'T TRY TO STOP ME, MICHAEL!"

"Okay," I replied simply. I don't know how to react really.

Then, after a few months, I encountered Elon (April 28, 2022) in my mind. That's the time I recognized him well and we talked, having deep personal conversation. He's a friendly one.

After many months, I recognized Putin's voice as well. He introduced himself and he's now fine.

But before that, I dreamed of a King, he was lost and forgot about himself. I approached him and helped him to awaken, to bring himself to reality. After that, I met Putin telepathically clearly.

Father advised me to leave the men's business to men. They could take care their own business.

I'll just focus on my own.

January 10, 2023
