Chapter 6 - Orks

The patrol fleet of the imperial Navy continue to its patrol around subsector Aurelia.

It started out as an every day patrol as they have done thousands of times the difference. This time there's sensors picked up a large amount of space vessels approaching them.

By their scans, it was a big Ork fleet They had several hundred cruisers and a couple thousand escort vessels.

The imperial patrol fleet only had a few hundred vessels most of them escorts Vessels.

The Ork fleet plowed right through them not bothering to even stop several the imperial vessels were destroyed by simply being rammed against by Ork vessels.

Several imperial vessels to manage to escape, sent out a warning to the rest of subsector Aurelia.

However, their warning would never reach them, for the alpha legion is utilizing old technology to block any SOS signal coming in or out of subsector Aurelia.

Several dozens of other orc fleets make their way towards Aurelia.

However, it will be many years before those flights arrive, but the one that currently did arrive has a bunch of green boys ready for a good crumpet.

They're ready to stop slash and tear as enemies, and in the biggest shit of the fleet. There a war boss, Mecca shooter with a big arm gun, and a laser leads his small WWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Into Aurelia, looking for a good fight as all Orks try to do in their lives to make the biggest WWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!


Subsector Aurelia, the planet, Meridian

Mordrid after reuniting with his sons, the blood ravens, and did some modifications to both armor and weapons, but only to the Marines that met him on the first day.

The chapter master of the blood ravens did ask him if they were going to have their chapter re-organized to the Primarcks wishes as the other legions in the past did when they met their fathers.

Mordrid simply said no to him that everything with the blood ravens seem fine for now. The only thing that will change is Mordred's honor guard.

Mordrid simply stated that his honor guard will be made up of the best the chapter has to offer, and the honor guard will have a least a capacity of 200 Marines.

Mordrid also stated that he has plans to expand the chapter more than what the codex Astartes allows and how he plans to turn subsector Arelia into a bastion of humanity of technological, economical and military power.

In order to create more space, marines, and after learning how more gene seed is created Mordrid, along with the chapter master by his side rode up the plants to find criminals within subsector Arelia, and use them to produce more gene seed.

Mordrid drew up a plan to get at least 1000 criminals within a proper environment so they can be used to create new gene seed.

Mordrid knows this is a gruesome way to create more space marine, gene seed however, it is the most effective way, currently available to him, and would allow him to increase his own military power.

Mordrid also know that the higher echelon's of the imperium simply does not care what happens to the outskirts of the territory of the imperium.

Half the time as long as they pay their taxes, the imperium doesn't really care, so Mordrid it's going to take full advantage of it while he can, before his existence becomes galactic knowledge.

He simply hopes he has enough time to enact his plans to create a better galaxy.

Then a blood raven burst through the door, bring with him dreadful news that a large orc fleet is descending upon Aurelia and The rest of her sister planets, Meridian is no exception to this as several hundreds of ships of Ork designs made their way towards the planet.

The chapter master of the blood ravens waste no time immediately started issuing out orders to where the blood raven fleet within meridians space is going to meet the enemy head on before they even have a chance to reach their fathers home.

{Authors note: Mordred's home planet is Meridian since he landed on the planet same reason how every primarchs has their own worlds they land on and consider them home}

Mordrid had no experience in naval battles, so he simply let his sons do the work, since they at this moment have more experience than he does, and as he watches on the battle net screen, to where the two fleets met exchanging fire at each other.

Macro battery met macro battery laser met Lancer as both the Orks ships in the space Marines traded blows with one another back-and-forth as well several fighter craft from both sides duking it out in the open dead space.

The Orks are losing ships but the blood ravens are losing just as many then within the next moment one of the larger enemy ships manage to ram, 2 Space Marine strike cruisers then, within the next moment the enemy ship exploded, dealing enough critical damage to make both those ships unable to continue the fight.

The space battle was brutal and bloody when the blood ravens destroyed enough of the enemy ships more seems to keep coming from beyond radar range.

And before you do it, hundreds more of Ork ships appeared fresh and ready for battle.

Sweat begin to pour down the chapter masters brow, as he did not anticipated this many ork ships.

The blood ravens fleet still has enough ships to repel this wave, but should a third wave appear. The chapter master fears, that this fleet of the blood ravens would be destroyed.

Ričardas Celos begin assessing his options which leads him to the conclusion to let the enemy force land on Meridian, then proceed to battle them with hit-and-run tactics in both space, and on the ground, dwindling the numbers bit by bit, which should result in the least amount of casualties for the blood ravens.

Ričardas Celos looks towards his father, and an unspoken question is asked to f his father and Primarch.

Mordred: do what you must do my son I believe I've come to the same conclusion as you for this battle we do not have enough ships to fight the enemy head on should another enemy wave comes.

Ričardas Celos heart swelled with an unknown emotion and a new fire burned within his eyes. He then proceeded to give his orders to the rest of the fleet, both leftover imperial war, ships and blood raven ships began retreating back to Meridian, allowing the Ork fleet to make landfall.

Mordrid, utilizing his psychic powers, he was able to get a message down to the planet for his followers to prepare for an invasion of filthy xenos.

Once the green skin ships are within orbit of Meridian, they start unloading huge ass rocks. What's the Orks have hollowed out to use as makeshift Drop pods.

Once these rock pods landed, green skins, poured out of them and start making their way into the hive cities however, the amount of Orks from those pods were not enough as a planetary defense force had enough time to rectify defenses to repel them, without the need of the angels of death.

As well as the new imperial guard of Meridian did their part and defending the planet as more and more green skins, fell from the sky's hell even a few green skin escort ships rammed themselves into the high cities.

Creating mass amount of casualties of imperial forces, while the same time, unloading several thousands of green skins, bearing their choppers and shooters and a few stump cans.

To the imperial guards creditor on Meridian they did not falter armed with new purpose. They fought tooth and nail, blood, bone and steel as they held their ground against the Savage onslaught of the green skins.

Mordred is able to watch all of this utilizing his psychic powers as he uses it to perform a type of battle meditation, making the people on meridian fearless against the relentless enemy.

However, Mordrid sons were not idle themselves either they were able to re-organize their ships and perform hit-and-run tactics against the smaller orc vessels in cripple a few of the big ones.

Each time green skin vessel was crippled the savage creatures simply made the ship perform crash landing onto the planet.

It was pure chaos in both space, and on the ground however, without the green, skins heavy weaponry, they made very little ground within the high cities.

Especially when those cities utilize their new weapon, they have deemed the arc 5XG, a super heavy tank that has double barrel plasma launchers in a big ass, Gattling guns shooting out Bolt rounds as well as having a personal shield generator, granting it further protection.

Arcs of energy crackle around its barrel then it fires it's stored heated plasma, melting the stump cans with relative ease, then the loud and powerful Gatlin guns firing bolt round after bolt round killing many of the green skins with relative ease, even shredding them to pieces.

The green skins primitive weaponry and rocket launchers cannot penetrate 5XGs Shields, they would require significant heavy weaponry to even perform that sheet but even if they did take out the shields, they still would have to get through. It's massively, thick armor.

A personal favorite pet Project weapon that Mordrid had concocted introduced into the imperial guard so they will have better heavy weaponry and it's now proving it's worth on the battlefield.

Within several weeks The fighting in space around Meridian, and on the planet itself had cease in imperial victory, the Green skins, either dead or in fall retreat, and that's only in one system within subsector Aurelia.

However, this victory did have its cost many of Mordrid zone sons lies dead in space from their destroyed ships, Mordrid could easily count how many of his sons he had lost this day at least 35.

As well, several billion lives lost on the planet, both civilian and combatant alike.

However, his Dead sons were able to be recovered as well as there gene seed so new Marines could take their place.

However, that would have to wait for the rest of subsector Arelia needs the blood ravens. It needs Lord second, Primarch of the blood ravens.