Chereads / The Founders of the Shadows World / Chapter 22 - What they call a family

Chapter 22 - What they call a family

Arja was transported to a house made of black stone, the same material as the one she saw on the stairs. That was a kind of clinic and a doctor took care of her immediately. She didn't understand at first, the doctor seemed stupefied to see her then she realized. She had lost an eye, and half of her body was wounded, from shoulder to hips, she was burned. She understood immediately. The lava covered her and she could survive only thanks to the fur of the red wolf. He protected her. At this moment she felt a beating in her heart, she saw the animal on a bed next to her.

The doctor left, shocked to see that someone had survived this. Arja was dressed in a shirt and all her scars were visible. The man never saw someone with so many wounds, especially not a woman. He couldn't believe his eyes, he left troubled, terrified, and amazed, all these feelings in one.

Right after Ulrich entered running to her.

"Arja! You are alive! Sister, thanks Yshnaa! We are together again!"

Ulrich's joy was spreading to her and she hugged him as strongly as possible. She was very excited and overjoyed.

On the first day, she stayed on the bed listening to the doctors, the wolf was also receiving healing. The first night, she decided to join him in the bed and she hugged him tightly. In the morning, doctors found them both hugging and couldn't understand what was happening. This ferocious creature was acting like a dog. She was petting him and he was peaceful with her.

She needed two days in the clinic before being able to leave. When she went out, she was worried about the wolf then she realized he already was fully healed and chose to stay. He could have left much before.

"Do you want to continue with me?"

The wolf took her hand in his fangs delicately. He didn't leave, more than this, he pushed his fur against her. She understood that he would follow her and she felt happy to have a companion. The hole left by the loss of Typhon was enormous, even the recent joy to have found Ulrich was not filling this wound. Perhaps, the wolf felt it. She petted him.

"What do you think about calling you Hagalaz, the burning wolf? It sounds good. I like it."

The wolf pushed her hand on him, she slipped her fingers into his fur gently. Then it was decided, from now on they would continue their road together but first, she waited for Ulrich to discover how he was living.

Ulrich came to her at the clinic and brought her back to his place. She was completely baffled. It was the same feeling as taking a slap in the face.

She saw two kids running outside, having fun in a beautiful little garden. She saw a woman waving at him, pregnant. Arja was breathless. She felt an enormous pain in her heart, she was happy for him of course but... she would never expect that. He had such a beautiful life and a superb family.

Before entering, Ulrich asked her to let Hagalaz outside. The kids came to see the creature but not too close, they were told that these wolves are legends and exist only in nightmares. Some curious villagers also came to see him. Arja gave him a sign to wait and she entered the little house.

It was warm, warm of love and peace. Ulrich sat in front of her and served her.

"This is my wife Licia. The kids outside are Arak and Erik... They are your nephews. I am so happy to have you back Arja, all our family is reunited now."

Arja was stomached, and she felt dizzy with this information. She asked with a trembling voice.

"What... What happened to you after this night..."

Ulrich had a serious face, remembering this period was not easy for him and Licia came to sit close to him, she grabbed his hand.

"I was transported in a discreet car to this village. The doc made me a prosthesis with the matter of the volcano and some resin from the trees around. This is how they cure stuff here and thanks to this I could rapidly walk and retrieve my abilities. Then I met Licia and we fell in love. She helped me a lot to understand my new body. I built this house myself! I never thought I would be able to build a house."

He laughed slightly. This was to hide his stress. The stress of asking what happened to his little sister... The little princess was in front of him with a muscular body, scars, wounds, and burns. She had nothing left from what he knew about her. She realized that the question was burning his lips but he didn't know how to bring it up. So she decided to take the first step.

"You want to know what happened to me, right?"

He nodded rapidly, at this moment he felt ashamed of his happiness when his sister had a different life.

"Short story. Father sold me to an organization of mercenaries. At first, I was in jail for years, then I was trained to kill. Eventually they executed my partner and they think I am dead now."

She took the glass Licia served her earlier after thanking her properly and drank the alcohol inside in one go. Ulrich and his wife became pale. She let out a little laugh.

Yes, their lives were very different. If Ulrich was a brave warrior he became a worker, a farmer, a husband, and a father when she became... this...

The evening was a bit less tense. Ulrich and she stayed together outside, Hagalaz was laying with them as they were drinking all night. Remembering good memories together.

He placed his arm around her shoulders.

"I am sorry little sister. I was not able to protect you or Altraya. I failed you both."

Arja huddled in his arms.

"Do you know what happened to her? I had such a strange nightmare, she was telling me she is still there."

Ulrich shook his head. Arja took a deep breath.

"Then I need to go to check. I have to go back to our Kingdom and see what happened to it."

He wanted to protect her.

"There is nothing left there, the dead have entered the city and destroyed everything. The buildings were almost all demolished, the inhabitants were killed and when they were done, they left. There are only ruins there now. Don't get your hopes up..."

She let out a faint laugh, she watched the little star in the sky. The alcohol helped, she pointed at it.

"This is my hope. This is guiding me. Did you know? There is a city in the sky."

Arja was laughing, Ulrich didn't understand everything she said but he was also dizzy under the effect of the alcohol and approved of her in everything she said.

She was talking about the stories Zuline could have told her. He was happy to hear her. She was alive.

"My kids will love it, I will write what you say and I will tell them later on for sure."

He watched his sister and then took her arm in his hand.

"Arja! I know! I know how to protect you. I will make you a full armor. The most beautiful armor you ever saw."

Then, Ulrich passed out, drunk. Arja carried him inside. Licia laughed gently.

"Thank you Arja. He was talking about you all these years. I am very glad you could find us."

Arja smiled at her. Licia was a lovely woman, and Arja was very happy for her brother. She returned outside to finish the bottle of wine alone, laying on Hagalaz and she ended up falling asleep on the wolf.

He was warm and comfy, he was the perfect companion. She was awakened in the late morning by the sound of a hammer on the metal. Ulrich didn't forget his words and he was forging her armor. When she came to him she saw the quality of the masterpiece.

The chest was light and soft, he was bending easily but not breaking. The rock of this volcano had hidden metal resources and was truly miraculous. Ulrich was creating a superb piece of art. When he saw her he had a light of excitement in his eyes.

"I will finish this week, please, stay with us during this time and enjoy, rest to heal your wounds. You will see, you will love this armor. I swear this will be the most beautiful piece in the world."

And, seeing the love he had for her in his expression. She believed him. This would be for sure the best armor ever made.