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A Man, A Plan, And A Magical Girl Harem

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A Waifu Catalog fic where a man begins his adventure by capturing and mind controlling the five Pretty Cures from Smile Pretty Cure, as well as their mothers, and turning all of them into adoring babymaking slaves. Its actually a happy story, I promise.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 01

"Are you sure you're satisfied with character creation?" a feminine mechanical voice asks.

I look over the list of traits and perks. It seems solid, but there's so much I don't know. "What do you think, Delta?"

My artificial intelligence based assistant makes a quiet thrumming noise as she calculates. "I think you've done what you can on such a limited budget, Master. Your usage of Meta Shift in order to make your initial targets lewder, and to make your role in their story so essential... it is especially genius... I've never seen anything quite like it. Now, you'll be quite vulnerable with such limited defenses. But so long as your plan to capture your initial harem members works out, you are unlikely to face much combat before you are able to accumulate additional points, as well as accumulate additional loyal, combat capable companions."

I sigh heavily, hoping she's right. Hell, I'm still not entirely sure that this whole situation is real. A few hours ago, I woke up inside this closet-sized room with four white plastic walls and no door, with only a chair and a display screen to look at. The voice I'm talking to introduced herself as a long string of alphanumeric characters that ended in 'Delta', so Delta she is now. She informed me that apparently, I've been selected to be employed as a contractor with 'The Company', an entity about which Delta knows decidedly little, in order to interact with a system called 'The Waifu Catalogue'. Yeah, I know. I'm sparing you the first hour of disbelief, the arm pinching and cheek slapping, attempting to wake up from this weird-ass dream. And I'm also sparing you the next two hours I spent pouring over the instructions on the screen to make my 'build', asking a million questions of my new servant AI.

"Alright. I can hem and haw forever if I let myself. So that's it. Finalize my build," I say.

"Confirmed, Master. Actualizing dimensional interface. Bridging to your Grand Manor."

A swirling purple portal erupts from the wall a few feet away. My heart hammers in my chest as I look at it. This is really happening. This bizarre, dream-like venture is really about to begin. I rise, and, after tentatively putting a few fingers through the portal and sensing nothing amiss, step through.

The 'Grand Manor', as the perk I purchased was called, is tastefully decorated in a rustic but high-class style. Dark hardwood walls and floor, and the couch is a fine leather and almost certainly more expensive than any piece of furniture I've owned in all forty two years of my adult life. A fire crackles in the gigantic hearth merrily, fueled by actual wood logs.

"Are you prepared to accept delivery of your purchased companion, Master? Or would you like a chance to explore the premises first," Delta asks me.

I'm torn for a moment, but then my horniness overrides my curiosity. I nod. "Let's go with the companion first."

Another portal opens on the same wall where mine closed. I just barely catch a glimpse of something beyond the portal, a factory-like horror of non-Euclidean space with an endless expanse of metal and glass pods, before the portal snaps closed again. Shaking off the vision, I focus on what's standing before me: a young teenage girl in a pale yellow cardigan and a short blue skirt. Her eyes are closed, and after a moment, she slumps forward. Startled, I catch her limp form and settle her down into a sitting position on the couch. "Uhh... Delta, what's wrong with her?"

Delta gives a small chuckle. "For your safety, Master, purchased companions are delivered in an inert state. Please remember that while the Company performs a partial binding to your Shroud energy during initial processing, its up to you to innervate the binding up to the maximum level."

I look to Yayoi beside me. She's short, which I obviously knew, but seeing it in person is something else. Her form is so petite and small, it makes my protective instincts go into overdrive. I breathe in, inhaling her scent. She smells of cinnamon and fresh flowers.

"To awaken her, simply wrap her in your Shroud," Delta says helpfully.

Not wanting to wait another moment, I extend my Shroud as instructed. Delta let me test it back before I confirmed my build, but even if she hadn't, its almost absurdly intuitive. With a simple thought, I make a swirl of black void energy emerge from my fingertip, spiraling around her and snaking up her body in a matter of seconds. Then its gone, and Yayoi opens her eyes.

"Ahh..." she intones. She looks at me, startled, then blushes and looks down into her lap. "Who are... no wait... I know who you are. But... how?"

I reach my arm over her shoulder and pull her up against me. "Relax." As I do, I feel her relax... an instantly, instinctive obedience. The people at this 'Company' are damn good. "You are Yayoi Kise, second year middle schooler at Nanairogaoka Academy. You're a Pretty Cure, specifically Cure Peace. And I am your Master."

"I... I see. Yes, that seems right. My Master..." The title comes to her lips naturally. She looks at me cautiously, her cheeks blushing faintly at the closeness, but makes no effort to pull away. Then her eyes widen as she fully processes what I said. "Y- you know about Pretty Cures?"

I nod. "That's right. I know about you, and your friends too. Miyuki-chan, Akane-chan, Reika-chan, and Nao-chan too. I know about Candy, and Märchenland. I'm an ally." I let all of that sink in. "I'm going to be training you to make you stronger, Yayoi-chan."

"Stronger? Like at f- fighting? But..." she frets cutely, "Why me? I'm the weakest out of all my friends, and I always mess up when the Akanbe show up..."

I smile reassuringly. "Eventually, I'll be training your four friends as well. But, don't sell yourself short. You've got a great heart, Yayoi-chan. With some proper guidance and training, I have no doubt you'll make a top tier Pretty Cure Warrior."

"I... I don't know about that..." she demurs. "But... why do you want to train us?"

I look at her somberly. "I know you and your friends mean well. But without additional help, I'm afraid even you five won't be strong enough to prevent a Bad End from enveloping everything. Not only for Märchenland, but for the human world as well." That part was a lie, of course. The PreCures ended up victorious in the original canon without my help. But I /am/ telling the truth about training her and making her stronger.

Mentioning the Bad End makes Yayoi go pale. "The whole world?" she gasps, shivering violently.

I pull her into a close hug, hearing her give a small squeak as I do. "Don't worry, Yayoi-chan. With my training, you and your friends will be able to save the world easily. Trust me. We'll stop the Bad End for sure."

I feel the tension leave her body as she relaxes against me again. "Umm... okay. I'm... I'm not sure why, but I feel like I can trust you, Master..."

I can't help but grin, hearing her address me like that. Its almost too easy. I know that the first one is basically easy mode, that my later companions will need to actually be captured and bound, but still. Well, I'm not complaining. Its taking all my self control not to push her down on the couch and take her virginity right here and now. Delta told me that she wouldn't resist my orders in any way, after all...

But... no. After that short internal war, I stand up. I want her first time to be special, and even though she might have been given to me partially bound and loyal, I want her to fully embrace our relationship herself before I take it to the next level. "Follow me, Yayoi-chan."

She nods, obeying without thought. I head down the nearest hallway, only to realize I have no idea where I'm going. This place, the 'Grand Manor' I selected as a perk, is a massive building, and I've only been in it a few minutes. "Delta, which way to the backyard?"

"Take a left, then down the stairs and straight to the end of the hall. The big wooden doors lead to the outside."

Yayoi jumps, looking around wildly for the source of the disembodied voice as she cowers behind me.

"That's Delta, an artificial intelligence that's also one of my servants, just like you are, Yayoi-chan," I explain, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Say hello to Delta."

"H- H- Hello, D- Delta..." she all but whispers.

"Hello, Yayoi-sama. As the first of Master's harem members, I'm happy to be of service to you in any way that you need. Simply state your request within any room of the house, or if outside the house, then in Master's presence, and I will hear and assist you as best I can."

"Okay." She blinks. "H- harem?" she says in confusion.

"Never mind that. This way," I say, pushing through the awkward moment by steering her and myself the indicated direction to the backyard.

We emerge out onto a gorgeous wilderness scene. The first fifty meters are neatly manicured grass and well tended gardens, but its all quickly overtaken beyond that line by a dense forest. Everything is vibrant and lusciously verdant, so much so that Yayoi smiles joyously, looking around herself and inhaling the petrichor deeply.

"Ahh... so wonderful! This is all your house?"

I can't help but grin at her enthusiasm. "Its your house too now, Yayoi-chan. You can come visit any time you want. But first, let's practice. I want you to fire Peace Thunder at those trees."

"At the trees, Master?" she asks dubiously. "But, I'd hate to..."

"Don't worry, all the vegetation here is special, and can regenerate within a few minutes. You won't be destroying anything permanently. Trust me, I wouldn't let you ruin my beautiful view."

She nods cautiously. Pulling out her Smile Pact, a small pink case that looks like a circular make-up dish, she transforms into Cure Peace with an elegant swirl. Giving me a glance, she takes a breath, then after charging the Smile Pact until it glows, she shouts out her attack phrase. "PEACE... THUNDER!"

The bolt of electricity crackles through the trees, blasting away a few branches and sending a plume of leaves drifting to the ground. Overall, the trees are mostly unharmed.

Dejected, she slumps and turns to me. "See? I always mess it up..."

"Well, how many times have you used Peace Thunder?" I ask her gently.

"Umm... four or five?" she says, confused.

I nod, glad that Delta managed to get a version of Yayoi from early in the series. "And how many times did you have to try drawing manga characters before they started looking good?"

"Oh, tons and tons. My first drawings were really bad, but over time..." The light clicks on in her head. "Oh! You're saying I need to practice! But... Master... umm..." She looks depressed again. "I can only cast Peace Thunder once before I'm totally worn out. I just don't have the stamina that the others do..."

I take a breath. "Well, that's where I come in." I take a step closer to her, until our bodies are practically touching. I cup her chin, turning her head upwards towards me. "Yayoi-chan, I'm going to take your first kiss now."

She looks up at me like a deer in headlights. "B- but... Master, you're... you're old enough to be my father!"

I chuckle lightly. "God you're adorable. Now, close your eyes, Yayoi-chan." Trembling slightly, she does so, and I bend down to capture her lips. My other hand cups the back of her neck, drawing her up into the kiss until she's on her tippy-toes. Her lips part for mine pliantly, and I slide my tongue into her mouth, drinking in her taste. She moans into the kiss, enraptured by the newfound sensations she's experiencing. I flood her body with my Shroud energy, binding us closer.

At length, I break the kiss and separate. Her cheeks are practically glowing red, but she looks at me with a shy smile. "Ah... wow. My... my first kiss..." Her previous distress is nowhere to be seen, the natural connection we share now clear to her. She looks into the distance, then blinks in surprise. "Oh wow! Master, I have so much energy..." She looks up in awe. "Is this from our kiss?"

"More or less. I infused you with spiritual energy during the kiss, as much as you can safely hold. The more we practice together, the greater your total energy capacity will be, and the better you'll get at using your Pretty Cure powers." I give her a meaningful smile. "Of course, there's significantly more intimate ways we can transfer energy as well..."

Her eyes bulge. "You mean a kiss is the /least/ dirty way to give me energy?" She covers her eyes, shaking her head in embarrassment. "Oh geez..."

Taking her by the shoulders and pointing her towards the treeline, I focus her on the task at hand. "Okay, this time, I want you to let me show you how to do it." I extend my Shroud into her, infusing her with a blacklight glow of power. "Surrender yourself to me," I order her.

She complies instantly, closing her eyes and relaxing back into me. With our bond through the Shroud, I can control her movements, and even control the flow of her spiritual energy. I hesitate for a moment, uncertain, but then information floods through my brain. I don't personally have a Smile Pact, of course, but an understanding of how to use one comes to me as part of my Soul and Science Talents. In addition, Education Talent makes it obvious how to best demonstrate it for her.

A few seconds later, I guide her through the motions of her attack. "PEACE THUNDER!" she shouts, and this time, an arc of crackling power crashes out in a torrential wave, felling hundreds of trees in a cone in front of us.

She turns to look at me, utterly shocked. Then she looks back at the devastation, watching as the trees slowly begin to reform, their shattered trunks knitting and pulling back up. "Wow! Amazing! I never could have imagined..." She squeals in pure delight, shedding her inhibitions and self-doubt, at least for a moment. After her cute celebration, she turns back to me, her smile made of pure joy. "T- thank you for this, Master. I always felt so useless, especially compared to my friends... but they'll be really proud of me now!"

I nod sagely. "I'm glad! You deserve it, Yayoi-chan. But we've got a lot more repetitions to do! Remember your drawing skills... practice makes perfect!"

She's already starting to sweat with the effort of the second Peace Thunder, but rather than complain or doubt, she simply nods with determination. "Of course, you're right. Another round. Um..." She bites her lip. "I... I guess I need more energy, then, Master?"

I kneel down to her level with a smile, letting her approach. This time, with a pause to gather her courage, she initiates the kiss. Her effort is nowhere near as bold as mine was, naturally... that would be expecting too much... but her delicate lips still seek out mine and part eagerly to take my tongue in. She drinks the energy in, then breaks off with a hurried nod.

"Okay... umm... PEACE THUNDER!"


An hour later, she's swaying on her feet. Her eyelids droop with exhaustion. The interval between her attacks grew longer as she did more and more, and its clear she's at her limit even with my assistance. But she managed a good dozen or more Peace Thunders by now, each showing improvement over the last.

"Alright, we can call it there, for today," I say, holding out an arm for her to lean on. She sags on it gratefully. "You did absolutely wonderful, Yayoi-chan. I'm in awe of your progress."

She gives me a tired but content smile. "It was mostly you, Master... without all the energy from... our... umm..." she falters, finding the energy to blush like a tomato again. "Our... kisses... there's no way I could have managed."

I give a rumbling chuckle. "Well, let's just call it a team effort. Now, let's go take a shower."

She dematerializes her Cure Peace outfit, with the school uniform she was initially wearing replacing it. Then she grips my arm and follows me up the stairs to the living room where we first met. I poke my head around, discovering each room with a glance, then lead us through another door to what looks like the master bedroom.

Yayoi gets shy again when she sees us moving on to the bathroom. "Umm... you can go first, Master. I'll wait."

But, I gently and firmly guide her into the master bath with me. She looks around nervously at the luxurious bathroom, the gold ensconced lighting, the heart-shaped jacuzzi, the frosted glass shower. Then she looks back at me, her eyes wide and uncertain.

I undress casually, stripping out of my polo shirt first, letting her see my bare chest. She's frozen in place, half wanting to flee, half entranced with fascination. My shoes and socks go next, and then the jeans and boxers go to the tile floor in a single swoop to the floor, leaving me naked. Nine inches of erect cock face towards her, twitching in anticipation.

I slowly close the distance with a few sauntering steps. She's practically paralyzed in place, her breath coming in rapid gasps. I take her wrist gently, wrapping her fingers around the throbbing shaft. "Just relax..." I instruct her kindly. "It..." I trail off. I had been about to say 'it won't hurt you', but that wasn't strictly speaking true, with her deflowering coming soon. "It isn't as scary as it looks," I finish instead.

She allows me to guide her in stroking my cock, teetering on the edge of panic. "Ahh... umm... Master..." She looks up at me. "A... are we going to h- h- have... sex?"

"That's right, Yayoi-chan. Sex. I know you've read about it in your books, haven't you?" She nods, her expression embarrassed. "You like drawing pictures of it too. Of adults having sex with little girls like you?" She trembles, but nods again. "You even touch yourself when you lay in bed at night, wondering what it would be like to have sex with an older man... am I right?" She nods in a panic, her eyes tearing up in shame.

I can't help but chuckle at her reaction, but I feel bad when that causes full fledged tears start spilling down her cheeks. "Luckily for you," I say, scooping her up and hugging her against my body, "I love lewd little girls like you."

She sniffles a bit more, but the crying stops. She looks at me with shocked eyes. "Really, Master?"

"That's right," I can barely prevent myself from bursting out laughing as she sags against me in relief. "Oh god, you're so cute, Yayoi-chan..."

"I... I... I really thought you were going to hate me!" she whines. "I thought for sure I was really weird... None of my friends are... are lewd like me..." She pouts fiercely at my grinning expression.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure. I think some of your friends might be a little lewder than you think." Primarily because I used Meta Shift in order to alter the world a small bit, ensuring that certain stories of the PreCures' youthful sexual explorations were canon now in this universe. Not that I am going to explain this to her. "Let's focus on you, right now."

I set her back down from our hug, and set about undressing her. The hair band goes first, then the cardigan, followed by her school uniforms' shirt and tie. I unzip the skirt, then help her with her shoes and socks. Down to her underwear, she squirms bashfully under my gaze.

I lean forward, pressing my nose into the fabric of her panties. She squeaks in protest, but my hands capture both orbs of her tight little bum, pressing her further forward into my face. I breathe in the delicious, mouthwatering scent of a young girl's arousal, feeling her getting wetter by the second as I rub my nose back and forth against her labia through the thin cotton of her panties.

I let out a short laugh when I look up to see her hiding her eyes, her cheeks blazing. I slide her panties down to her ankles, admiring her hairless slit, before moving up and unclasping her bra, letting it tumble to the tile at her feet.

She does her best to hide herself with one hand across the chest, and the other hiding what's between her legs, her face burning with shame. "Hands at your sides," I order with a smile, and she reluctantly lets me view the bounty of her youthful, virginal body. Stroking my cock, I feel a huge glob of precum already about to drip to the floor. I don't think I've been this aroused in my entire life.

Heart pounding, I lead her to the shower, turning it on and testing the water. When we get in, I turn her facing the water, letting her enjoy the bulk of the heat, burning away the soreness. I look down over her body, at the heart-shaped curve of her rear, watching as the water runs in long rivulets down the curves of her pale skin. I take a moment to consider how impossibly lucky I am, having this thirteen year old girl who is about to surrender her virginity to me so willingly. I'd never have imagined such a thing could have happened before this day. She said I was old enough to be her father, but that was underselling it. At forty-two years old, I would have been a full decade older than her father, if he were still alive. And, if I play my cards right... Yayoi will be only the first of many such conquests.

But I banish such thoughts from my mind, focusing on the present. I soap up her body, watching the white suds slide over her flawless skin. I turn her around, soaping up her front as the back rinses in the spray. She bites her lip nervously, watching my hands clean her body. I lingering slightly on her erogenous zones, watching her bite her lip as I caress her breasts, getting a whimper out of her as I cup her pussy and rub it gently. She looks down at my erection as it presses against the soft skin of her stomach, the head of my cock poking her belly button. With soapy hands, she tentatively grips my shaft uncertainly, stroking it slowly of her own initiative.

"That's good, Yayoi-chan. You're doing great... I'm so proud of you." Her cheeks are burning, but she smiles shyly, her uncharacteristic boldness earning her praise. "Now, turn towards the front."

She turns away, looking back curiously. With my hands on her shoulders, I activate my Sticky Fingers talent. An understanding of her body pours into my mind, even better than she knows herself. Her petite frame has practically no musculature, so her efforts today out in the yard really did drive her to her utmost physical limits. Her muscles are exhausted and sore, all twisted up.

Planting my thumbs in just the right spot that Sticky Fingers indicates, I kneed right under her shoulder blades. The knotted muscle releases, and the sigh of relief that emerges from Yayoi's mouth is so strong, it turns into a full throated moan. She cuts herself off, her hands splashing water from the showerhead stream as she jerks them up to cover her mouth in embarrassment,stifling the noise.

"No, that won't do at all..." I say, playfully scolding her. "From now on, when we're alone together, I want to hear every lewd sound... every sigh, every gasp, and every moan you make. No holding back, Yayoi-chan..."

She turns back, her face dappled with spray from the shower covering the tear stains, a strong pout on her lips. "You meanie, Master..."

I watch her eyes roll up as I press into the knots in her back again, another gasping keen emerging from her throat. Her knees buckle, but I catch her before she falls more than a few inches. Despite that, she makes no further effort to muffle herself. With effort, she plants her hands against the front shower wall, pressing her tush against me in an effort to stay upright as I work. My cock slides between her legs, her well lubricated thigh gap sending spikes of pleasure down my spine as I glide back and forth between her legs, a prelude of what's to come. I feel the nascent muscles in her waif-like body unknot one by one, and she cries in helpless pleasure as they do. I can sense the trembling in her lower parts, the ecstacy flooding her mind, bombarded by pleasurable sensations beyond anything her mastrubatory explorations showed her were possible.

Sticky Fingers is pure cheat codes. I have to reserve one arm fully to holding her body up, as her knees buckle again and again, relief from her strained muscles spreading through her body. When I do finally reach her lower parts, and slide a single digit inside her impossibly tight channel, I can sense how easy it would be overwhelm her or cause actual pain. But with Sticky Finger's guiding me, it only takes a few minutes of precise curling motions to send her overly sensitized body into the paroxysms of release. She calls out wantonly, her plaintive cries echoing in the shower stall without restraint, before she finally simmers down into a whimpering, mewling limp ragdoll. I support her with both arms, waiting until she can muster the energy to regain her footing.

I turn off the water, so incredibly aroused that its half a miracle I don't push her down and mount her on the bathroom tile. But with supreme effort, I gently guide her out of the shower, letting her lean on an empty towel rack as I pat down her wet body with a towel before winding the towel around her soggy hair as a wrap.

When she totters in exhaustion, I scoop up her small body, and she gives off a small 'eep' as I pull her close to my chest. The smell of her is incredible... the scent of teenage arousal and clean skin. She smells so fresh... so innocent... so delicious.

I carry her into the bedroom bridal style, laying her naked form out onto the covers. She shivers as I crawl over her, maybe from the absence of the shower's heat, maybe from nervousness. Her breath comes in shallow gasps. I lower my head and capture her lips.

She moans into the kiss, drinking hungrily from the spiritual energy I offer. My body is a limitless well of power for her, and she desperately needs it. When our lips part, she looks up at me with lidded eyes. "I'll never get tired of being able to do that..." she murmurs quietly, her voice filled with wonderous enjoyment.

"Good. Because I'll never get tired of giving it to you." I rub her lips with my thumb. "Are you ready, Yayoi-chan?"

There can be no question as to what I'm asking. She nods demurely. "Its... its my first time..." she whispers shyly.

I already knew that from her datasheet, of course, but hearing it from her own voice sends a powerful blast of arousal through me. "I know," I say with a smile, tucking a stray lock of wet hair behind her ear as I pet her. "You're going to be giving me all of your firsts, Yayoi-chan."

She swallows, then nods solemnly, spreading her legs.

I position my cock against her slit, and she jerks away as it makes contact. "W... wait!" she cries. "A... aren't you going to wear a c- condom?"

I rub the tip of my cock in a small circle against her clit, watching her react from the stimulus. "No, I'm not," I say simply.

Her eyes widen in confusion. "But... if... if you don't wear one, won't I get p... pregnant?"

I could come up with some white lie easily enough, and by the time she finds out the truth, she'd be fully bound to me and it wouldn't matter. But I don't. I want her to know. "That's right. I'm going to get you pregnant tonight, Yayoi-chan." I rest my hand against her tummy, watching her shocked expression. "I'm going to shoot my seed deep inside your womb, and they're going to swim up and find your egg, and make a new life inside you."

"B... but..."

"Do you trust me, Yayoi-chan?"

She freezes, a protest on her lips, but then simply nods cautiously. "Yes, I do, Master."

"I promise that you'll be happy, Yayoi-chan. I promise I'll provide you with everything you need, so that you lack for nothing. I promise your pregnancy will be easy and free of distress. And I promise your daughter will be born healthy and be a bundle of joy that we'll both love more than anything in the world." I kiss her deeply, pushing a fresh surge of spiritual energy into her to make my point. "You'll have the happiest of lives, I promise. Okay?"

She swallows, then nods. "Okay." She clenches her fist, gathering her bravery. "Okay," she says a second time, with more determination.

"Good, just leave everything to me, Yayoi-chan." The tip of my cock parts her netherlips, slowly starting to press into her impossibly tight channel. Sticky Fingers lets me know that she's about to feel a great deal of pain, and that I could use Sexual Calibration reduce or eliminate it. I'm no sadist, but a selfish part of me refuses to let Sexual Calibration activate just yet. I want her to feel me break her in. I want her to feel every inch of her innocence being lost.

I plunge forward. She gives out a full throated cry as I tear through her hymen. My rock-hard cock pierces deeply into her, wrenching open her tiny virginal channel to accomodate my massive girth. Each stroke claims another inch further to her womb. I latch my lips to hers, drowning her tears in kisses, plowing her fertile folds deeper and deeper. I get lost in the pleasure as seconds turn into minutes. I feel the heat of her virgin blood trickling out in a dripping stream, down the inside of her leg and onto the white sheets.

After so much teasing, I've been at my limits basically from the very beginning. And as incredible and wonderful as this feels, the voice of mercy in the back of my head says that I shouldn't make her endure this much longer. When I release Yayoi's lips, I look down at her face, a snuffling mess of snot and tears, and she gives me her bravest smile. "P- please, don't worry about me, Master. Do whatever makes you feel good..." she says between whimpers.

"Ahh... Yayoi-chan... How are you so perfect?" I grab her legs, pulling them up into the air and pressing them down alongside her shoulders, all but folding her in half. The angle lets me strike even more deeper, and she cries out in a throaty mix of pleasure and pain as each hammerblow from the mating press impacts against her depths. I press my mouth against her ear, whispering fiercely. "Ahh... I'm going to cum, Yayoi-chan! I'm... I'm going to blow my load inside you!"

Her breath is hot against my cheek. "D- do it, Master..." The heat of her saline tears burns against my skin. "I'm... I'm ready to have your baby..."

Those words totally undo me. My climax hits me like a tidal wave, and I grunt in release as I empty myself deep inside her. Blast after blast of hot, pent up semen shoots out, filling her virgin womb within seconds and overflowing out into sheets where we're joined. I sigh contently as my climax ends, cuddling against her pliant body. "You're going to make a great mother, Yayoi-chan," I whisper to her.

A few seconds later, I let Sexual Calibration kick in and erase the pain of her defloration. She lets out a gasp of surprise as the residual agony vanishes. "Ah! W... what happened?"

I give her a quick kiss. "We're bonded now, fully and completely. You're mine forever now."

She smiles, then lets out a giggle. She wraps her hands around my shoulders, hanging against me loosely in utter contentment. Her pain free voice is full of joy. "I'm so happy... I love you, Master..."

"I love you too, Yayoi-chan..."

Several long, blissful minutes go by with us curled up together. Though I'm half flaccid, I still don't take my length out of Yayoi's channel, leaving the seed plugged up inside her. Eventually, though, Delta makes a 'bedooble' noise to grab my attention. "Yes, Delta?"

"I hate to interrupt your coitus, Master, but Yayoi-sama's cellular phone is ringing."

"Oh... oh no! Mama must be worried where I am..."

I watch as a small drone on wheels whirrs into the room, one of the many under Delta's control. On it is a cute pink cellphone.

"Tell her you're staying over at a friends house," I say as I reach down and hand her the phone. She looks up at me questioningly. "What, you didn't think we were done, did you? I'm just catching my breath before round two. We're going to be having sex all night long."

Yayoi blushes intently, but nods obediently as she dials. "Hey Mama? Umm... sorry I forgot to tell you. I'm staying over at Miyuki-chan's house. Sorry for not explaining..." She looks over at me. "Yeah, I'll be careful. No, there are no boys here."

She gives a cute wink, and its all I can do to not burst out laughing.