After several minutes more of stewing in the bath, Malachi and Anna arose from the water with their bodies producing enough steam to power a train.
The duo didn't exactly bring spare clothes on this trip, so Malachi had to craft them clothes from his powers.
"Alright, babe, make me look presidential." Anna dropped her towel and held out her arms.
"Whatever you say." Mal chuckled.
Shadows briefly swallowed up Anna's figure.
A few seconds later, she was standing in a dark pantsuit like her mother tended to wear.
She was not amused.
"Don't make me hurt you." She threatened.
Stifling a laugh and discreetly taking a picture to show Bianca, Malachi embraced her in darkness once again.
When she was visible again, she revealed herself to be in a beautiful black dress that stopped just a little above her knees.
A pair of matching heels adorned her feet, and an assortment of jewelry covered her wrists and fingers.