Chereads / Virtual Reality Gaming Club In A Different World / Chapter 135 - The power of Mad Max decedents part one

Chapter 135 - The power of Mad Max decedents part one

Max ordered everyone to split into two teams. The Ruth empire forces should relocate and fight the Hecktor empire. It was a level one empire and they should be able to overpower it because the Ruth empire was a proper level two empire with multiple level two mages. Max did not produce alchemical products to grand knights and high mages because he studied formations for the most part and made potions and pills up to the grand master knight level or the high mage level. Because of that most of the powerhouses of the Ruth empire were level two mages. There were a few level three mages as well. There were no potions for the grand knights so the grand knights were at the first level without exception. The difference between the first, second and the third mage levels were pretty significant and because of that Max was sure that those Ruth empire forces could hold their own against a level one empire for enough time for Max's forces to clean the Zeus empire forces.

At the Zeus empire battlefield the Ruth empire were slowly but surely losing. They were not losing in quality, but in quantity. Because they needed to hold two fronts there were not enough people to fight. Because of that a win here was impossible until all the Ruth empire forces come to aid those people. There were screams of anger and sorrow heard all around the battlefield. There was smoke rising from different places after an attack of the fire mages from both sides. Even now there were two sides of soldiers clashing while the mages from both sides shot different types of spells. The Ruth empire soldiers were all in red colored armors or robes and the Zeus empire people were all dressed in blue. Soon there was a loud horn alert from the Ruth empire side and it caused confusion among the troops. It was a sign to retreat.

The soldiers talked among themselves: "Why to retreat? We are not winning, but we could hold our ground for a long time. The empire wants to surrender?"

The soldiers were confused, but they had to comply with the orders. The army started to retreat and because of that more and more people started to die. The equilibrium that was built before broke and now the Ruth empire troops were at a growing disadvantage. They were moving back, but the enemy just went after them and it looked like everything is going to be very bad for them. It looked like this battle was lost. The troops started to go up the hill. It was the hill that symbolized the border between the two empires. There they saw a group of around twenty people with four of them dressed like mages and around fifteen knights around them. It was strange. Soon they saw more and more parties like that. The leader of the troop that was a level two mage screamed at the coming people: "Fall back! Did you not hear the order!?"

To that there was a feminine voice that answered: "Don't worry. We have orders to clean everything up here. You go to the Hecktor battlefield and crush our enemies there. Alright! Listen up the people of the Yin Yang empire! Scatter around and kill everyone that resists. Also, move to the flanks of our team because as you know my brother does not really look who is a friend and who is foe. When you see our team just be from the sides or behind. Just not in front. Good luck!"

The voice was of Nina. The strange part that she was the one that took the command of the team. She was not the strongest and not the smartest, but she was the most balanced from all her siblings. She knew how to command people. She generally did not have much choice. Redon was a battle maniac and if he will be in charge they will just run forward like retards and will just die eventually. If it would be Marco with his generally timid nature they will be on the defensive most of the time. Because of that the team leader role fallen on her. She was not so good at first, but did improve with time. They could not take someone from the outside or the army as a leader, because Redon will not listen to them for sure. Because of that Nina became the leader of their group. She was a good commander. Not a genius, but good enough to make the right decisions in an acceptable amount of time. Maybe because she was an earth mage she was more balanced from her nature. Now a lot of people knew that one of the gems of the Yin Yang empire did command their strongest battle team. Nina was a beautiful women that was a copy of Valeria, but with black hair and brown eyes. She had a slim waist and moderate sized twin peaks. She was not a top beauty, but she was not ugly for sure. The fact she could control such insane battle maniacs like Redon was a miracle itself. This guy was tall, bulky red haired handsome man that once he started to fight he would go into all in mode and just destroy everything around. Marco was a slim man with sharp blue eyes, but a careful personality.

When the enemy commander heard about the Yin Yang empire he became tense. He knew that those guys should be much stronger then the Ruth empire forces in general. He was close enough to feel a lot of mages and grand knights going forward and not hiding their auras at all. He did not wait at all he screamed: "Shoot down the reinforcements! Do not let them gather into formations! Fire down this bitch! She must be their commander!"

He thought that those people were part of the army, but it were forces of different families and groups of mages and knights at different power levels. Soon, the few mages and the many apprentice mages shot their strongest offensive attacks on the reinforcements. Many shot at the group of Max's brats.

Nina did not even tried to wait and shouted: "Earth wall! Earth shield! Earth reinforcement!"

She did cast a few defensive skills . After that she shouted: "Knights! Shields up! Get ready for impact!"

After that there was a big boom. The defensive spells did get destroyed and a few spells did hit the shields of the knights, but it was the attack of mage apprentices at that point and it did not do much to those grand knights. The main reason for that was the wand that Nina used. It caused her to cast the defensive skills on the same level of a fifth level earth mage.

Redon that was very excited to fight in the beginning got very mad in an instant. It was very much in his style. Maybe because he was a very talented fire mage he was very unstable and volatile. He could go from zero to hero in a very short amount of time. In most cases it went against him, but now Nina was glad that her brother did get into battle mode.

She did not wait at all and screamed: "Redon don't sleep around! Destroy them! Do your job! Everyone else! We are doing everything as usual. Marco you stun people that come close. Knights you use taunt only after Marco will get tired and Michelangelo you like always on the buffing and healing! Let's go!"

Redon's eyes became bloodshot and he screamed: "BUFF!!"

Michelangelo sighed and did the only buff that Redon always needed from him. The buff to increase his next magic attack by 100%.

After Redon felt that he got his favourite buff he screamed: "You mother fucker! Before courting my sister you need to get through me! I will shove this wand into your ass! Enjoy! PHYROBLAST! DIE!"

After that fire attacks started to fly from Redon. He was like a fire cannon. The first one flew over the heads of the Ruth empire forces and they saw that this fire attack was bigger then usual. BOOM! They heard huge explosion with the crazed laugh of Redon that was shooting phyroblasts all over the place and once in around fifteen seconds he glowed for a short time and a bigger fire attack was shot. When the Ruth empire army captain turned around he saw that the first attack devastated a few hundreds of people. It turned the fortunate into powder and the unfortunate into a dying half screaming person that part of him or her was burned or turned into mush because of the explosion impact. The scene was horrific. The power of those attacks was of the charts. The normal attack would hit around a hundred people and most of them will not be able to continue fighting.

The Ruth empire leader asked one of his generals: "Did this kid get to the peak of the mage level? Why his attacks are so strong?"

The general just shrugged. He did not care about it. He cared that he was on the right side of the battlefield this time.