Four Fanfic Formulas

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I'm writing this as a guideline to both myself and others, seeing just how low effort the crushing majority of fanfics on this app/website are. So many fanfics could be fixed by simply googling "How to make a good story".

This is me searching the internet's top recommended searches about how to make good fanfics, fight scenes, romance, and harem. A compilation of them plus some of my own takes on them. Feel free to use this unrestrained. I beg you to do so.

Most things here aren't mine, and I will not take them as mine.

Since most fanfic sites don't allow links, here are the titles of each website, title, and search I used to make this:



So You Want To / Write a Fanfic (Tvtropes website)

So You Want To / Write a Good Summary (Tvtropes website)

7 Tips on How to Become a Great Fanfiction Writer – Guest Post by Hayley Zelda (Wordmothers website)

8 Pro Tips to Becoming a Successful Fan Fiction Writer (Cosmopolitan)

How do you write good fanfiction? (Quora)

How do I write a good Y/N fanfic without it becoming cringy? (Quora)

A Beginners guide to writing fanfiction (Deviantart)

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Fan Fiction (Writingtipsoasis)


[Fight Scenes]:

Tips for writing fight scenes? (Reddit)

How to Write Fight Scenes (wikiHow)

How to Write a Convincing Fight Scene (nybookeditors)

Tutorial: Fight Scene (Wattpad)



What are some good tips for writing a romance fanfic? (quora)



The harem setting: why it's not an excuse to write a crappy story (royalroad)

How to create a proper Harem story (DeviantArt)

Basic ideas how to create a good harem story. (royalroad)

So You Want To / Write a Harem Anime (tvtropes)