The Governor sat in his office reading over emails. He also reviewed his schedule for the week as his assistant gave him a rundown of all the events he needed to attend.
His assistant also presented him with his poll numbers.
"You are looking, favorable sir." His assistant Molly stated as she laid the spreadsheet in front of him. She brushed her blonde hair behind her ear.
As you can see your poll numbers have increased significantly. Three weeks ago your approval rating was 39% but as of today, your rating is now 76%.
"Why?" The governor asked.
"I hate to say the whole kidnapping of your son Caleb really creates an atmosphere of sympathy and renewed interest in you and your family. Molly said with a smile.
"I hate to drag kids into politics but your son is handsome and has a wholesome look. He's an attractive black male whose not perpetuating stereotypical attributes. He plays lacrosse and soccer. This is attractive to the middle-class families. He also looks like a model and is quite popular on Instagram he is attracting a young population, particularly people from the age of 18-28.
This crowd typically did not vote for you in the elections so if we can keep their interest this would give us a definite win, in my opinion.
I think we need to do more interviews with you all as a family. Also, what do we think about reality tv? She asked.
The governor had taken in her suggestions.
"Do whatever it takes to win." He told her. "Whatever it takes?" She asked for clarity.
"Yes." He confirmed.
"Got it." She said taking some notes.
"Governor, Special Agent Issac Smith is here to speak with you." His secretary said over the intercom.
"Please send him in." He said.
"We can continue our discussion later." The Governor told his assistant. Molly nodded understanding she walked out of the office as Issac walked in.
"Good afternoon Governor," Issac said taking a seat.
"I'm special Ag-"
"I know who you are Issac you're stationed at my residence so no need to be so formal." The Governor said in a matter-of-fact sort of way.
"Ok" Issac said taking a seat across from the governor.
We are still working on your sons' case. I came here to ask you a few questions.
The men who took your son Mark Kenton and Demonte Biggs how well do you know them?
Why would you assume I know them? The governor asked his tone low.
Issac raised his brow intrigued. "Because if you didn't know them you would have told me right away...instead you deflected. Issac said pulling out his phone. Before the governor could respond Issac showed him a picture that a UC had taken of the governor abs Demonte Briggs
"I think we both know that you know them." Issac smirked so let's try this again sir."
"Does you're boss know that you're here harassing me?" He asked. "Or are you going rogue?" He asked. "Rumor has it you are on your last leg."
Issac laughed "I don't care about your threats I'm just trying to help your son because whatever you did or didn't do with Demonte Briggs and his team they are holding a grudge and they keep trying to take your son away from you. Issac explained. Do you not give a fuck what happens to your son? I mean if they take him again he may not ever come home again.
The governor chuckled at Issac's attempt to make him feel obligated to give him information.
"Look Demonte wants something from me and I'm not gonna give to him. Just because you make a contribution to my campaign doesn't guarantee that I'm gonna make favors or do deals with the devil. Now, I'll admit him kidnapping my kid wasn't something I thought he would do but I miscalculated. The governor said he got up from his desk and walked over to his mini bar to pour himself and Issac some liquor.
"Demonte thought Caleb was my heart but he's not. I love him but he is a disappointment to me. I give zero fucks. I never wanted kids but my wife did and I would die for her. The governor said giving Issac a glass with brown liquor in it.
"To add even more insult to injury you ruined my son even more." He said taking a sip of liquor.
"I -" Issac tried to say but was stopped by the cold man in front of him.
"You raped my son like a little bitch and you wanna try to come in here and play rent a cop or some shit... think you're gonna hem me up like I'm the fucking criminal.
"Excuse me." Issac said wondering how the situation turned.
"The best part about all of this is that my poll numbers are at an all-time high. My opponent doesn't stand a chance because the people feel sorry for me and most importantly my poor son. So now my son is very valuable to me. I need him which is why you're ass still has a job, Special Agent Smith.
The governor downed his drink. Do your job to keep Caleb safe and alive or else you'll be replaced very quickly. The governor said with a dangerous tone in his voice. Issac was taken aback. He didn't expect this from the governor.
"Get the fuck out of my office and don't come back."
Issac drank the liquor from his glass. He sat the glass on the governor's desk with a loud clink. "Thanks for the drink, Governor. Have a great day," Issac said staring the man in the eyes. He walked out of the office in disbelief but then again the governor was a politician after all.
He would definitely call detective Rucker about this meeting.