A figure covered in red flames crashed into a mountain like a bullet, his land generated a massive krater and a mountain of smoke!
The Asura Demon's head elder twisted in pain on the ground, missing an arm.
A grimacing burning wound replaced it as he struggled to stand up, clear wrath apparent in his eyes.
He stared up and the clear figure of his castle falling from the skies entered his eyes.
Three chunks of the Castle fell in different directions as if it had been bisected in many pieces by a sharp blade!
He held his arm in pain, the fire still burning in his body.
His gaze moved from the falling castle down to the seductive figure that appeared in front of him out of nowhere.
He doesn't understand! How can she teleport like that seemingly unnoticed!
What's more, he clearly destroyed her organs, burst her head like a watermelon!
Yet she's here as if everything was a dream he just had!
Is she an illusionist? Has he been fighting an illusionist all this time!?
But that can't be possible, how can an illusion cut his arm! He had to cauterise it! She even has some kind of poisonous acid on it!
Alcina's body stopped in front, basking at her prey's despair, crackling her claws together. That ominous black mamba that she ate when hunting with Lingqi turned to be quite delicious.
All the monsters she had eaten truly became a part of her.
"Bitch, I'm not going to fall like this!!"
The noise of his wicked castle falling on the ground resonated through the area, scaring the beasts.
A massive volume of black reddish fire started to radiate from the man's every pore!
"Remember the name of the person that's going to kill you, Bitch! Head Elder Yuan Shen!" The elder's smile seemed almost psychotic! Blood poured out of his mouth crazily as the fire consumed his body, but in exchange, his pressure increased!
Alcina frowned as her senses started to get suppressed little by little!
The elder's cultivation started to increase until...
7th Great Purity Divine Lightning, Early-Stage!
His cultivation isn't at that level yet, but that's the pressure he's exerting!
The Asura Demon Sect's cultivation had three special techniques that made them one of the most fearsome Sects and one that the other three didn't want to face in the slightest.
As the man settled himself, Alcina smirked.
This is not going to be an easy battle.
'Master, the Qilin hasn't yet been found, there is no information in their headquarters regarding it, they're still in 'stand-by' or used to be...'
'Very well... Keep searching, make sure that dog suffers.'
'I understand master, I would never disappoint you!~' She answered as her gaze and focus set on Yuan Shen.
"So you're using all of your cards... Let me use some of mine then!" The countess billowed with clear mock!
Her pressure increased as well, not reaching the next level but giving Yuan Shen a threatening feeling!
Then he saw it, the woman's shadow rampaged crazily around her body!
Her stature changed from two metres to three metres, giving her an imposing appearance as her figure covered the moon that seemed to have turned blood red.
The disgusting feeling of flesh moving served as the background of the countess transformation. Two massive wings spread from her back in a bloody splendour, followed by a massive tail that seemed to be at least ten metres! All of them were black reddish and covered with eyes! Eyes that looked at him!
Oh, yes... That gaze.
He recognised the way those eyes stared at him, he had used it so many times with his prey.
She is looking at a corpse.
"Let's start~" The woman's voice no longer sounded alluring, now... It was demonic to say the least!
*BOOM!!* Her figure exploded in malevolent energy!
Her humongous body flickered and appeared in front of him but!
The movement of his hand alone produced a sonic boom!!
Yuan Shen palmed at the creature that flickered in front of him and the moment his palm made contact with her torso, her body exploded in gory splendour!
His jaws curled!
But as if everything was a dream, the next nanosecond the blood shower disappeared and her newly pristine monstrous body lounged once again, still from the front!
Yuan Shen frowned and palmed forth again, this time, his palm met her claw!
*BOOOOOM!* Another massive shockwave spread, and the countess arm nearly disintegrated leaving a red cloud of dust as most of her upper body exploded!
But still, the half of her face that still remained, was grinning!
Grinning with wickedness!
"This is so fun! Give me more fun, Yuan Shen!" The remaining eyes all looked at him with expectations as he frowned deeply.
The blood fog condensed back quickly and started forming her body once again!
"You're crazy!" Once again he palmed intending to disintegrate her whole body! "I will kill you as many times as necessary!"
His palm once again blasted her body into oblivion, but...
He didn't even know when, but she is now behind him, and bisected his leg!
"What can you do with just one leg and one arm now Yuan Shen! Continue struggling! Show me some despair!" Her wicked voice still entered his ear as the second body that she created swung her claw once again, going for the head!
Yuan Shen kicked the ground and his body propelled into the air like a rocket!
As his body flew, he focused, 'I need to regenerate my limbs, even if it will cost me time!'
There is no way he could kill her with just one leg and one arm!
His palm rested on his chest as he billowed!
The black reddish fire covering his body started to concentrate in the spot where his missing limbs were supposed to be!
And a few seconds afterwards he now had a fiery leg and a fiery arm!
That very moment his senses caught something!
He swung his arm forward towards the void! There is nothing there.
But at that very moment, Alcina appeared swinging her claw, this time she was shocked as a fiery fist approached her head at that very instant!
"I can see you! Vajra Tyrant!"
*BOOOOMMMMM!!!* A massive explosion occurred in the air as the clouds dispersed!