I just can't do it ok.Uncle Randolph you know I have always done what you ask of me. You are like a dad to me as I don't even know the parents you keep telling me watch me from above. I just don't seem to get it right. I can't channel the power I have not even seen before. Warfo spoke calmly even though he was feeling nothing but calm. His uncle Randolph kept telling him stuff he could not prove and the answer he gave to defend himself was "everything will unfold in it's due course".It was out of respect for him, out of the fact that it was Randolph who raised him that Warfo did not loose his head and kept doing what Randolph asked him to do at their so called power channeling lessons. Each and every single lesson had been a disaster and the lightening shaped scar on his forehead expressed its anger as it ached furiously from another intense and fruitless day standing in the hot sun. "You just have to focus...." "What do you think I have been doing". Warfo shouted as he could not keep his temper anymore. "You keep telling me that I am a breed of some stupid gods . I have this scar that makes me look like a freak in school thus being a target for every bully in the school. And I don't know who my f*cking parents are. You know what I QUIT". Warfo turned to get inside when he heard Randolph speak in a voice that seemed not to belong to him."DON'T GO" Warfo turned and saw Randolph looking in the sky. He took a look to see what got his uncle's attention and stood with his mouth agape staring at a gigantic figure in the clouds who bellowed again" DON'T QUIT. NOT YET."