Cami vanished from Luna's arms and returned with a homemade poster covered in glitter, macaroni, and glue.
She presented it to her father as if it were her proudest accomplishment since being potty-trained.
"Well since the little one has already ruined the surprise..." Luna sighed.
She waltzed up to Malachi's stunned face and kissed his cheek. "Happy birthday, my darling."
Malachi slowly lost his furry coat, and his hair became notably less alive. "It's not my birthday though... Is it?"
Celeste pulled out her phone and showed him the date.
"Shit, it is.." he realized.
Malachi hadn't actually thought about his birthday in a long time. Not since his parents died at least.
Every year just kind of felt like another painful reminder of what he'd lost, so eventually he just stopped thinking about it altogether.
Usually it was Aubrey and Aisha who cared about his birthday more than he did.