Chereads / My Road to Becoming A Demon Lord / Chapter 17 - The New Demon Lord

Chapter 17 - The New Demon Lord

"Too slow" Assassin said kicking her opponent who managed to land on his feet. "I'm not done yet" she ran towards bolder and they both switched to hand-to-hand combat when suddenly Assassin quickly disappeared and started bouncing around the entire arena landing little hits on Bolder.

"I can't Move" he thought to himself only to look right in front of him and see Assassin's blade on his neck. With no other option left she was immediately declared the winner. She looked backwards and saw her next opponent Souta walking into the stage. She quickly readied her stance but before she could react, Souta had already charged towards her and has placed his dagger on her neck. Mai grinned as she slowly walked up the arena with an excited look on her face.

"Since we've seen how strong we both are there's no need in holding back, so prepare yourself" Mai stated as released all her energy and summoned Aetherius. Souta smiled pulling out his two daggers.

Out of nowhere, a strange presence fell upon them so vile that they became a bit scared and both looked up and saw someone in the sky.

"Good afternoon humans" he greeted as he slowly descended, "Demon Lord of Destruction at your service, Diablo" he smirked

All the other adventurers quickly gathered around and Mai ordered Souta to evacuate as many people as possible after sensing an insane amount of mana from their unexpected guest.

"Sorry to crash your event b--" about to speak he was cut off by one of the Adventurers who began to question him by asking if he was mental and where the hell he came from.

"Huh?, who the hell do you think your talking to" he stared at the adventurer while releasing more energy than the boss-levelled monster of any floor combined, "perhaps you need to be thought a lesson" he smirked as he extended his hands towards the adventurer gathering a huge beam of energy at his fingertips when suddenly, Mai blitzed towards him at an insane speed, summoned her sword and aimed it Diablo's neck.

Diablo easily blocked it with nothing but a single finger, a bit surprised she wisely fell backwards and charged at him again this time she used a faint attack which allowed her to stab Diablo in his chest.

"It hurts put me out of my misery" Diablo cried out "just kidding" he smirked before flicking Mai on her forehead which send her flying into the arena wall.

After Mai crashed into the arena wall, she slowly got up and started gathering a massive amount of energy for a symphony.

"How did a weapon from Holy Church end up here" he thought to himself before he quickly teleported right in front of her and grabbed her by the neck. He tried squeezing the life out of her but Kuro sent his spear at Diablo who with no other option, freed Mai and leapt backwards.

"Where the hell did these humans acquire this....not like it matters though doubt any of them here can use it properly talk more of defeating me" he smirked

"I'll keep him busy while you build up mana" Kuro aid charged towards diablo with his spear and tried multiple attacks but Diablo kept dodging. "First play. Symphony No. 41, Mozart" she sent an enormous energy-filled blast at Diablo only for him to take the attack head-on.

"Did we get him?" Mai thought to herself

"Is this the best y'all can do, lemme show you what true power is" Diablo quickly appeared in front of Kuro and kicked him into the crowd area

"KURO!!" Mai screamed

"Now now we'd best not to get distracted" and started landing several blows on her "more, entertain me more" he kept going at it giving Mai no chance to recover "Come on darling where was that fire you had when I first arrived" he grabbed her by the hair and stared into her eyes "did it extinguish already" he paused "can't talk anymore huh, then die"

As he was about to strike his right arm was cut off by Souta. "Hey, touch my sister again and I'll kill you" Souta stated with a scary-looking expression on his face.

"Ahhhhhh the main course arrives" Diablo tossed Mai aside "Let's hope you can entertain me unlike your friends" his right arm grew back

*Flash Back*

"Where are you going" Hina asked

"There's trouble in the city so I have to go help"

"Then let me come to" Akiko spoke up

"No, he's too dangerous I'm not putting you or Hina at risk"

*Flash Back Ends*

"I said that but seeing this guy now, I can tell he's on a whole different level" Souta thought to himself "Need a way to beat him before my body gives out on me"

Diablo quickly approached Souta and tried landing several hits on Souta, behind every hit was a murderous intent "Compared to my time, humans in this era don't deserve to possess mana" Diablo muttered before pausing "Is that all you're gonna do, strike back!!". Souta suddenly started moving at an immeasurable speed, "Nice show me what you've got Suzuki Souta" Diablo screamed in excitement. Souta appeared behind Diablo and tries to strike him with his dagger but Diablo appeared behind Souta

"Behind" Souta quickly turned but Diablo appeared again behind Souta "too slow" and sent souta flying with a tornado kick.

"Now I see why you like him, sorry but I might have to go out of my jurisdiction" he thought to himself as he charged towards Souta to finish him off.

"Sixth Play. Symphony No. 3" Mai ran in and pulled Souta close to her, "Saint-Saëns" she chanted jabbing her sword into the ground which sent a huge wave of energy that destroyed the entire arena. Because of how vital the attack was it took a lot out of her and caused her to cough up blood.

After the smoke had cleared up, Diablo walked out unscathed "good grief how are you still alive" he asked, Mai began to gather more mana

"oh no you don't" said Diablo as he stretched his hands towards her causing her to fly into the wall.

"What was that, wind magic?" he thought to himself "No time for unnecessary thoughts there's a chance"

"What are you standing around for, come" he pulled Souta towards himself, grabbed him by the face and slammed Souta into the floor "Enough, I'm just going to wipe you all off the face of the earth"

"What the hell do you think you're doing Diablo" a voice spoke to him telepathically

"Sorry, buh I'm gonna do things my way" as he tries to move his heart stopped for a few sec causing him to collapse "And he gave you such permission" the voice asked, Diablo started feeling a bit enraged and began to grind his teeth

"Sorry but I can't let a simpleton who gets enraged over the slightest things ruin my plan"

Suddenly his heart ruptured and Souta and Mai saw him cough up blood

"What the hell happened" they both asked

"Who cares it's a chance" Kuro dashed past them slicing Diablo with his spear "Give it up, you can no longer regenerate. You're basically mortal at this point"

Infuriated he charged at Kuro and they both started fighting at an unimaginable speed, Souta appeared behind him and tries to cut him but Diablo dodges in time split kicking Souta and Kuro away only to receive a blow from Mai on his stomach which sent him flying backwards. "Bastard" about to charge he looked up and saw Kuro who summoned over a hundred spears and sent them crashing down on him.

"I'm not done, I'm not done" Diablo muttered as he stood up with a body filled with spears when suddenly he heard a strange noise and saw Mai setting Aetherius up for another round.

"Seventh Play. Symphony No. 1, Elger" she chanted as her blade grew over 13 feet long and she sent it crashing down on Diablo causing a huge explosion.

Surprisingly he was still on his feet as he kept on mumbling, "Tch" about to move Soutas chest began to hurt and he began to feel a bit dizzy "Not now" he fell to his feet

Mai and Kuro ran to check on Souta but were kept outside due to a barrier set up by Diablo "I Win" he slowly walked up to Souta only to see that his neck had already been cut clean by Souta "That Bitch" he murmured before collapsing to the ground

"Are you guys ok" Hina and Akiko ran into the arena

"Hina I thought I told you" he fell unconscious

"You idiot I couldn't just leave you behind" she murmured as she placed his head on her lap "you did well" she smiled stroking his hair backwards


"He's cute but do you think he'll be willing to join us" a female voice implored

"He may be acting all good for now but there's something special about him"

"Special?" another strange figure wondered

"Forget it I doubt you'll understand. The birth of a new demon lord ay" the shadowy being grinned.