When Jax heard Max he said: "Alright, your majesty. I will see you soon at the testing stage. I'm sure the princes and the princess are very strong and will make the citizens proud."
Max waved to the departing Jax: "Here they will be brats like all other kids. They need to pass my tests to become princes of this empire. They are far from getting to the level I expect."
When Jax heard this he turned around and asked: "It is the requirements that were published around twelve years ago? You did not change your mind? It does seems harsh on the kids."
Max laughed and said: "I don't want to raise lazy bastards. If they will not work hard they can go and live by their own rules. If they want to get recognized by me and get the maximum benefits for themselves and their families hard work for many years is the only way."
Some of the people around that heard about what the principle and the emperor were talking about and started asking each other what were the criteria that Mad Max made for his children. It was published around 13 years ago and a lot of people forgot about it. When one of the commoners that knew the answer to the question started to tell the others they were dumbfounded. A lot of people did hear it long ago, but now when the sons and daughters of the emperor started to apply for the academies and schools around the capital it became a interesting topic again. The citizens could just follow the different princes and princesses and see if they could the tasks given by the emperor. The tasks were very harsh. To become a high mage to have a change to inherit the throne was something a lot of people could not even understand. Most of them did not know what was to become an apprentice mage. Now there were a lot more mages in the empire, but compared to knights they were a very rare sight and a respected profession.
Max waited in line with his kids for some time and signed in the kids in the examination. A lot of people looked at him and the kids with different gazes. Some of the citizens payed more attention to the kids that came with him. It was a chance for those people kids to become friends with the kids of the emperor. Even if they will not become friends they could join the group of those kids and have a lot of benefits from it. It was not that people now lived a very bad life like before, but people always wanted to make their life better if it was possible.
Soon the first exam time arrived and the kids started to be tested. There were a few brats with a good talent for the knight path until now. There were also few with low talent for some of the magic elements. One of the kids even had a very high level of talent in the knight path. It could be seen by the power of light emitted from the ball the kids touched. It also told the knight apprentice level of the brats if they reached it. The highest level until now was the second level of knight apprentice and it was not that bad. The kids that will get accepted to the academy will get a better cultivating technique that will get them to the fifth knight apprentice level. After a short time it was the turn of Redon to be tested. The kid came over to the platform and put his hand on the sphere. After a short time there were a lot of exclamations of shock and owe from the crowd. The first thing that was seen was a high talent level for the knight path. Some of the citizens were making exclamations of joy because one of the potential heirs of the emperor had a good talent. When they saw that Redon was a third level apprentice knight there were even more cheers. Right after the sphere tested the children for the magic talent and if they did have any talent for any of the elements. When the citizens saw the talent level for magic the testing square became silent. The highest talent that was seen until now was a high talent for magic. This kid had a very high talent that was not far from complete talent. After that there was a test for the elements. Each element was shown in it own special color and if someone had talent for the element it would start to glow. Redon did not show talent for any of the elements and the crowd was starting to get worried until the sphere turned into the red color. The moment it happened the sphere started to glow in a dazzling light that was never seen before. Ever.
Jax that was also closely looking at the kid turned to Max and asked with a shaky voice: "He has a complete talent to the fire element, your majesty? I have never seen such dazzling light from the appraisal crystal."
Max just nodded and said: "Yeah from what I saw until now all my brats have some degree of talent to magic. Those three are the most talented and hard working as for right now. All the rest of the brats start to come to the different academies from the next year. All of them should have a medium talent at least."
There was a long silence after what Max said and after what people saw. Soon people came back to their senses and started to cheer for the prince. He had a huge talent and it meant only one thing. The empire had a good future ahead. A good next generation to lead the masses.
After that came the turn of Nina. When the people saw that such a beautiful girl had high talent for the knight path, high talent for magic with high affinity to the earth element they were dumbfounded. When they saw she was also a third level apprentice knight and a second level mage apprentice people did not really know what to say. Most of the times women did not go for the path of a fighter and were just mothers for the kids. This young girl was very talented and very strong and it caused a lot of family heads of the stronger families to look at her with interest. It was always nice to have not only a beautiful, but also a talented women that could give birth to talented heirs for the family. Nina had a rare talent. she was not a monster like Redon, but her talent was still very high and rare. The last of the brats was Marco. When he showed a very low talent for the knight path people felt a little pity for the boy. When they saw he was at the second level of knight apprentice they were impressed, but not more than that. Later when the magic test started and the people saw his talent for magic they were dumbfounded. The kid had also a very high talent bordering on complete. Now people were waiting for a talent for an element. A talent for was not much without a talent for an element. When people saw that all the elements except the lightning one were zero they became sad for the kid. But when all the testing ground was lit up with a dazzling blue light that was no less than the little monster Redon there was a long silence in the stage. Even the tester did not know what to say. Director Jax said: "Lightning. Its a lightning element genius. We had only 4 lightning element students and never had a talent to the element higher then medium. His talent for the element is complete. Out empire will thrive for sure in the future with heirs like this! Congratulations, your majesty!"
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