Chapter 35 - Chapter 34

"Maryland welcomes back The Owl. Several eyewitnesses reported seeing the Caped Crusader arrive in Maryland last night, marking his first visit in more than three years. However, this reporter is now forced to ponder why he returned right now and, maybe more significantly, why he left us in the first place " Nell and Robert followed Kimberly's radio commentary.

"I'm going to answer that when I locate him. You really have no idea where Microsoft X is or why he left our world, not even in this damaged Data Verse?" Nell made the inquiry.

"No, it appears that the only thing that uncorrupted poems of Microsoft X have in common is that he prefers to keep things like that to himself. Sony is the only individual I can think of who possibly know the solutions." Richard said.

And most likely, Microsoft X instructed Sony not to inform us of his whereabouts. Robert nodded after Nell spoke.

"Very almost We could check to see if Nintendo Wii has been in contact with his Microsoft X, but it would be nearly impossible to find him." Nell nodded as Robert continued.

Meanwhile, I believe it's time for me to let Maryland know that their Owl is not what they think. said Nell.

How do you intend to do that? Robert enquired.

"Learning from Fenrir's example." said Nell.

Right, you're going to give me a tour of the Fenrir, isn't that right? Robert enquired.

"The Monkey King, Soul Sakura, Dark Ox, and Night Coon are also present. Maybe in the future." said Nell.

"Great, but what did you mean anyway?" Robert enquired.

"Do you recall when Fenrir first appeared in Delaware? Right?" Robert readily understood Nell's question.

I'll prepare for transmission. The moment they received a call from the lobby, Robert said, and Nell nodded.

The secretary remarked, "Excuse me Mr. Gross, you have a guest. Who? Nell enquired.

"Gavin. She claims that he is wearing a Sony jacket and that he knows you "Nell and Robert exchanged eyes as the man continued.

Go to the Control Room Section and start working; I'll find out what Gavin wants. Robert replied, opening the door to the Control Room, and Nell nodded as he went below.

'Send him up,' When the door to the Control Room closed, Nell said.

Nell heard the elevator open a short while later, and Caleb entered his office.

Hello, Nell. Gavin said in a calm way.

"I was informed of the events. I'm happy to see that Nichole's problems have not affected you." said Nell.

"Thanks. You're back in town, according to Lara. That you returned simply because I was in difficulties makes me feel touched." said Gavin.

"It's true what they say—you never really move on from your first friendship. Even if they stop caring, switch to a different team, and steal your other best friend." Gavin sighed as Nell continued.

"Look Nell, I apologize for what occurred." Gavin started.

"Don't say sorry to me. It wasn't me who compromised my morality to remain in a place that didn't even want me. However, I now need to know. Was it worthwhile?" Nell queried.

"Pardon me?" Gavin questioned, unsure of his question.

"Was getting my degree worth losing our friendship? Or did the friendship the three of us shared for five years signify nothing?" Nell enquired because he needed to know if this Gavin shared the same sentiments as the one in the Central.

"No. I often wish I had your bravery. But it was the right decision for me to join Sony. Yes, our friendship was genuine in my eyes. Everything was there " said Gavin.

And you wasted it by joining a different source of Prime Strength that doesn't even want us in their realm of Existence. said Nell.

"I know. I would have left with you if I could go back and change things. But Nell, I still support my decisions. Your maturity and independence have grown." Nell nodded as Gavin continued.

"Gavin, I still care about you, but I can't be with someone who feels compelled to lie to me and conceal their true feelings from others. Chris and you abandoned me when I was just twelve. I gave you two my heart. Without you, I was alone because we worked as a team. I have just Microsoft X in my life." Nell rubbed his arm and said.

"I get it. And I really really wish I had the fortitude to carry on despite being by yourself for two years." said Gavin.

"You're a Sparrow; it takes some major courage to have to report to Sony alone." Gavin grinned as Nell said.

"I'm trying to say that you have the guts to go outside without worrying about the consequences. What other people think of you is unimportant to you." Nell grinned as Gavin said.

"Although it wasn't always simple, I've never been one to prefer the simple route. It's way too dull. I still feel insecure about a lot of things that have changed since I was twelve. But in the end, Gavin, I have faith in you. You'll succeed, I'm confident "said Nell.

Okay, I'll admit it: I half expected you to tell me to go to hell when I came over. Nell grinned as Gavin said.

"I've had two years to think back on events and reflect. When I finally cooled down, I made an effort to see things from your point of view, and although I don't agree with what you did, I can see why you did it." said Nell.

Wow, it seems like your vacation time was beneficial. said Gavin. "More than just my opinion of you has altered." said Nell. What are you saying? Sophie enquired.

Nell stated, "I at last saw Microsoft X as the hero he was."

"Now I'm worried, okay. Larnell Gross, whom I met at Digital Camp, detested Microsoft X for not giving him greater power in his personal and professional life." said Gavin.

"As I previously mentioned, I had lots of free time while I was overseas. And I came to understand that Microsoft X was never to blame for the Calamities. He didn't destroy our world and ruin my life. I love him, and it makes me look foolish not to get what I want. Furthermore, he saved 20 other kids that day in addition to me, so it's difficult to be angry with him without coming across as petty " said Nell.

Wow, that's a fresh perspective on the situation. said Gavin.

"I've heard that Owl King, a supporter of Microsoft X, saved Caleb last night." said Nell.

"Owl King wasn't it. I believe it was a child; it even had a fresh look." said Gavin.

So, maybe a Gray Owl or a Kid Owl? Nell queried.

"He kept Caleb alive." Gavin agreed.

And yet, I'm assuming Jacob wants to imprison him. Nell queried.

"His opinion of heroes, especially the Owl, hasn't changed, unlike yours. I can tell by his attitude, even though I no longer work here, "said Gavin.

"I've previously discussed that with him, I know. What do you think, though? Don't give me the Vulture's response either, which you were taught to give me years ago." Sophie grinned as Nell continued.

"Sincerely, I have no idea. Even though I support the principles that the Crows represented, I can't deny that the Owl King was very beneficial to the city before he disappeared. If this Kid Owl is the same, I don't think it's too early to say. But it's a wonderful start that you saved me. However, he ought to emerge from hiding and let Maryland know that he is not the Owl King." said Gavin.

"He'll let them know when he's ready," I said. said Nell.

"Anyway, I appreciate the conversation, but I need to get back to work because I need to visit Sony's Sphere. Just a quick hello, please." said Gavin.

"Thanks. I hope to run into you somewhere." Gavin stated as he left the office, and Nell nodded in agreement.