Chapter 8 - Geometry (2)

A curve is a one-dimensional object that can be straight or not. Curves in two-dimensional space are called plane curves and those in three-dimensional space are called space curves. In topology, a curve is defined by a function from an interval of real numbers to another space. In differential geometry, the same definition is used, but the defining function must be differentiable. Algebraic geometry studies algebraic curves, which are defined as algebraic varieties of dimension one.

A surface is a two-dimensional object, such as a sphere or paraboloid. In differential geometry and topology, surfaces are described by two-dimensional patches or neighborhoods that are assembled by diffeomorphisms or homeomorphisms, respectively. In algebraic geometry, surfaces are described by polynomial equations.

A manifold is a topological space where each point has a neighborhood that is homeomorphic to Euclidean space. In differential geometry, a differentiable manifold is a space where each neighborhood is diffeomorphic to Euclidean space. Manifolds are widely used in physics, such as in general relativity and string theory.

Length, area, and volume are measures of size or extent of an object in one dimension, two dimensions, and three dimensions respectively. In Euclidean and analytic geometry, the length of a line segment can often be determined using the Pythagorean theorem. Both area and volume can be defined as fundamental quantities independent of length, or they can be described and calculated in terms of lengths in a plane or three-dimensional space. Mathematicians have discovered numerous explicit formulas for calculating area and volume of various geometric shapes. In calculus, these quantities can also be defined using integrals, such as the Riemann or Lebesgue integrals.

Congruence, in the world of geometry, refers to the idea that two shapes are exactly the same in both size and shape. This is a key concept, as it allows mathematicians to reason about and compare shapes in a precise way. Similarity, on the other hand, refers to the idea that two shapes have the same shape, but may not necessarily be the same size. The study of congruence and similarity is an important aspect of geometry and is generalized in the field of transformation geometry, which examines the ways in which different types of transformations can affect the properties of geometric objects. These concepts have been foundational in the development of geometry and continue to play a vital role in modern mathematical research.

Length, distance, and size - these are concepts that we often take for granted, but they can be generalized and abstracted in various ways. For instance, the Euclidean metric helps us measure the distance between points in a plane, while the hyperbolic metric does the same in a different type of plane. There are also other metrics that come into play in specialized contexts, like the Lorentz metric in special relativity and the semi-Riemannian metrics of general relativity.

On the other hand, measure theory allows us to go beyond the traditional notions of length, area, and volume. It gives us tools to assign a measure or size to sets, following rules that are similar to those for classical area and volume. This opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for understanding and quantifying the size of sets and collections of objects.

For centuries, mathematicians and physicists have ventured beyond the traditional three dimensions of geometry - length, width, and depth - and explored the possibilities of higher dimensions. One practical application of higher dimensions is in the concept of configuration space, which allows us to describe the various positions and configurations of a physical system. For example, the configuration of a screw can be represented using five coordinates.

Higher dimensions also find use in areas like general topology and algebraic geometry, where the concept of dimension has been extended to include infinite dimensions (like those found in Hilbert spaces) and even positive real numbers (as seen in fractal geometry). In algebraic geometry, there are various ways to define the dimension of an algebraic variety, all of which ultimately turn out to be equivalent in most cases.

Symmetry has always been an important theme in geometry, dating back to the earliest days of the discipline. Symmetric shapes like circles, regular polygons, and platonic solids have long been viewed as objects of beauty and significance. These symmetrical patterns can also be found in nature, and have inspired artistic works by people like Leonardo da Vinci and M.C. Escher. In the 19th century, the relationship between symmetry and geometry came under intense scrutiny, leading to the development of new geometries that were defined in terms of their symmetry groups.

Both discrete and continuous symmetries play important roles in geometry, with the former appearing in topology and geometric group theory, and the latter appearing in Lie theory and Riemannian geometry. Another type of symmetry, known as duality, can be found in fields like projective geometry. This principle states that if you swap certain geometric elements (like points and planes) and negate certain relationships (like "lies in" and "contains"), you end up with an equally true theorem. There is also a related form of duality that exists between a vector space and its dual space.

Euclidean geometry is the type of geometry that most people are familiar with. It deals with concepts like points, lines, planes, angles, triangles, congruence, similarity, solid figures, circles, and analytic geometry. This type of geometry is used in a wide range of scientific fields, including mechanics, astronomy, crystallography, and many technical fields like engineering, architecture, geodesy, aerodynamics, and navigation. As a result, the study of Euclidean geometry is a key part of the educational curriculum in many countries.

Differential geometry is a branch of mathematics that combines techniques from calculus and linear algebra to study problems in geometry. It has a wide range of applications, including in fields like physics, econometrics, and bioinformatics. One particularly important application of differential geometry is in mathematical physics, where it is used to understand the curvature of the universe as described by Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity.

Differential geometry can be either intrinsic, meaning that it studies smooth manifolds with a specific type of metric called a Riemannian metric, or extrinsic, meaning that it studies objects within an ambient Euclidean space. In either case, it provides valuable insights into the geometric structures and properties of these objects.

Euclidean geometry is not the only kind of geometry that has been studied throughout history. For example, spherical geometry has been used by astronomers, astrologers, and navigators for centuries.

Immanuel Kant believed that there was only one true geometry, known a priori by an inner faculty of the mind, and that Euclidean geometry was a synthetic a priori truth. However, this view was eventually challenged and overturned by the discovery of non-Euclidean geometry by mathematicians like Bolyai, Lobachevsky, and Gauss (who never published his own work on the topic). These discoveries showed that Euclidean geometry was just one possible way to develop the subject, and opened up the possibility of exploring other kinds of geometries.

Riemann's work on very general spaces in which the concept of length can be defined, known as Riemannian geometry, has had a major impact on modern geometry and played a crucial role in Einstein's theory of general relativity. Overall, the subject of geometry continues to evolve and expand, with many exciting developments yet to come.

Topology is a branch of mathematics that studies the large-scale properties of spaces and the continuous mappings between them. It can be seen as a generalization of Euclidean geometry, and is concerned with concepts like connectedness and compactness. In a technical sense, topology is a type of transformation geometry in which transformations are homeomorphisms - a concept that is often described as "rubber-sheet geometry."

There are several subfields of topology, including geometric topology, differential topology, algebraic topology, and general topology. The field of topology has seen significant development in the 20th century and continues to be an active area of research today.