Chereads / Mated to a Monster / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6

Hunter scolded himself in his head quietly, but he couldn't help himself. He had given in to her seduction because of the innocent yet brazenly sensual way, she moved her tongue throughout her lips. Plus, she came right out and said she wanted him.

He pushed his tongue well beyond her full lips and into her mouth, deepening the kiss. She was even more delicious than he had hoped. A strange and intense fever gripped him as tingles of electricity raced through his body. She, too, appeared surprised and hesitant, as if she hadn't expected him to agree to her request so quickly.

As if Hunter were the type to cave in easily. He wasn't at the moment. He simply wanted to find out if she was just talking a big game. After going to him and expressing her desires, what would happen when she got what she asked for? Disbelief, panic, and doubt are all natural reactions. By engaging in sexual activity with him, she was playing with fire, and he was giving her a minor burn. Simply enough to test her sincerity.

Again, her gentle voice whispered in his ear, "You," igniting a fire of desire in him. Silently pleading for her to give in, he ravaged her mouth and drank in her sweet breath.

Her mouth opened on her own and her tongue intertwined with his. For those few moments, neither of them noticed the blaring music, the stale smoke, or the odors of sweat and alcohol.

Then, after what seemed like an eternity, a voice drawled, "Go for it, bro!" and slapped Hunter on the back. "Give everything she wants."

Hunter was brought back to earth by the man's voice. He felt the beats throb in his brain. An odor of stale tobacco reached his nose. When she smacked Hunter again, he backed away from her. He swore under his breath and whirled around to give the man behind him the evil eye.

The man gave Hunter a thumbs up, said, "Sorry, bro," and then vanished into the crowd. As Hunter refocused his attention on her, Autumn was touching her pale lips as if she had been burned. He felt a little in guilt. A feeling of remorse for satisfying her desire for something she didn't need.

His conscience gave him a reprimand for being so brusque and inconsiderate, especially since he was enjoying her so damned much. He ought to have been more in charge. Restraint. He waited in annoyance to see how she would respond, thinking about how stupid he was. A slap to the face from her would be inevitable. She should probably get out of the club. In any case, she would soon forget her absurd demand.

Her voice wavered as she asked, "Can we go somewhere else?" Hunter fought off the strong urge to reach out and stroke her bottom lip, which was trembling slightly.

It was over, he muttered angrily to himself and to her. "If you're involved in those murders, I could take you to bed tonight and turn you over tomorrow without batting an eye. You can proposal me until death, offer your luscious body to me on a gilded shaft, and it won't make a bit of difference."

She said, "I'm not worried that you'll turn me in. I had nothing to do with those murders. My proposal stands on its own. I need you right now."

"Why? If you're innocent, why would you want to negotiate yourself? If it's money you would like in return, or a quaff to feed the knack you're probably hiding with those sunglasses. I'm absolutely terrified you're too pricey for my tastes."

She recoiled in pain, but knew that he meant it as an insult to throw her off her stride. To forewarn her to avoid him. She retorted that if she were for sale, she would be too expensive for him to afford. However, she continued, "I'm not being sold off to the winning price. I don't want cash, or any of those things you mentioned. Only you, Morrison. Tonight, just you and me." Her voice lowered to a whisper as she spoke the following words. "I'm interested in you, and in exchange I'll tell you anything you ask."

He asked, "You're really dead serious, aren't you?" knowing full well that she was serious even before she nodded. "Why?"

"Does it even matter if it does?"


"For the same reasons that you want this murderer, I want something, too."

"What do you want?"

She interrupted his thought with, "Perhaps, experience," which was clearly an attempt to divert the conversation.

"That's something any guy can do."

"I have what you need, the information, and you have what I need, the business arrangement, so let's swap."

"Experience," he said abruptly, his tone intended to cut her to the quick. When he looked at her, he was surprised to see that her face was as pale and inviting as ever, with none of the expected rosiness. She barely blinked an eye in response. How could he take her seriously when she just showed up out of the blue, waving information in front of him in exchange for a one night sex? "I'm fine, pretty—no complaints at all in the sex you want," he shook his head, "but this is a first."

"A few minutes ago, you took me seriously," she said.

The kiss they shared was passionate, and he confessed that he gave into the temptation. And very frustrating, he added silently. "Let's say I'm convinced by your pitch and decide to take you up on your offer. When can I expect to receive the information you've promised, and what guarantees can you give that they'll be useful?"

Her voice trailed off for an instant as if she was gathering the strength to continue, but then she said, "Just one night... Spend one night with me, and I'll spill the beans."

"What is it?"

"The name of the man, as well as his whereabouts and other pertinent information."

She seemed to turn whiter, and Hunter damned himself for the evil he was. "I could just call the police and let them question you, perhaps even arrest you. Then you'd be forced to talk," he said. He needed explanations, though, ones that made sense to him. Clearly, they're discussing a murder here. Brutal murder with no emotion. "Show me just one good reason why I shouldn't."

She looked at the people around them and said, "You want this too, right? Or else you would have given my note to the detective in charge of this case instead of agreeing to meet me here."

"Every criminal, at some point, goes back to the place where the crime was committed."

"That's not me. I'm not a criminal."

"So you mean..."

"Yeah, and I'll repeat it. I'm not a criminal, and I'm certainly not an accessory to the crime," she stated emphatically. "Morrison, do you want to find the murderer? I can tell you his whereabouts, and it'll be worth your time," she promised, her voice seductive.

Hunter couldn't help but admire her bravery and assurance. The request was still completely out there. "Do you want to spend the night with a hottie?" And yet, he found himself seriously considering her offer, despite the fact that it was completely absurd.