Chapter 104 - Two years part 2

Max was mad at the system. What he needed to do was a shit show and not a recipe. Max decided from what he thought was the bane of most mages to progress. It was the affinity with the element. The understanding of it. Because of that Max started to concoct the fire compatibility potion and it was horrendous. Max needed to complete 9 hard stages of heating, mixing and manipulating the elements. Because he did it with highly volatile fire elements he was not having fun. When Max thought he finished the first phase of the nine after a month of training, the potion started to vibrate in his hand and he screamed: "Fu.." BOOM!

A huge clap happened in the room and all of the components that were worth a few hundreds of gold coins were destroyed. After a few seconds Max got out of the smoke panting hard and cursing. He just lost a hand. He was lucky he was in the simulation. After killing himself and re spawning he screamed: "System! What the fuck? I am not some kind of terrorist wanting to blow himself up. Don't you have a better recipe for this dog shit potion? I don't want to die or get crippled because of explosions all the time. Is this how all this time will go? Holy shit. It is better to be used as a grenade or something. What the hell."

The system answered in Max's head: 'This is the best recipe for this potion. All the other versions will need to use much more expensive materials that the owner don't have access to.'

"FUCK!!!" Max roared.

He was not happy. With that he finished his alchemy session for this day and went to fight the level six bot. He needed to put out some steam. After that Max needed to start teaching the different people that finished successfully studying the chemistry course. The amount of those people was not large. Those people also learned the basic alchemy stuff, like materials and reactions.

Max looked at the different people. He was glad that he did not see any brutes here. He did not want some retard to squeeze the flask to hard and get his hand blown of because of that. Max tried to be cool, but he was sure he would not be able to tolerate some crazy shit from retarded people. There were two main groups of people that looked at him with curiosity and respect. Almost half of the people were his young commoner disciples from the academy that had a head start and the other big half were the older generation that was able to understand something new quickly. Not all old dogs can't learn new tricks. He saw a big amount of them here. There was a smaller group of middle aged people. Most of the people were men, but Max saw some women to.

After looking at the class Max began: "Alright you swore an oath and because of that you will get this knowledge and then start concocting potions for the country. You will have a norm for the day each day other than the holidays or days you will not feel well. All other potions that will be made after this from your own bought materials will be yours to sell freely in the market. You can rest assured that even with the amount of potions you create the price for those potions will not go down much in the near future. You will get a good profit for sure. Now it is the last and hardest part for all of you to do. To make the potion itself. We will start from a the three main potions. The health, mana and stamina potions for knights. They are the most basic potions and don't require anything more from you than high accuracy in your actions. You will need to dedicate all of your efforts to achieve a low level potion. It is the bare minimum to start making potions for the general population. After you reach the low level at all those three potions you could come here to improve further to the medium level potions but I must inform you that with no magic affinity to at least fire magic and good control over it your chances of succeeding are very low. With normal abilities low level potions are most likely will be your limit."

Max saw that those people looked dissapointed and continued: "I can tell you that your low level potions will be better than those the alchemists in the capital of the empire concoct so don't feel bad. Even if you achieve the minimum from what I expect from you you will be able to go far at life. Yes you will work for me until I will release you, but your children will be free to choose their own path. I will make sure they will not want to leave the country by the level of living here and other things other places will just not have. Alright, lets begin with the potion making. The first potion that we will make is the health potion. The main problem with all potion will be that you need to this in almost a perfect way. First you need to make sure that the PH of the water is 7. After that you need to take all the reagents and make them into a perfect powder separately. It is true for all reagents we have here. The genshing root, the teramis flowers and the vitality plant. After you will make them into a perfect powder of the same consistency you will need to heat up the water to the temperature of 350 celsius degrees and slowly put the three reagents in a way that they will mix in the water and between themselves in the best way possible. The temperature should not fluctuate at all. If the mixing is not good enough you will create dog shit as well. It is not that hard. If you had affinity to water or fire magic it was much easier to know if you hit the temperature right and if you mixed the ingredients good enough. The potion need to stay in the temperature or 350 celsius degrees 20 minutes after the finishing of the mixing of the different materials. I know that it is a lot of information to process so write it down. After it I will demonstrate it for you."

The different students started to write down the stages of making the potion and it did not really looked complex, but when Max made them the demonstration they did not really know what to say. Max made this like a machine and not a human. It was even a little scary. The potion he created was full of life force. The older people in the room even felt their life energies going up and they felt younger for a moment when they took a whiff from this potion.

Max said: "What I created here is a peek level potion. You will not need to do anything close to this, but it still will need to be very accurate. This peak level potion have the effect of 32 low level potions combined. Do you have any questions?"

Some of the younger students asked in a trembling voice after some hesitation: " Your Majesty, is it really possible to make such a potion?"