Aletheia Halcyon, an intelligent and fearless fifteen year old girl lives in the realm of Annora, a land of magic and sorcery. Her desire is to figure out the truth behind her unknown mysterious past. She is made the princess, and heir to the throne, but she doesn't want that life. She starts seeing visions about prophecies and war. She becomes a female leader of the warriors of Annora and she goes to battle against the evil Nyxalderians. Then along the way she figures out she's a Selenian, a prophetess with powers, said to be a messenger of the gods. She allies with Arawn of Annora who is a Selenian who can control darkness and Evander of the land of Medeastora who can manipulate illusion. Together they must unite the nations, find the truth about their pasts, uncover the dark secrets of a cursed enchanted weapon, and find what caused the Selenians to be lost and forgotten millennia ago.