Chereads / The Founders of the Shadows World / Chapter 57 - Loneliness 

Chapter 57 - Loneliness 

Zaelia took her horse to leave the city and scout the area, each time, after each victory, she was scouting around to hunt and burn all temples that were not serving Archanium. Xzander followed her with a few men. They went to check if there was something of value to take, they knew that after defeating the main city of the region, nobody would oppose. Zaelia's only purpose in the world was to destroy every temple that was not dedicated to the mighty glory of Archanium. It became her obsession. 

She entered the temple and she froze. Xzander saw her, he was scared that the temple was the one of another unknown god and that she would be enraged again, he saw enough blood for today. He joined her as fast as he could, and he froze too. 

The statue in the temple was one they never saw before. Archanium was sculpted in white pure marble, a sword in a hand pointing to the sky. He was powerful and magnificent, but his other arm was around the golden figure of a woman. 

Zaelia stepped slowly into the temple and pressed her hand delicately on the arm of the god. It was a statue of them, represented as a couple defeating the shadows. She never saw or imagined such a thing, and she was in awe of the statue. 

"Zaelia, there is nothing to do there anymore. I will lead the army back home. You will join us later." said Xzander.

After these words, she nodded and Xzander left. He took the commandment of the army in the city and pursued their road. Zaelia stayed in the temple, incapable of saying anything. She felt a heart pounding in her chest. 

At the edge of the golden city in the sky, Archanium held his breath. A smile spread across his face without his realizing it, and his hands tightened on the white marble step he was sitting on. He watched Zaelia's reaction. She gently caressed the face of Archanium's statue, turning towards her own representation. Her long fingers traced every feature of his cheek with attention. He, in the sky, instinctively brought his hand to his face, almost feeling her caress from where he stood. 

Zaelia was a violent wind in the desert, noisy, brutal, murderous, and yet it was a completely different side of her that was revealed in the secret of this temple. She had hope for something she didn't even know she wanted. As for him, he was tasting the lack of something he didn't even know existed. For a second, he regretted having made that pact with Tridjan, condemning himself to staying away from her.

Archanium had regrets. He was slowly understanding that his pride was making him lose something precious. She stayed there all night, incapable of moving, she wanted to memorize every feature of the statue, every line. She wanted to engrave it in her spirit and remember it forever. In the morning sun rising, she finally found the force to leave. 

She left the village with a heavy heart, and as she was coming back to her Golden city she felt empty, she felt she was missing something. For the first time in her life, she felt alone. 

She always had this sensation that Archanium was everywhere, in the sun and the air. That was enough for her, but the vision of him and her in such intimate action brought her new thoughts. The thoughts of a man and a woman sharing a moment of love. She walked straight to her room in the palace and closed herself for a while. She lay down on her bed, still covered by the dry blood she spread in the city she recently conquered, and she stared at the ceiling in silence. 

After a full night of thinking, Zaelia knew what she was missing, she was missing company. She went to the baths in the morning, the large pools were public baths reserved for her tribe in the palace. As she saw Xzander relaxing, she undressed and joined him. Washing over the dry blood on her skin. He laughed.

"What did you do last night? You didn't wash this blood?"

She chuckled after hearing him, then she patted his shoulder.

"This statue made me understand that I was feeling alone. I made a great decision."

Xzander's eyes were opening wide, he was happy, thinking that Zaelia will finally understand the importance of having love in her life, having a partner to share things with, and maybe. Just maybe, know the love that children could bring. Zaelia would finally become more human. He was excited to hear her. Xzander was a father of a happy family, and the idea that Zaelia could know this happiness was enchanting him.

"Oh, I think I know what you will say, say it, say it!" he exclaimed excitedly.

She stopped in surprise at his reaction; after all, they'd been friends forever, so it was only natural that he should know all about her and her plans. It made sense to her that he'd guessed her intentions. So she said proudly.

"I am going to have a harem."

Xzander's jaw dropped and in the sky, in the golden city, the gods could hear a raging scream. Both the human and the god had the same reaction and yelled.


Zaelia stopped herself, confused.

"I thought you knew? You said you knew what I was about to say."

Xzander placed his hands on her shoulders, he was almost about to shake her. 

"No! Not this! Why do you even want this? Zaelia I thought you would take a husband and settle with someone special! In calm ! In peace !"

Archanium in the Golden city was frozen, none of these versions were acceptable to him. This was going too far and his rage was building inside him. He slammed his fist on the floor next to the place he was sitting and made a hole. The other gods decided to avoid him with caution. Zaelia was surprised by Xzander's reaction, and she also started to get upset.

"What? I read stories about Kings of the world with Alejandro. Kings have a harem, it is something normal." she defended herself.

"Firstly, you're a queen, not a king! And secondly, we're not like them. We... we... Zaelia! We spend our time killing these guys, and you want to be like them?!" Xzander almost shouted.

"But I feel alone. My decision is taken. After this week, I will consider the company of the men and women that come to me to bring me company and entertain my nights."