It might seem shallow, but for me, it is extremely important. The cover tells me of the effort the author put into the fanfic, his personality, and even his likes and dislikes.
Personally, when I made my fanfic cover (not this one), it helped shaping the story in my mind and even motivated me just by seeing it. It hyped me up, it was a great cover.
Self-Ego-Stroking aside, it is not only smart since it will attract viewers in mass, but also has this personal motivation, at least for me. Why not you though?
Here are some tips on how to make amazing covers without any photoshop or high-end programs.
First, get a cool image and background (if you want it). Then, get a cool text font related to or straight from the series you are making your fanfic about and put your fanfic title in said font. Go to paint or my favorite, Microsoft PowerPoint, and put the image (there you can remove the background and other stuff you don't want from the image) and the font there and group them together into one thing. Then right-click and save it as an image. Now you have an image with everything in it. Ta-da!
That's how I made the cover of my other fanfic, even this one, straight-up PowerPoint.
I like it so much that I actually create more than one cover, each showing progression related to the fanfic.