"You two, how can you come out of the dark dome!?" Guimei, the leader of the Sacred Sword Sect asked first and focused his pressure on them.
"Forget that, come here and start sucking this daddy's-!" The leader of the Asura Demon group was about to say viciously and even walked up to Alcina, but right at that instant!
He moved his body with a blink!
And not only him, Guimei too!
From the place they just were, a massive black spear protruded from the ground!
It took but a second, a black spear came exactly from where every single one of them had been standing!
The members of the two sects were impaled in bloody gore, the spears seemed as if they had an intellect of their own, because every single time one of them got impaled, without falling, their bloody hearts were at the very top of the spear!
In the end, only five cultivators survived, three unwounded and two that managed to dodge in time but were wailing as the spear still pierced their bodies!
Guimei and Fenghao stared at everything with fear-filled gazes!
What was that just now!? How come they were killed so thoroughly? They're cultivators for god's sake!
Alcina and Catherine saw this and sighed.
'Hmnn you two stop wasting time, finish them and come back here.' The count's voice still sounded in their mind, still sleepy but also irritated at the fact that they left his side only to face those flies.
Alcina and Catherine looked at each other and smiled wearily, they had to finish this fast!
Catherine's body blinked and the next second she was behind Fenghao, swinging her arm forth!
"You!" Fenghao stared back at her in mock but still alert, it could be her the one that cast those spears!?
He palmed forth, intending to block this woman's attack, she was only at the Samadhi True Fire Realm, there was nothing to worry about!
But Catherine smirked as her shadow imbued her whole slender arm, making it appear more robust, like an Ape's!
The moment the punch and palm clashed! Fenghao felt as if he had just faced a mountain! His palm was totally powerless!!
His pitiful figure flew away like a bullet and impacted many trees!
Catherine saw this and smiled proudly, "As expected the Ape is way heavier~" The next second she disappeared, not intending to leave her opponent time to breathe.
That damned ape hadn't left her breath for three days straight!
Guimei saw all this with awestruck eyes, an elder of the Asura Demon Sect got blown away like that!? Feng Hao is at the Sunflower Water Realm! The difference is three whole tribulations, yet he still got blown away!?
"You shouldn't look at my sister's body like that~" He heard and without a second brandished his word in a wave full of intent that threatened to cut everything!
He slashed behind and released a wave of energy that cut everything in its path!
However, there was nothing there!
Guimei's countenance palled the moment he felt an intense pain course through his chest!
"Ara~ You heard my voice up there? Sorry but I'm down here~"
Alcina's body sneaked from underneath the ground and pierced his abdomen forcefully with her claw, making sure to twist it slowly inside the man's abdomen to cause him as much pain as possible!
"*COUGH!* AWHHHAA!!!!!" The man screamed loudly and coughed a big amount of blood as one of the women that survived hurriedly came brandishing a Katana!
"Let the captain go!" The woman said and her Katana pierced through Alcina's body cutting her in half and creating a big rift underground in the process!
However, the countess smiled even as her body was bisected and without even making so much of a movement, the flesh that was cut simply regenerated right as the back of the sword cut it!
"That tickles~"
Her shadow moved and swallowed Guimei who at this point was deader than alive, completely engulfing him before she set her gaze on the woman in front, as she shook in fear, not believing what she was seeing.
What is this!?
"M-Monster!" The woman prepared to brandish her sword again, not having much hope after seeing the result of her last strike and thinking more in the odds of fleeing.
As she was about to cast an array to blink the hell out of here, a purple ice crystal flew at breakneck speeds out of nowhere and 'pierced', no, blew her head into oblivion!
The noise of the explosion was gruesome, to say the least as the woman's body fell to the floor limp only to fall into a 'bed' of purplish darkness that swallowed her whole.
From that purplish darkness, a beautiful girl with blonde hair formed and walked towards her mother.
"Mother... Have you finished your homework?" Lu Lingqi asked, with an awkward expression.
Not knowing why her mother would suddenly do some 'homework'.
"Yes, mother finished, you can see your father now~"
Alcina smile warmly and said coquettishly, hugging her slim daughter's waist as they walked back to the dome.
Meanwhile, Catherine was fighting Fenghao fiercely, the latter had used a technique called the
Catherine frowned and moved and impressive speed around as Feng Hao chased after her!
"I wanted you to bend over as I had my way with you, but, now that you ended up being so strong, I might just sell you to the sect master for a good price, who knows, he might even let me have a taste~" Fenghao billowed in madness and kept chasing after her.
Catherine answered with a punch of her own, embedded in darkness, this was the time!
*BANG!* Her foot smashed the floor hardly creating cracks and digging underground as she swung her arm with all her strength!
The clash of their powers produced a gigantic shockwave the shook the lands but still, Catherine lost the exchange, however!
Her shadow morphed as her fist gripped Fenghao's hand and kept him in place!
From her shadow, a gigantic black and white ape formed as Fenghao paled!
W-What is that!?
"Ground your teeth!" The Queen chuckled, making sure to keep Fenghao in place!
The punch coming from the ape directly obliterated Fenghao's whole upper torso as his organs flew all over, Catherine's shadow rotated and swallowed everything with a lot of disgust. Starting from the loose limbs she has held in her hand...
The bastard's blood was rather acceptable, and with that, her cultivation increased by leaps and bounds, she only needed to trigger the tribulation to level up to the 3rd Karma Fire Realm.
Her husband was waiting but, might as well do it now!
Releasing all of her pressure at once towards the sky she didn't have to wait long until lightning clouds started to form... This was going to be her first tribulation. And she was going to face the Trigram Fire, Samadhi True Fire and Karma Fire tribulations all at the same time.
But she could only look at those clouds that were ready to discharge red-coloured lightning at her, with a mock that transcended all ridicule.
Because she is immortal! Even a thousand of them can't kill her!
Three red-coloured lightning strikes came together and impacted her!
The ground around her exploded in smoke and consumed due to the discharge, yet she only felt some minor pain.
The Queen only stood there with her arms crossed, pronouncing her breasts as the discharges continued to hit her over and over!
This continued for a few minutes and she sighed in relief as she didn't want to make her husband wait much.
In the end, her nature energy pressure changed to that of the Karma Fire Realm, and she 'walked' back to where the dome was with blinking steps.