Chapter 98 - Taking over part 3

At the next few days the forces that Max sent started arriving to some of the closer cities like Manchester, Crimsonport, Silentwater. The fights were not very intense. The city walls of those cities were around eight to ten meters. The reason why the losses of the forces that were sent to those cities were reliability low was the fact that the earth mages just did an earth wall from the ground to the city walls with a low angle and there was nothing the enemy forces could do. The earth wall that used as a ground was not to wide, but it was more then enough for the forces to climb on the city walls and destroy the enemies. The main losses of those forces were the knight apprentices that were shot by archers to death or were killed in a melee fight against the enemy forces. The simple citizens or in other words the commoners did not know about Max's declaration about giving to all citizens the ability to study a knight cultivation technique up to the third knight apprentice level so for now they did not care who was leading the country. They only cared about the fact that their lives will not become worse than it was now. Most of the commoners could not read or write and because of that they had a hard time receiving information from what was going on in the country or outside it. That's why most of the times as long as the commoners could survive they would not care about what was going on around them. It was like something in their DNA that was groomed for generations.

The fight was finished in a few hours and after and those cities were again under Max's control. The reason why those people would not decide to just betray Max was simple. They all made a vow that they could not betray him and not follow his orders. If they would go against Max death was the best case scenario they could wish for. After taking over the cities the soldiers made a regime of paroling and securing the entrance of the cities. It was a lot easier than doing it in Alexandria. Those cities had one or two entrances most of the times and the amount of people visiting were a lot lower. Their power level was a lot lower either. It was an easy task to defend. Because Manchester was near the border of Valeria and Eldoria it was attacked a few times. The forces attacking it were not that big most of the time. The alliance of the two countries thought that there will be not big problem to take over the city again but with the power of 100 elites protecting the city it was not realistic expectations. 90 knights and 10 mage apprentices could count full force of a strong level one country. Some of the weaker level two counties had such forces in their possession. That's why when Manchester was attacked by small powers Max's forces would just open the city gates and decimate all the attackers. There was one time when a force of around five thousand knight apprentices came over to the city walls and it took this elite troop some time to defend. They could not open the gates against such amount of people because a lot of them could slip inside the city and kill people left and right. Because of that they waited for the enemy forces to climb on the city walls and get destroyed slowly in a melee battle.

Crimsonport and Silentwater were a lot more calm because they were deep inside the territory of Alexander's country. When Max's forces took over those cities they sent smaller forces to some of the smaller cities and villages to clean them from the enemy troops. Max's forces worked in the way they were trained. The forces that were dispatched were fire and wind mage with eighteen knights or a the same amount of knights with water and earth mages. There would be knight apprentices just to keep the numbers of the troops on the high side to be able to finish the tasks assigned faster. Valeria was the one that assigned the ones in command of the troops sent. Max just gave her the authority to decide because he had enough things to do other than taking care of the forces distribution. After every city was taken there would be a pigeon sent to the capital with a message and after that there would be a message sent from those cities every day to confirm everything is alright. After around a month Max's forces took hold over the main cities and transport roads between them. After it was clear that most of the country is under Max's control Max released the cultivation technique up to the third apprentice knight level. First it was released to everyone at the capital and after it was sent and released to the general population at the other cities. The commoners all around the country got into a cultivation frenzy. They asked their relatives that could read to explain to them how to cultivate and all people around the country started a cultivation frenzy after the work hours. Max was at a dilemma on what to do next. He had enough magic crystals to increase the size of the gaming club again but if he did this he will lose almost all the magic crystals of the country. After a long time of thinking Max decided to upgrade the size of the gaming club and buy 8100 more warrior capsules. This hit the economy that Max had in a big way but it gave him a huge opportunity to grow the country in a fast phase. There were many things that needed to be implemented in the country and for that he needed a huge amount of capsules. He needed to make real teachers to teach language, mathematics, physics, science, blacksmithing, alchemy, agriculture and a lot of other disciplines. With 9100 capsules of the 10000 that Max could use right now it should be enough to teach the people how to do things right and just lead the others. He will save the other 900 capsules for later for a use of mages. For now Max knew he had enough military powers to hold the country with no problems. His two neighbors that were hostile to his country lost a lot of their powers and will need decades to come back to their previous power level. There was another country that had signed a piece agreement with Alexander's country before Max took over it. He wanted to see what he could have from this country. Even without interacting with his neighbors Max had a lot of work on his country. He will need to put work for a good few years before he could even start thinking of expanding.