She was exhausted, and it was nearly midnight when she arrived at her house. However, the young man in the car with her improved her mood significantly.

To be honest, hearing such a wonderful secret that she already suspected made her feel complicated, but she enjoyed it.

She already knew how great her life would be with the child.

O'Neal followed Sarah out of the car; as it was dark, he couldn't see much of the house, but he could see one thing clearly: he'll be living in a massive mansion, which was enough to put him at ease.

"Welcome back, Madam," the butler said warmly as Sarah stepped out of the car.

Sarah politely nodded at the middle-aged man, her butler, and someone she'd been working with for six months.

When he saw the young man who came with Sarah, the butler understood her well, or at least much better than others.

However, he realized that this was the person who would be staying in the room that Sarah had asked him to clean.

"Frank, this is O'Neal, and he will be joining us as of today. I wouldn't want my man being mistreated in my own home," Sarah informed Frank, who was taken aback for a moment before nodding his head.

"I will make sure that everyone is aware of it," Frank genuinely enjoys his job, and there was no way he was going to let someone who reports to him cause him to lose his job due to underestimation.

O'Neal politely nodded to Frank, who smiled warmly back, and this made O'Neal flush with shyness, shocking Frank for a second before he gathered himself.

"Follow me inside. I'll show you your room," Sarah said without looking at anyone in particular.

And, like a puppy, O'Neal followed Sarah into the mansion, not daring to ogle the place despite his interest. It was already late, and they were all tired.

Sarah led O'Neal into the elevator, which took them to the third floor.

Sarah led O'Neal to the room that was reserved for him.

The third floor has four bedrooms with bathroom en-suites.

"This will be your room," Sarah said as she opened the door to the room she had chosen for O'Neal, "everything you need is already in the room. Learn your room's layout and go to bed early. Someone will contact you first thing tomorrow morning."

She exited the room and returned to the elevator, which she used to get to the fourth floor, where she lives.

The master bedroom, study, library, gym, jacuzzi, and open balcony were all located on the fourth floor of this mansion.

This was her personal space. She even converted another bedroom into a library, which is separate from her study office.

She wanted to relax and get a good night's sleep after a long day. She went to bed after a relaxing warm bath.

The roosters did their job and woke everyone up and this irritated everyone to death the next morning. They simply served as natural alarms, and Sarah awoke around 5 a.m. as usual.

She is an early riser who believes that the early bird always gets the worm.

She put on her workout clothes, took the elevator to the first floor, and walked out of the mansion, which was already being cleaned by several servants.

"Good day, Madam."

"Hello and good morning."

"How did you spend your night?"

Sarah wasn't a cold person, and she was the type to always respond warmly to those she cared about.

She handpicks everyone who works for her, so she is more fond of them than the people she meets when she is out and about.

Sarah's morning routine was straightforward; she would get up and jog around the compound for thirty minutes before returning to her house.

She'll then shower, change, and head to the first floor for breakfast. However, there was a significant difference on this day; she was not eating alone, but with someone else, O'Neal, whom she had brought back home at night.

All the servants knew that O'Neal wasn't just another person, but their madam's boy, and he wasn't to be disrespected, but they also understood that their allegiance was only to Sarah, not O'Neal.

The more he looked at Sarah and this magnificent house, the more intrigued he became.

'What exactly does she do? From what family does she come?'

Sarah took O'Neal outside after breakfast to show him around.

Sarah was very proud of the person she had become; of course, she wanted to accomplish more, gain more, and become far better than she was. After all, she was still an ant in comparison to those people, and that feeling didn't sit well with her.

"This is both my home and my workplace. You'll be staying here for the time being, but once you start school, I may find you a closer place in the city so you don't have to travel so far every day," Sarah proudly introduced her place to O'Neal.

O'Neal wasn't paying attention because his gaze was fixed on Sarah's face. Sarah, who was at home, was not hiding her face behind a veil, but was openly showing it, and to be honest, O'Neal was in love with her. Initially, it was just gratitude and a duty to serve, but things had changed.

How can someone be so stunning?

Sarah's home is a farm and a large one at that. O'Neal was taken aback when he saw the location during the day; he hadn't expected this beautiful lady to be staying on a farm.

Of course, the mansion changed the overall appearance of the property; after all, not everyone builds mansions on their farms. Mansions and villas were typically found in cities and other cool locations.

"This farm is called Honeydew Farm, and I bought it about a year ago. This used to be called a cursed farm after something that ..."

Sarah smiled as she began to introduce her farm to O'Neal.