Chereads / Reaper system in another world / Chapter 129 - The devourer of good

Chapter 129 - The devourer of good

Everyone in the group was looking for a way to the next boss, but Merlin found a discrepancy in the Mana River. Under a stone in the water he discovered a chain and pulled it. Suddenly, 20 giant statues rose up around the island. Each statue carried a sword and a shield. But instead of attacking, they synchronously struck the shields with their swords. The entire island lost its luster and turned black and gray. Everything seemed dead except for a white tablet that remained standing on the island. On this tablet was a magic symbol and a text in an unknown language that neither Mortis nor Merlin understood. Fortunately, their systems translated the text for them:

"You who have set foot on this island, I hope you have better luck than I did. I was searching for eternity and released the evil that is slowly thinning this world and devouring everything. May you be the hero who removes the devourer of good and brings some peace back to this world. With the last thing here that we have created to bring this monster to you.

Signed, King Jardolg of the Cliff Tribe."

As the text finished reading, great lights appeared from the sea, resembling lamps. Slowly, a huge creature rose from the waters. It was of gigantic size, had three heads with four mouths each and scaly skin like a dragon. But its mouths resembled those of a great white shark. The body was massive and held upright by a long tail with numerous tips. At the front, another huge mouth opened at chest level. On closer inspection, one could make out human faces and other animal shapes that looked distressed. These were the creatures that were inferior to this monster and were being eaten by it. A hideous beast that taunted its victims in a cruel way.

Merlin looked at the monster and, almost in a panic, asked Mortis why such a boss appeared. After all, he had found nothing about such a boss in his research. Mortis turned and looked apologetically at Merlin and said, "Apparently it's me. Last time it was a solo boss, but this time it seems you were invited to the party with my companions." Merlin just nodded in understanding and took out his staff to prepare for the upcoming battle as did everyone else.

When the Devourer stood before them in all his glory, taking up half the island, he roared loudly. After licking its mouths, it spewed a large jet of acid at the group from the three mouths attached to one neck. They had to quickly position themselves so that they would not be hit. But when this attack was over, the ravenous maws made their way to Mortis and Merlin. The monster soon realized, however, that it could not harm the spirits. It had made a big mistake in thinking, because even though they were not made of flesh, they could still harm it and get in its way.

The monster was huge and heavy, and the tanks could only protect themselves and try not to get crushed by its teeth. But the team of ghosts acted like a swarm, quickly adapting and spreading out around the boss to avoid most of the dangers. The tanks and a private healer drew the boss's attention, while the others easily did everything they could to damage the boss. But no sooner had they split up a bit than scales came off the devourer and lifeless shells of the victims pictured formed and attacked the group.

Mortis ran to get to the back of the monster. His plan was to jump on the monster's tail and from there strike at its back. But just as quickly as Mortis was, the Devourer created enemies to stop Mortis and struck at him with his massive tail, causing the ground to shake and parts of the island to disappear. But Mortis used the Eyes of Destiny ability for the first time, which showed him what the monster would do next. He activated his Heritage of the Firsts to increase his stats by 25% and ran toward the tail at a speed that broke the sound barrier. He began to slide to get under the tail, rolled off, and kept running. By doing so, he drew the monster's attention. Although the massive creature had quick and long necks and a menacing tail, it could not turn fast enough to follow Mortis.

When Mortis got onto the monster's back, the creature became enraged and its scales stood up like razor blades. But Mortis was intoxicated by the newfound power and ready to try everything he had left out before. He activated and combined the abilities Mist Trace, Wind Blades, Scythe Blade Storm, and Explosive Soul Seal. This made Mortis speed up even more and hit the boss so fast and hard that it seemed as if he had four weapons in his hand at the same time. The monster shrieked in pain, and its three heads were now trying to grab Mortis. At that moment, Merlin heard Mortis' voice and used the spell "Multicast 3fold Water Prison." The monster's three heads became enveloped in water, preventing it from breathing or opening its mouths.

The monster was starting to get nervous, even though it could breathe through its mouth on its chest. Mortis was getting closer and closer to the monster's necks. The creature tried to throw itself on its back to get rid of Mortis, but that was a big mistake. Mortis jumped high with a double leap and landed on the stomach of the devourer. From there, he continued on his way, noticing that the belly was not as heavily armored. The wounds Mortis left in his path deepened. Almost at the destination, Merlin's magic wore off and the monster's mouths were free. The large mouth was now in the way as well, but Mortis simply skipped over it. He reached far out with his scythe to give the boss a worthy end. The serpentine necks were swift and raced toward him as he hovered in the air above the largest mouth. But Mortis stuck his scythe into one of the mouths, preventing it from closing. Another he froze with a crystal jail, and the third he dodged while holding onto the scythe. When the creature tried to shake him off or eat him along with the scythe, Mortis thrashed at it from the side until their necks moved a little farther apart. He then got into the mouth where his scythe was stuck and pulled on it with all his might, which cut the upper mouth apart and freed Mortis and the scythe.

Then, as that neck shook in pain and flailed wildly, Mortis was flung upward, causing the other heads to rush toward him, including the one trapped in ice. But with a double jump, he was able to dodge and even separate the left head from the neck. But still the great drooling mouth was below him, creating a suction that threatened to pull Mortis in. But suddenly a large tower shield came flying under Mortis' feet, thrown by Marshal to save his master. Mortis also immediately took advantage of this to push himself further up with the shield. At the same time, another shield flew in, this time from Gerald. Mortis greatly appreciated this, as it not only allowed him to escape danger, but also gain higher with the double jump.

As Merlin watched Mortis climb higher and higher, he realized something. Using his arcane power, he created several arcane platforms that took Mortis further into the sky. Suddenly a voice sounded from above, "Go into the sea, the island will not survive." At that moment, Mortis was seen leaping higher once again, his scythe reaching wide behind his back, and a dark veil of small lights formed on his scythe. As Mortis used the "Falling Comet" attack and raced toward the boss with countless flips, Merlin could imagine an asteroid wiping out the dinosaurs. With a beautiful, long comet tail, Mortis hit the giant monster and broke through it like a hot knife through butter. But when Mortis hit the island, it created a monstrous shock wave that tore the monster into a thousand pieces like the statues. The sea was also affected, and a huge wave spread 360 degrees around the island. Merlin, who was hanging on a shield of a statue, was also blown away. If you listened closely, you could still hear: "Fuck you, Mortis." But Mortis didn't hear it, because immediately upon impact he changed into his ghostly form so as not to take any damage himself and empty his stomach contents. It was not long, however, before Mortis, along with Merlin and the few companions who had survived, were teleported into a misty room. There, King Jardolg sat on a throne, expressing gratitude and weeping with joy, for his sin had been erased from the world and he and many victims were now free. As a reward, Mortis, as a hero, received six small constructs that looked like the statues from the island. Merlin received a new robe and a special rune that he could fuse with his body to be permanently strengthened.

Mortis, Level 71 Reaper

Strength: 230 Agility: 300 Intelligence: 75 Vitality: 100 Stamina: 105 Mana: 111 Charisma: 65

Souls: 61840