Chereads / Reaper system in another world / Chapter 107 - Revelation shadow

Chapter 107 - Revelation shadow

Nightshade sat down while Kathrin took a large piece of meat from a supply yard to give to Nightshade. Mortis was impressed that the large dog did not eat until Kathrin allowed it, and he now understood why she was a huntress. Edna turned back and used the distraction to greet Mortis. She jumped into his arms and Mortis smiled, patted her head and then turned to Kathrin. "It seems, woman, that you already have my new companion completely under control." With Edna in his arms, he continued on his way, petting Nightshade behind the ears, who lay down submissively, wanting to be stroked on the belly. Mortis didn't miss the opportunity and after the petting he kissed Kathrin in greeting.

However, Kathrin was a bit petulant and when she and Valeria woke up, Mortis had disappeared without saying anything to anyone for a whole day. Mortis was able to conclude why she was upset, and he told her and Edna what had happened. This calmed Kathrin down a bit, but brought up even more questions with Edna. Kathrin suggested that it would be best for him to go to Lumina, as she could explain everything in detail. But as luck would have it, Lumina appeared in the doorway just then, red in the face with anger. Mortis asked what he had done wrong, but before he got an answer, a shoe was already flying at him. Then Lumina yelled as she ducked toward him. "Set it! You're like a beacon!"

No sooner had Lumina arrived at Mortis than the weather broke. The clouds disappeared and the shadows grew longer. Eyes could be seen from the dark corners, fixed on Mortis. Mortis understood what Lumina meant, and he concentrated on reducing the energy he was emitting and keeping it in his body. He had unconsciously released too much energy into the atmosphere.

Lumina almost jumped out of her skin, but Mrtis took her momentum and turned with her as if they were dancing, then he gave her a kiss, which Lumina tried to refuse, but the tenacious Mortris won as their tongues entwined and they kissed hotly.

In the Celestial Kingdom, Luxia was urged by the other gods to turn her gaze to Bamberg, as an unknown divine power was sensed. But when all the gods saw Lumina, a half-blood in their eyes, kissing him, their mouths remained wide open. Johan, the god of swordplay and forging, broke the silence and said loudly, "Isn't Lumina usually the faithful wife of Tenebris, who has never given herself to a human or any other being?" Luxia smiled and replied, "Oh, you don't know that yet? Lumina is not only cheating, but has left Tenebris forever." Amanda, the Goddess of Magic, almost fell over in shock, but after calming down, she said, "No wonder, the weak young twin always had to get involved with all beings to compensate." Tenebris defiantly said, "Thank you Amanda, feel free to rub salt in my wound while mentioning Sabalef." Diana, the Goddess of the Hunt, suddenly says, "Wait a minute, that's one of my followers next to him, but why don't I know about it?" Pff, because you, like Lumina, are just doing your least duties, just like Luxia. "Don't be miffed, sweetie, but you're right. We should probably get back to caring a little more about the planet and being informed about what's going on," Diana said in response.

In the hell of this planet it went differently. The evil god of darkness, Sabalef, the twin brother of Tenebris, roared from his throne: "Bring me this failure! Let him atone even further and have brought us such disgrace. But now I want to know who this hero is who suddenly has a divine aura about him, and find out who his parent is." All the evil gods cowered and set about gathering information about Mortis. At least almost all of them, because one beautiful evil goddess held her chest and continued to watch from the shadows her lover, of whom her dreams were filled.

Mortis led everyone inside, while Nightshade made the castle garden unsafe. He noticed that neither Helga, Marina, nor Leonie were present. When he asked where they were, he learned that Helga was mostly with Daniel and Sophia. Marina and Leonie were taking care of the work in town just as a carriage arrived and Jasmine got out, accompanied by dressmaker's dummies and their luggage. Mortis grinned awkwardly, not even knowing that Jasmin was still missing or exactly when she would move in. It seemed, however, that his women had everything under control. When Jasmin saw Mortis in the hallway, she didn't know how to react. Mortis was also a bit overwhelmed, because after all, their marriage was only supposed to be a sham. But Mortis went to her, gave her a quick kiss and hugged her briefly before saying, "You can put your things in Valeria's room and then come to the dining room. There will be one more celebration today until the big celebration starts tomorrow when I will have destroyed this horrible family."

Jasmine knew that a battle was coming, which is why recruitments were taking place. However, Mortis was not to know about it, neither from Leonie nor from Marina, although they believed in him. A leader needs to see that his people and soldiers are behind him, even if they actually had nothing to do. They were to witness the land of beginners, Little Franks, triumph over the nobles of Franks, which would bring Mortis even more fame and glory.

Then in the dining room, Mortis explained to Jasmin and Edna how they could use their rings to train in the Shadow Tower. This puzzled Jasmin, but Mortis simply said, "We all know you are a dancer. Why, you will see. But now to you, my dwarf goddess. Can you tell me what role you are taking? After all, we need a tank, and as a dwarf in a tank form, you could organize the five of us better. I myself have a shape and could tank, but my stats are mostly agility and strength. That would not be optimal. I would need strength and endurance," Edna said. Mortis smiled, however, and said, "I think we can manage that." He put his forehead to hers and said in his mind, "System, even though we're not married yet, add Edna to the system for my wives and change her stats perfectly to make her a powerful tank figure." The system replied, "Will do, boss." Edna was scanned as a recognized woman. An anomaly was detected: Light Dwarf, new tank shape found to be a perfect match for her. The new shape was implanted in her: light/earth dragon. Dragons are creatures of heaven and earth, and as with dwarves, there is someone among millions of them who benefits from both.

Edna's eyes widened as she felt an energy inside her that combed through her and seemed to scan everything. Then suddenly her muscles twitched and she felt a little uncomfortable before all frightened her as she in her mind a strange voice venahm the said. Edna Klichtzwergin recognized as Mortis wife she is now part of the marriage system of the Reaper system. Values are changed to a new tank shape Light/Dragon is now available as a tank shape to keep her values adjusted so she goes to the temple to ask for the blessing of her god. Edna jumped up and ran with joy, ignoring everyone and heading for the church where the statues of the other gods were.

Mortis looked after her and said I would have liked to see the dragon statues first, but I'm sure I'll have other moments to look at them. The other women were a bit surprised, but didn't worry, because sooner or later everything would be resolved. Then Valeria came into the room and greeted Mortis as usual with a slight wave, sitting down bored at the table. Truly like a cat when she wants something she is cuddly and begs but otherwise you can run after her highness thought Mortis.

When everyone sat down, there was silence, because no one knew what to say, and everyone had long faces, even the servants. When Mortis looked around and asked what was wrong, since the world wasn't ending yet, Kathrin almost started crying, which shook Mortis. But when she sobbed and told him that she was afraid for him and even Valeria looked sad, he comforted them both and tried to make them understand that they should not be afraid. He tried to convince Lumina to put in a good word, but she didn't know what to say. After all, she couldn't very well say, "When the going gets tough, I'll flood the enemies with a wave of poisons." So she too played the sad one, after all, she too wanted to be comforted. Then, when the mourning mood was almost over, at that moment Helga, Leonie and Marina came to join the sad mood. "Are you kidding me?" thought Mortis, but he gently took each woman in his arms and comforted her. "It seems that women are more emotional than logical after all," Mortis said to himself inwardly.

When everything settled down and each woman wouldn't let him go. Soon it became even more extreme when everyone offered him to share his bed for that night. Mortis lived the dream but that he should decide was almost a nightmare because he wanted to continue harmony in his castle so Leonie suggested that they make an hour change and each woman should bring a tub of water because not everyone wants to feel the sweat of the other. Mortis thought that maybe Valeria would be the only one to agree, since she is the wildest. They arranged it so that everyone had a certain time with Mortis according to their position and intimacy with him. It was decided that Leonie would have 2 hours, Maria 30 minutes, Helga 30 minutes, Kathrin and Valeria 2 hours and Jasmin. Lumina stayed out of it, she still had some patience. As for Jasmin and Edna, they had to decide that night if they were ready to surrender to Mortis.